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Considering a reorganization of the Chaos forums

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I totally agree with a few other posters here; we really can't support a structure like that.


I think a good layout would be;


1. Mortals of Chaos - this would include Vraks, which I still run, as well as Tyrants etc. I think thus would promote more conversations too.


2. Daemons of Chaos - this is probably going to be the more trafficed area for unbound allies.


And would mean people need to Learn2Tag, searches become much easier.



Also for the Lulz; I am the jeske, no I am the jeske etc.

 that does look good but i'd separate out the power armour



The Realm of Chaos


Traitorus Extremis- Chaos Space Marines (CSM, BL, CS)


The Lost and the Damned - Traitor Guard (Vraks, Tyrant's Legion, corrupted Astra Militarum)


The Infernal and Corrupt - Chaos Daemons

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Lost and the Damned is questionable, as we already have the IG board, and Vraks support is waning just as bad as the god subboards are dead.  Of course this could all pick up if there is a new Chaos supplement and FW releases the new Chaos book, but if you're using the extreme traitors board, why bother making vraks when they already fall under a subcategory?

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Lost and the Damned is questionable, as we already have the IG board, and Vraks support is waning just as bad as the god subboards are dead.  Of course this could all pick up if there is a new Chaos supplement and FW releases the new Chaos book, but if you're using the extreme traitors board, why bother making vraks when they already fall under a subcategory?

because vraks is going to pick up with unbound lists. suddenly you can just take a squad of plague ogryn with your plague marines or chem shell mortars with your traitor guard rather than having to take the whole detachment.

also forgeworld is releasing a book updating them by the end of the year. 


as one of the admittedly few vraksian players i would like to request a forum for me and mine to discuss Vraks, tyrants legion and traitor guard and how they can be used in a chaotic setting.

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Not trying to make problems, but what about the PA elements of Tyrants, Vraks etc.?


I thought a simple split between Mortal(incl. DP) and Immortal(all C:Daemons) would be easier? more likely to foster community too.


I basically see the future of the forum resting on the ability of fans from the various established books/forces/warbands to cross pollinate ideas and create new combinations and interests.


This is the basic reading I get from this thread too.

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The Vraks lists have potential, but the Tyrant's Guard is currently covered in the Astra Militarum forum (albeit, with a sprinkling of Space Marines).


Under the current rules, traitor guard, too, are covered in the Astra Militarum forum. If GW/FW ever give us a good traitor guard list (and Vraks is close), we'll definitely consider a forum in the Realm of Chaos category for them.


I'm not saying that the book is closed on a place to discuss Vraks, but I don't want anyone to think that I'm promising it, either.

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I think that:

Either there is no need to change things from how they are unless the in-game representation of the forces of Chaos changes dramatically.

Or changes should favor consolidation of subforums in the way others have said: Mortals and Daemons being the broad categories.


Proper use of thread tags should provide enough of an aid to navigation and/ or searches. Puffing up the number of subforums for what amounts to the same armies with different paintjobs isn't helpful to newcomers and the Works in Progress and Hall of Honor sections are where Chaos shines brightest anyways.

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I just fed all my "likes" to this thread.


Im betting the IA:Choas book will reinvigorate us, options possibly including posessed drop pods (apparently) and a straight vraks/traitor guard list (though i suspect it will be just vraks).


Until then, I cant see a need for change, even though the attention is nice.

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I'd say to keep things as they are. To me, Chaos has always been about either one of the four grand gods, an undivided warband, and the warp creatures. As has been said many times before in a couple of different ways, each and every legion currently is no more than the same Chaos Space Marine with a different paint job, and maybe a god-specifric elite choice.

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I just fed all my "likes" to this thread.

Im betting the IA:Choas book will reinvigorate us, options possibly including posessed drop pods (apparently) and a straight vraks/traitor guard list (though i suspect it will be just vraks).

Until then, I cant see a need for change, even though the attention is nice.

Wait, is there a IA: Chaos book in the works? That would be amazeballs.

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I've not read all of the above, but agree with the sentiment that there is not enough activity on the Chaos board to justify splitting them up further.


Look at what's happened in the IH forum, they said it feels like a ghost town.


Keep all the mortal threads together, the god specific ones can probably stay, as thy are seeing a little bit more activity now. The Tzeentch subforum is picking up.

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I'm also adding my 2p worth to the discussion: As a Traitor Guard player, I'd love to see them get their own section in the Realms of Chaos board. I used to use the list from C: Eye of Terror, which is where they first caught my eye. Maybe merging the Gods and Daemons into one forum would be better, so it would look like -

Chaos Space Marines (CSM, BL, CS)

Mortals of Chaos (Traitor Guard, Vraks, Lost and the Damned etc)

Garden of the Gods (khorne, tzeentch, nurgle and slanesh all go here, as well as Daemons being incorporated here too). 


These are just my on thoughts though. I love some of the suggestions put forward too. Anyone noticed how we're supposed to be the wacky villians of 40k but in fact we're actually saying reduce our space for the betterment of the community? I love you guys. Makes me love my damnation that bit more. 

