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1000 + 250 campaign, w battle reps


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Hi all,


There's a 40k newb campaign running in my local store, and I'm playing with my Sons of Thunder using BA codex, so I thought I'd share my experiences with y'all, and maybe you can give me some tactical input and advice on what to put next in my list.


My current list is:


Reclusiarch w jumppack, 155


Fragioso w drop pod and grapple 175


7 Death company w jumppacks and an axe, a sword and a claw 290


10 ASM, fist, 2xMG 235


Baal Predator, HB sponsons 145


That's 1000 pts right there. It's 4 games, each with 250 additional pts, without touching the last list



The first game was against chaos marines, he had:


Lord (axe with 1d6 attacks but less WS and BS)

2 x tactical squads, one 10, the other 9, rhinos. Both had flamers, the tenner had a plasmagun

6 bikes, one meltagun and a fist


He had mark of khorne everywhere, and some random weird stuff for his paladins, but none of the random boons had any influence.


The game was the one where each player places a single 3 pt objective, no tactical objectives.


Since I outshoot him slightly (thanks to the pred) I let him go first and help me close the gap while I shoot some of his guys. In retrospective maybe going first and podding the fragioso in the middle of his deployment would have bought me some more time. He was meaner in cc, save for the DC with the reclusiarch, but I knew eventually cc would happen, since most of my army is also cc oriented, so I wanted him to come closer and net me the first charges.


He deployed both rhinos in the middle, one with 10 men inside, the other 9 + lord. The bikes where on the right flank. I put DC and a combat squad (fist) on the left, the other combat squad (2 MG) on the right, and baal in the left-middle. It was more or less a denied flank, wth of my stuff on the left. My objective was in the left flank in my line, and his was mid-field right. Everything was on cover except for the pred.


1st turn chaos


He advances with everything, shooting a plasma at the pred out of a rhino hatch, to no effect. His bikes turbo towards my combat squad behind the ruins in the right


1st turn BA


The fragioso pods behind his two rhinos, closer to the one without the lord. The melta combat squad doesn't want to be assaulted by the bikes and legs it towards my left flank. DC and the other squad advance slightly towards the non-lord rhino and the fragioso.


The dread shoots everything at the rhino and pops it. The baal kills 2-3 of the disembarked marines.


2nd turn chaos


Disembarked marines assault the fragioso, it kills 2-3 more in overwatch and ensuing cc, but a lucky melta bomb pops it. Lord rhino moves forward but not too much, it's controlling the mid-field objective and he doesn't want to get far. Bikes turn around the ruins and shoot at my jumpers, killing one.


2nd turn BA


Reclusiarch and DC and fist ASM squad advance to avenge the fragioso, but fail the charge. Melta squad keeps jumping towards my objective and away from the bikes. Baal kills 2 bikers, one is the paladin with the fist, and the other is a meltagunner, so his chances of popping the baal are rather slim right now, short of beign assaulted by his lord.


3rd turn chaos


His disembarked marines take cover behind the wreck rhino instead of assaulting the DC. If he had assaulted the DC, he'd have all his charge bonuses and I'd have none, but still with all the power weapon attacks I had I think it didn't matter that much. His lord disembarks in the middle, far away from everything but close to his objective (controlled by the rhino anyway)


The bikes keep moving towards my left flank (baal and 2 ASM combat squads), killing one of my meltaguns.


3rd turn BA


MG squad keeps legging it. Now a single marine is left, standing on the objective. The rest have died to fire from bikes and lord squad. Baal shoots at the lord squad, and they go to ground. He did that to have a cover save against the rending hits :O. As I said, newb campaign :). 2 marines die anyway. DC assaults and kills the other squad, and consolidates towards the lord. Since they went to ground they won't be able to assault nor shoot effectively next turn, so the DC and reclusiarch are quite safe. Fist squad decides to move back to the objective and wait for the bikes behind loads of difficult terrain.


