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Astorath worth it?

Anver Cassiel

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As the title suggest im debating whether or not to use a counts as Astorath for my blood angels successors but have no experience with playing blood angels in recent editions. Is he worth the points? or would I be better off just going for my own reclusiarch? I would go for a libby but fluff wise im sticking more to captains and chaplains. Thanks in advance for the help,



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No, too pricey for what he does. Red Thirst isn't worth it nowadays and he himself strikes at I1 with too few attacks, maybe if he was a little cheaper. Shame coz I have a great counts as which I can't be bothered finishing!


A must for more than one DC squad however.


Got to say his fluff sucks too!!

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I took him a few times. I used him as a sort of captain.... Fluffwise id use his stats for a captain but on the tabletop I stuck him with a DC to act as an (quite expensive) chaplain :)


Hes quite good in combat and makes a nice warlord though :) And while yes, he strikes at I1 he hits quite hard. S6 AP2 that force an opponent to reroll invul saves (last part often forget I feel...) is quite dangerous :D


The arty armour and extra red thrist are also all quite nice (if you can roll 1-3.... Most of the times that I used him I kept rolling 4+'s :P) and well.... That and his weapon are the only reasons to take him really as the rest are the normal chaplainy things :)


So in short. Expensive but quite good in combat. Most of the things in our codex are overpriced. If you can get over that hes quite alright ^_^

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I use Astorath in my 1250 Death Company list and when playing Apocalypse. Personally, I find he dies far too often for my tastes in challenges however, in his first game he did tank half an Imperial Guard army for me.


To run with Death Company you ideally need them to be equipped with Jump Packs and this sadly, isn't efficient. I don't play regular "jump lists" but if I did, Astorath would not be my go to HQ choice as there are better options for that imo.

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Although I tend to agree that JP DC are overpriced.... they are also horribly effective at tearing the heart out of your opponents army (if he doesent out assault you...) when they reach his lines somewhat unscathed.

Granted you have to play them SUPER agressivly but it can pay itself back so easily! Then again they can also die easily if the dice arent willing or they get a pie plate or two on their heads while outside cover whistlingW.gif

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In my own humble experience, so long as you take enough bodies to absorb a round of shooting and lucky overwatch, even a lightly tooled-up death company with chaplain or reclusiarch is the best point-for-point melee unit in the game. When they get the charge of course. Even when they don't it will take a very powerful unit to wipe them out in a turn, and that's a very powerful unit whih isn't hitting your scoring units.


Using jump pack DC was probably the biggest buzz I've had in 40k. I guess we know why they make them so expensive eh.

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DC are pretty much the loyalist Khornate beserkers.


To give them a little comparison....

Beserker: WS5, 1 attack each, fearless, furious charge, counter attack and rage. 19 pts a model.

DC marine: WS5, 2 attacks each, fearless, feel no pain, furious charge, relentless, rage. Cannot score and 20 pts a model.


Both units can take a rhino as a transport. DC can however choose to take jump packs. With a JP theyre 35 points (with chainsword and BP) and while horribly overpriced DC benefit from something else. They synergize incredibly well with a chaplain whom also gives the reroll to wound on the charge.


On foot DC probably beat KB's considering they get more attacks (5 on the charge if they have ccw+bp vs 4) and DC can even take bolters, benefit from the same amount of close combat attacks in combat while also getting to shoot their weapons thanks to relentless! If both units have a Chaplain (or Dark Apostle for chaos) the DC also win out, considering they also get re-roll to wound (on the charge)


Khornate beserkers are scoring though (specialy if your lord has a MoK) which the DC never are capable off...


All that said, DC are IMHO one of the most fluffy and bad ass units that loyalist astartes armies can take ^_^ nothing screams death like a bunch of mad men dressed in black power armour who rend and tear their way through your lines not caring if they do or not. :D

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