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Slaves to Darkness - CSM's 

Lost and the Damned - Vracks, Traitor Guard ETC

Daemnica Maleficarum - Daemons




Slaves to Darkness - Khorne aligned Csm, Slaanesh aligned Csm, Khorne and Slaanesh Daemons 

Lost and the Damned - Nurgle aligned Csm, Tzeentch aligned Csm, Nurgle and Tzeentch Daemons

Chaotica Unalignedica - Word Bearers, Alpha Legion etc, Traitor guard

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Slaves to Darkness - Khorne aligned Csm, Slaanesh aligned Csm, Khorne and Slaanesh Daemons 

Lost and the Damned - Nurgle aligned Csm, Tzeentch aligned Csm, Nurgle and Tzeentch Daemons

Chaotica Unalignedica - Word Bearers, Alpha Legion etc, Traitor guard

Bit of healthy intra-forum competition?

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Slaves to Darkness - Khorne aligned Csm, Slaanesh aligned Csm, Khorne and Slaanesh Daemons 

Lost and the Damned - Nurgle aligned Csm, Tzeentch aligned Csm, Nurgle and Tzeentch Daemons

Chaotica Unalignedica - Word Bearers, Alpha Legion etc, Traitor guard

Bit of healthy intra-forum competition?


oh yesss

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Slaves to Darkness - CSM's

Lost and the Damned - Vracks, Traitor Guard ETC

Daemnica Maleficarum - Daemons




Slaves to Darkness - Khorne aligned Csm, Slaanesh aligned Csm, Khorne and Slaanesh Daemons

Lost and the Damned - Nurgle aligned Csm, Tzeentch aligned Csm, Nurgle and Tzeentch Daemons

Chaotica Unalignedica - Word Bearers, Alpha Legion etc, Traitor guard

I see what you did there :O

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is there anyone out there whose main army is or who regularly allies in traitor guard, vraks etc who does NOT want a separate forum to discuss them? 
surely if we want it we should have it, it doesn't inconvenience anyone else by being there

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Truth be told I actually like the definition of the board using the old Rogue Trader books titles which heralded the coming of Chaos. As for the Undivided just name it Liber Chaotica and be done with it.


But in the end I think no more than three subsections are needed, Daemons, Mortal Armies and Army Lists...


As I see it we might get some new dataslates or perhaps even a supplement but it is a forlorn hope waiting for legion specific books, especially if they come out like the Black Legion one. Despite how much I would love to be able to say that I play Legion xy and have the rules to back up this claim this is not going to happen, or at least not in a year or two. We of Chaos are a small community compared to the other ones on this board thus our main focus should be used to concentrate the topics in one section and use it as a think tank for our army projects. Topics like mine on the CSM, the Music of Chaos, the Inspiration Thread... those are the sort of topics we direly need at this moment, anything that makes us feel proud by playing chaos and I think that while the god/legion boards would be fine it is better still to have all in one place so that most of the chaos community sees it and discusses it. 


In short I think that the main reasoning behind any organization of the board should be based upon the goal of strengthening the Chaos community, provide a general section which would act as a think tank and use our small numbers to our advantage and thus create a more connected faction on this boards, slowly building a sense of connection to the Chaos Faction.


So my advice:


Traitoris Extremis for: Chaos Space Marines, Renegade Marines, Traitor Guard, Cults, Dark Mechanicus

Extremis Diabolous for Chaos Daemons

Excommunicate Traitoris for the Chaos Army Lists


Simple as that. We should focus our effort on the content, not on some numbers of boards or sections. We are few, thus the wise man would concentrate our efforts and promote debate rather than squander our resources on an x number of boards which would rarely see any activity.   

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It has to do with our numbers situation, nothing fancy like liber chaotica or unified chaos. I can't see why we need one for Guard when Traitor Guard and Tyrant Legion go to the AM board and Vraks is barely useful as a supplementary list, let alone standalone.


Yeah, when support for more chaos lists warrants mre, boards, we can always requisition them. Till then, just scrub the god specific boards and leave us the ascendant and demon board. You can even change the name so the old timers can feel fuzzy or we can hop on the hodor quality naming convention.

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It has to do with our numbers situation, nothing fancy like liber chaotica or unified chaos. I can't see why we need one for Guard when Traitor Guard and Tyrant Legion go to the AM board and Vraks is barely useful as a supplementary list, let alone standalone.


Yeah, when support for more chaos lists warrants mre, boards, we can always requisition them. Till then, just scrub the god specific boards and leave us the ascendant and demon board. You can even change the name so the old timers can feel fuzzy or we can hop on the hodor quality naming convention.

Vraks is very useful as a supplementary book and i regularly win games using it as a stand alone army. Its become even more useful given unbounded armies since we can now lift out a unit of (better) zombies or renegade ogryn or some of the other gems without bothering with the rest of the list. Also with them due for an update very soon we will see a rise in the number of users. Those of us who do play them and the other traitor guard/mechanicus want a forum to ourselves and its no skin off your nose if we get one. 

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