4th turn chaos


His lord stands up, his bikes assault my fist squad killing 3, and I kill one with the sarge. My jumpers stay put.


4th turn BA.


It seems his bikes can kill all my remaining scorers, and he's still holding his objective so my only chances now seem to assault the lord and his retinue with the DC and hope for the best. His lord is quite a beast, and I know the reclusiarch is no match in a challenge, but the DC themselves can really tip the balance.


My lonely survivor in the MG combat squad assaults the bikes to give some support to the first sarge and his buddy. This is probably stupid, since he didn't do anything anyway, and he lost the objective. The other 2 marines could've held the bikes on their own.


DC and reclusiarch obliterate lord & Co, with 1 wound left and 4 DC alive. I was quite lucky since his lord had 8 attacks with S7 and FP2, at initiative (don't ask me how), But he rolled poorly, and the rosarius did its job. Nothing happens in the bike area. I forget to swing with the sarge :(


5th turn chaos


He only has the bikes and a rhino. The rhino shoots at my DC and does nothing, his bikes lose one biker to the fist, fail morale, and the 2 remaining bikes are cought in the sweeping advance, bye bye bikers. I consolidate towards the objective.


5th turn BA


My jumpers take back my objective, and the DC assault and destroy the rhino, tabling him. The reclusiarch is within 3" of the other objective so he controls it. Just for that extra salt in the wound.




So all in all I think the game went well for me mostly because my opponent didn't use his squads to their full ability. His lord and friends in particular didn't have any influence in the battle, and they could've. And I realised with only 10 ultra-scoring bodies, and almost a third of my army invested on one of the only units in the whole 40k world that doesn't score, my chances of grabbing or holding objectives are quite poor.


In terms of strategy, I think I should've played the denied flank fully, and leave the meltaguns close to the objective Instead of alone on the right. I was afraid to get close to use them, since all those khorne marines were clearly a lot more killy than that squad. Could've used them as bait in the enemy deployment with DoA though. But I think they would've been overrun by the bikes and not distract the rhinos. I hope next match I'm against someone with nice tanks and squishy troops and I can just suicidestrike them :)


The charge I failed with the DC was a bad mistake on my part, since I had a whole turn to maneuver before, and didn't use it properly to set the assault up. Next time I'll be more careful. I think part of my chaotic use of units was my lack of a proper plan (or any plan whatsoever :)). Should give this more thought next time.


I got lucky assaulting the lord, but that could've gone badly and loose me the game due to slay the warlord. I already had first blood, so probably shoud've used the DC for line-breaking (or even let the reclusiarch do it, and send the DC to assault anyway). I was more scared of the bikes than was due. There was a baal right there waiting for them bikes to finish their cc, and the lord squad was committed to holding his objective, so if I secured mine, with first blood and a linebreaker against his linebreaking bikes, it would have been a 5-4 for me. However if I had gone that conservative route and his bikes had gotten lucky, I'd have lost, so in the end I took a risk and it worked and I got a 7-0 and tabled opponent :)



Next saturday I'll be playing the next game and I have to add 250 points to the list. My first choice was another 10 man ASM unit, and another DC looney, but I'd have to build 8 of those guys this week, and I'm not sure I'll have the time. I do have a stormraven almost ready to get at least some primer love, so I'm pretty sure I can have it ready for next week. I also have 10 scouts, 5 snipers and 5 ccw. And I have some guys riding cold ones that I've been using as bikes, so I could get a librarian biker and 5 white scars as allies (I don't want to go this route, but it'd mean more scorers)


What I plan to add right now is the stormraven and a MM attack bike. Then will come either a DC dread and 5 ASM (sword + flamer) or a priest (only pack), those 5 marines, and a second MM bike. I still have no plans on what to put on the last 250 points, and I don't want to go the mephy route, but I can be convinced :D



Soooo, If anyone had the patience to read all that, thanks!


Any comments welcome!

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I didn't check his list and don't have and never have read the chaos codex, so I don't know...both rhinos had something allowing him to ram (D6 S5 impacts, 2D6 if I try to stop the ram). The Lord had a 4++ and some kind of demon axe and a mutation. All the paladins had either a fist or a sword, and melta bombs. Everything had mark of khorne. The 3 Paladins had those mutations as well (random roll at the start of the game, and whenever they win a challenge, the effects of the rolls last the whole game). All his units had countercharge, rage and furious assault (that's what mark of khorne does, right?). All the tactical marines had bolt pistol, bolter and CCW (normal equipment for a CSM, no?). Everything had hatred of the space marines, including BA I think (veterans of the long war or something like that), so rerolling all hits during the first turn of assault.The Paladins were veterans. It's true they were few, but on the charge any of his units was still scary (4 attacks each, w rerolls). The first time I assaulted we played the countercharge as if they were assaulting, and counted the rage and furious assault bonuses too (apparently that's how it works in fantasy, and this was his first 40k game, he's a fantasy player). His lord was fearless also.


So let's see:


tac squad, 10 marines, veterans of the long war, plasmagun, flamer, mark of khorne, paladin w boon, sword, melta bomb, rhino with ramming thingy...aprox 250?

tac squad, 9 marines, as above minus the plasmagun...220?

6 bikers, veterans as well, meltagun, mark of khorne, kited out paladin (fist, melta bomb, mutation)...maybe around 200 too?

lord, 4++, demon axe of doom (D6 extra attacks), khorne, stormbolter, mutation, 10000 yrs old...200?


That gives 870 points, so maybe he was missing some points indeed. Then again, I've no clue of what costs what in the chaos codex, all those are guesses based on the SM codex which I do own and have played with. But the more chaosy upgrades are total guess-work (mark and veterans of the long war). He told me his list was 999, and it seemed like it had been done with army builder or something similar, he had a page with all the special rules and weapons everything had, and the profiles of every unit (I just preferred to trust him and didn't look at it). He came with 2 more friends that had played some more 40k, back in 5th ed, and they helped him build the list, and play the whole battle. Actually going to ground was the idea of one of these friends :) . And being a fantasy player, I assume he does know how to read a codex and add up all the stuff :)


So I think the short answer is: yes, lots of upgrades!!

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Thats a rather unhealthy number of upgrades.... Does the player have more models or doesent he and did he use the upgrades to fill the space? If its the latter, its completly understandable if he does have more models hes probably better off taking more models. And since its a starter campaign id tell him this to give yourself a better opponent :) better opponents means you also have to step up your game and makes the game more fun for all ;)

IIRC chaos marines CAN have both CCW+BP and bolter but have to pay for it. The VOTLW upgrade also costs points. MOK gives counter attack and furious charge (IIRC, dont have the codex on me) which makes them pretty good in combat. HOWEVER, if you have rage it doesent give you 2 attacks, nor do you get the bonus from furious charge. You just get +1A. (mixing fantasy and 40K is a VERY bad idea. Id suggest your friends just stick to 1 rulebook while playing 40k biggrin.png )

Question: what do you mean with his paladins? Ive seen you mention it a few times but im not sure what you mean with it unsure.png

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Hm, in the Spanish codex the Paladins are the sergeants in the squads...champions in english maybe?...I said paladins because he kept saying this paladin does this, and this paladin does that :)


I think it was the second case, him using all the models he had available (even some loans), so he had to reach the 1000 pt mark getting every upgrade he could. He'd probably have a different army if he had more models. Likely something similar to what he already had, plus some support like a vindicator, a defiler, or obliterators.


In the end it seems like I'll be playing not this saturday, but next, so I have 2 weeks to build the additional points. I could totally do 10 more ASM. But now I really want to try out the storm raven, so I'll take the silly approach instead of the sensible one, and finish building and painting the big flying box. :D


Next 250:


MM attack bike (mostly because I don't know what else to fit in 50 points)


After that 4 options:


5 ASM, flamer, meltabomb, sword

jump priest, barebones

MM attack bike



MM attack bike

5 CCW scouts (so I have objective capturers to jump from the raven)

DC dread (so I have something scary to drop from the raven)



MM attack bike

ASM squad with the remaining 200 points (so either less bodies, or 2 flamers with barebones sergeant).



5 ASM, flamer, meltabomb, sword

DC dread



With either option I'd really like to include the second MM bike to make that lonely one less of a first blood target and also a more reliable melta delivery system. The 10 man ASM with 2 flamers looks like a good solid option to capture random objectives while everything else does the killing, but the DC dread sounds like lots of fun!


I can also ditch the first MM bike and beef up the DC squad (another guy with an axe/sword), then for the next batch I've got more points to play with since I don't need to include the second bike.


So many options!!!

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Ah, I did not know the spanish sergeants were called paladins :) Paladins are actually also a unit from the grey knight codex. So hence my confusion ;)

First of all I see alot of love for the humble MM AB :) theyre an awesome unit so having 1 or 2 in your army is always a good source of AT ^_^ (just pray yours has a little better accuracy then mine does wallbash.gif )

I would defenitly go for the biggest ASM unit that you can bring tbh. Your low on scoring units and bodies so you can really use those atm. That said you are also quite low on FnP outside of your DC. I would suggest taking a jump SP alongside the marines to screen both assault squads (he generates a 6 inch FNP+FC bubble after all) and at 75 points it shouldnt be to hard for him to earn his points back :) save 5 marines with FNP and he earned his keep. Get an additional FC charge out of him (or two) and he will defenitly have earned it back with ease thumbsup.gif

If you give the squad 2 meltaguns theyre also an added AT threat. They can instant kill MEQ (or terminators) and considering you shouldnt have trouble killing hordes with BA they seem a more fitting choice imho!

So I present option E!

Option E:

8 RAS, 2 meltaguns, bare sergeant (dont even have to make a model for him, just mark one at the start of the match as sergeant :))

SP with jumppack

249 points

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SM can have 2 special guns no matter how many jumpers are in the squad, but BA is one gun for every 5 guys :(...hopefully new codex will change this, but for now your proposal is not legal :)


I do like it though, brings many more bodies to the army and a priest that I do want to try out. At that point I'll be at 1500, so I need to go up in scorers pronto!. The 10 points can become meltabombs for priest and sarge, or make it a flamer and a sword instead. Don't know if the priest can even take melta bombs.


There seems to be plenty of CSM in the campaign, and some other power armour forces, so the sword is good, but so is the melta. The flamer not so good though. There's some guard and some nids and maybe an ork, but that's about it. Maybe a plasma pistol?


Don't need to decide right now, so I'll give it some thought while I build a bunch of jumpers with magnetised stumps :)


Thanks for the input!!!

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You are quite correct on the "1 special weapon per 5 marines" part. Completly forget that.... You can spend the 10 points on something else then :P


Glad you like the suggestion :)


Another possible suggestion would be:


Option F

5 man assault squad with meltagun, powersword and riding a TLLC razorback (can replace the weapon with something else if you prefer) - 180 pts

SP on foot joins them. - 50 pts

Still 20 points to play with. Can equip the SP with a powerweapon and meltabombs or somesuch.


A little less number of bodies then the 8 man with SP and a little harder to actually assault with seeing how they have to disembark first and all.... But quite a good unit if you want to go the mech route :) you also have a fast platform with a TLLC :D nice if you need the AT punch and want a mech list ^_^

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The priest's bubble goes out of the vehicle?...Any BA unit within 6 of that razorback would get FC and FnP?...If that's the case, I like this option a lot smile.png...I do have a primed razorback lying somewhere around. They can't assault when they disembark, but they can be a nuisance, and the razor is both easy to pop, and hard to ignore (ultrascoring, and can do some damage). If it's popped, the ASM can assault in my following turn, so that's already forcing the opponent to make a call, which is always good news for me.

I don't want to spam razorbacks, but I wouldn't mind a priest bubble from a razorback surrounded by jumpers. Bad thing is the priest won't be able to keep up the pace once his ride is popped. But running he might make it close enough to keep providing his bubble.

I do have some bits to build another priest and I've been thinking about it, so this is a good chance to do it (when I did the other one I hadn't discovered the magic in magnets yet, so the jump pack is glued).

If I take a cheaper razorback I can afford another attack bike, so that could be an option too.

For the moment I'll keep building the infantry, and give more thought to the whole thing smile.png

Also, emperors, thanks for your suggestion!...The baal did perform well, I'm sure a second one would be good, but I do need more ultra-scoring infantry when I reach the 1500 mark, so 5 ASM are a must, whether in a rhino/razor, jumping, podding, or whatever.

I could do 5 ASM w flamer and a baal though. I'll keep it in mind. Once I'm done building the 5 ASM I'll have to pick what comes with them, either more infantry, or a tank, or MM ABs, or a priest on foot, or whatever (the DC dread is still there lurking in the back of my mind smile.png )

One thing I did notice with the baal is that the TLAC was far more effective than the HB sponsons. This was against power armor, I guess against light infantry both guns would be more even. Also some times one of the sponsos wouldn't be able to shoot, due to not wanting to expose a flank. The enemy didn't have anti tank though, so the baal didn't have to worry about weapon destroyed results. Anyway, would a second baal with only the turret be worth it?...or would in that case be better to just take a razorback with TLAC?

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Baal predators are quite powerfull tanks. Even against MEQ's they will reap a mighty toll of victims unless they die very early in the match smile.png theyre also very dangerous low AV vehicle hunters happy.png

I generally pair a Baal together with a Vindicator. While the vindicator gets the worst of the AT thrown at it, it does sometimes make my opponent ponder what weapons to fire at what tank. Only having 1 AV13 vehicle is generally bad as it will take the worst of your opponents AT weapons. The SR is AV12 overall but since most units will be hitting it on 6's this will mean that it (most likely) wont take away any of the AT fire the Baal will get...

Vehicles work best in pairs ive found and the pairing doesent need to be identical msn-wink.gif

The priests bubble does indeed stretch out from the hull which means it covers more ground then if it were on foot. A razorback is easy to destroy though... What I like about it is that its fat and that means you can zoom around 12 inches and fire at enemy tanks their sides sometimes. Its also scoring and remains a vehicle, can be quite tough to destroy. Like you say yourself your opponent might not want to destroy it because your ASM can then charge next turn. This is both a drawback and a strength. With a meltagun in there you can drive up to a target, disembark and have 2 heavy duty AT weapons fire at an exposed tank :D

All that said unless you want all these options id go for the one that you feel most comfortable with. Considering our assault marines are scoring theyre generally speaking a good bet.

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In general I don't want to go the tank route, else I see how my force can easily become a mechanized army, which is not what my goal is now. That baal is there as a support element, but I don't want it to become a theme. Right now AV13 is also shared by the dread, although since it gets stuck right in, side/rear shots are easier against it. But the distraction factor is still there to give the baal some more time to shine. For now that'll do.


What got me into BA is the possibility of a full jump army, so jump infantry is what I'm after in general terms, then some supporting elements. I also get bored of painting the same things, hence why I tend to have one of each :) Otherwise I'd probably have a horde of jumpers and little more.


Anyway, there's plenty of food for thought and good advice in this thread already, so thanks!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all!


I played the second round today. I'll skip the batrep since it's mostly him castling and shooting and me trying to get close and getting shot to pieces in the process. I did manage to kill more or less as much as him, but in general he got better tactical objective cards (quite close to him most of them), and had plenty more troops to control this and that objective. I only got an easy one, all the others were in his deployment, or difficult to achieve. He couldn't table me because I had 3 vehicles left by the end (baal, raven, and dread), and he only had some autocannons, but all my infantry had been blown to pieces. End result was 9-4, could've been worse I guess ;)


I did what I could, I made one mistake with the tactical objectives cards, and mostly played to kill things instead of objective controlling. But I can't help it, I don't like the objective thingy, I like the killing, so that's that :)


All in all I'm a bit disappointed with the furioso dread. I've played it in 3 games, and none of them it's had too much influence. I know the fragioso in pod is a very popular BA unit, so I'd appreciate any advice on configuration and usage, because I can't seem to make it work.



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Fraggy dreads do tend to be ineffective when dropped on their own. The popular - and potentially devastating - approach is to drop at least two of them. Of course that means you need three pods, so its up to you if you want to go down that route.


Been using fraggies for a while now, used to run three until I met corbulo :) I regard them as a 'chaff' unit i.e. expendable, but use them wisely and they can claim back double their points in one turn. Having one is just giving first blood away; having two is a headache for your oppo.

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Yes, I've had that first blood thing happen...twice :)...the other time it managed to get the first blood himself, but in a way that's the general feeling, either first blood for me, or for my opponent. I do have 3 pods, and my intention is 2 dreads and some infantry (prolly stern guard, but 5 ASM with meltas could be just as nice), but I haven't tried them in a list yet.


So with 2 dreads, what do you usually do?...drop them together first turn to try and get first blood and a strong firebase on an enemy flank?...I guess this can be very situational, but maybe there are some guidelines :)

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It depends what I'm up against and what mission; say if it's a 5-objective mission and my oppo is daemons with only a few units of troops but those being plaguebearers with shrouded, sitting in cover with a 2+ cover save, I would probably drop a dread to each unit, whittling them right down so that the ASM have time to finish them and go firm. Likewise with DE and several units being carried in their open-topped transports, I would split fire just to kill as many as possible.


As a general rule though I drop around one flank and hammer the other with blast / barrage. Depends on how your oppo concentrates his forces. But it boosts your dreads survivability if they can give mutual support should they still be effective in turn 2.


Most recently - haven't played since the week before 7th ed due to work - on turn 1 I was dropping two fraggies, a DC blender and a strong tooled-up ASM with corbulo to cover their rear vs fast units and jump troops like warp spiders.


And from watching some of the top players, they run key units in pairs or threes, never alone.


Not sure how that sounds to you, it all depends on personal style :)


Drop lists may not be sure-fire tournament winners but I've heard veteran players saying how they can bring a surprise. A SW pod list came in the top ten - can't remember if 6th or 9th - at this year's adepticon in the US, so with our fraggy and magna-melta dreads, we've definitely got the tools for the job. They just need the right kind of support.

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It's just difficult to fit all the cool stuff with all the needed stuff :D...I'm enjoying a lot a reclusiarch with a squad of jumper DCs, but they eat so many points that the competitiveness of the list suffers a lot. I could very easily remove them and do some other trimming and include the second dread and more ASM. Currently one third of my army can't score and die too easily, which is a very big problem :D...works well against non-optimized lists. Everyone has fun because my opponent can kill some, but they still make it to cc. But they are there more to enjoy the feeling of rolling so many dice on the charge, than to help me win the day.


For now I'm still very new and I'm not really interested in overly competitive play. This campaign is an excuse to learn 7th at the local store, but the setting is very loose and the lists are not very optimized. However I'd hate to make a list in which I have to leave out stuff that I like for competitiveness sake. Otherwise, specially with maelstrom of war, I'd go MSU-razor with 3 heavy hitting pods and a raven or 2.


But I like jumpers, I love my chaplain, and I'm building even more jump DC atm, so all I can do is hope the new dex allows the DC to score, or makes them cheaper to compensate for their lack of tactical usefulness :D


Cheers for the advice on the dreads, 3 days ago I had a furioso ordered at the store. I want to try it as a blender dread jumping from the raven, but since god made magnets, I'll be trying it as a second fraggy as well for sure!!

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Hehe yeah I totally understand why you like jump DC :D Definitely the most fun unit in the game!! But they are even more of a point sink now that pretty much every other model in the game is scoring. Maybe you'll want to swap them once you get the hang of things, but until then I know you'll have fun!
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To bring the list up to 1500 for the next game I've finally chosen:

- 65: DC jumper with thunder hammer

- 75: Jump priest

- 110: 5 ASM, melta bomb and flamer

I needed the bodies and wanted the priest, so ASM + priest were almost compulsory. I also want the DC to be able to deal with walkers or MCs, so the hammer was something I wanted to do. In a recent game a hellbrute and another chaos walker tied my DC for the last 2 turns, and that sucked. Plus I've built the guy and am very happy with his looks, so he needs to be in smile.png

I could swap one of the chainswords for the hammer and put 2 bodies in the ASM instead of a single DC. But the DC unit would be left with 4 special weapons and only 3 meat shields and I feel that's not enough. I also wanted to beef the DC a bit since my army grows, but the enemy's grow too and they have more guns to kill DC smile.png

I wish I could swap one of the power swords for the hammer and put another naked DC and a naked ASM, but campaign rules don't allow it.

Anyway, I want to start preparing for the next round.

Currently playing with 3 ideas:

- Be sensible:

Beef the second ASM up to 10 men, get a couple more MM attack bikes, and an extra naked DC.

- Be nasty:

Vindicator, HB/AC pred

- Be conservative:


I'd like to get a second fraggy in pod, but with 250 points I don't have enough for the dread plus another podded unit. They let you add things to the unit, but not change things, so I can't swap jumpacks for a pod. So the double fragioso will have to wait for another list.

Suggestions? Opinions? Advice?

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I think keeping pod's in odd numbers is good 1-3-5 since you round up drop pod assault. The Jump pack DC is by far your biggest dmg dealer. DC dread looks fun, a vindicator will take some pressure off your other units early even if it dosnt do dmg.


You could add a Vindicator and a AC/Bolter pred. That way you have 3 tanks so you can make a 10-12 inch wall that can safely get the DC into assault. Moving 12" with all tanks and putting jumpers behind it. A tank triple tank wall will also protect the side armor of your vindi. 


I dont really play Mephiston, but he would fit nicely in a stormraven. 

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Mephiston is my least favorite option, but I want to use him eventually, since for so many BA players he's the auto include. I want to know what's that about smile.png

I like your 3 tank wall idea. Wanted to try the DC dread, but it can wait. Can also be 2 vindis with the baal. Not sold on the AC/HB pred...Don't have the codex on me now, but I'll check pred configurations later and decide. Thanks!

Edit: Just checked the codex and saw vindicators with dozer blades are 150, not 125 as I thought. This means pred + vindi is viable, DC dread + vindi is not. 150 feels expensive though. I might go with the dread and 5 more jumpers.

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My two cents here is abuse fast vindis I run 2 in all my lists and when I can I take 3 in the formation cause 10" S10 Ap1 is nasty. I do however run jumper heavy most of my games are maelstrom of war so speed is key...


Yeah, vindis don't even have to hit anything. They will soak so much dmg with the new 7th ed dmg table.


I dont think the AC/HB Pred is great, but it is however cheap if you need to stay under 250 (basically a 100 point wall that can grab objectives) i'd much rather have a Baal, but that would take you past 250. Multimelta bikes also nice. My logic would be the DC with JP are so overpriced, if your gonna play them you need to get them across the table safe.

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I have plenty of time to decide, so for now I'm considering all the options... I was dying to try out the blender dread and I'm picking it up in 3 days...still, the tank wall makes loads of sense, and it'll be fun as well. You are right that at the moment, the DC are the nicest target on the table after the fragioso. Having 3 tanks advancing as well would give my opponent something else to worry about, even if one of them is a destructor pred.


I'll start building a pred so that the models don't dictate the list anyhow.


Thanks for the advice!

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