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Reread the short story Riven and as I can't reconcile the new fluff was thinking it would be a means to continue to a degree with the old fluff while been still in universe.


My idea was Iron Hands as per Riven marines that have crossed the line and opened the Keys of Hel, to the greater imperium they have gone renegade.

Yet none have or do ever succumb to the call of Khaos each and ever member has succumb to a greater calling, that of Iron.


These Iron Hands operate as a small spaceborne chapter.

They still bear black armour of the Iron Hands. They still bear the chapter symbol upon their left shoulder but forgo the clan symbols on their right instead the legion symbol of the X is present. They still operate as clans just the clan symbol is not present in the same way.

These Iron Hands are a thing of myth and legend only spoken about with hushed tones amongst the iron hands and successor chapters of the iron hands (possibly the clans of medusa) simply referred to as The Crossed, in reference to the the legion symbol and the act that members do in joining its ranks and the path of using the Keys of Hel


The chapter is made up of the digital remnants of Isstavan "survivors". With fresh "blood" been supplied by the other Iron Hands and any successor chapters.

These recruits are some of the most loyal and long serving of these chapters but the itch of bionics has grown greater than any chapter/clan would accept within their ranks.

As a rite of passage these "recruits" plunge their right (is it still the right?) bionic hands from their initiation into their clan into the very lava that transformed their Primarch. In doing so breaking the links to the old life and creating a bond with the new.


I'm putting this up here as would appreciate my brethren's opinions and suggestions.

I'm not trying to make a Mary Sue chapter just trying to reconciling and using the old fluff to a point while acknowledging new fluff by making use of the existing universe.

It's also means that I wouldn't have to strip the few minis I have painted or create a complete new successor chapter. With you're help I'm hoping I can do this right and blur the lines a bit with the fluff to the point where was it the Raukaan Iron hands who stalked Contqual killing one in three of the survivors or The Crossed? I believed GW has muddy the waters enough to allow this.

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As a rite of passage these "recruits" plunge their right (is it still the right?) bionic hands from their initiation into their clan into the very lava that transformed their Primarch. I believed GW has muddy the waters enough to allow this.


I think its their shield hand that's supposed to be bionic - which would be the left rather than right. A lot of the FW minis have bionic right hands, though, so there seems to be some confusion on the issue. 


Sounds like a cool idea to base your clan/legion around. Have you thought about incorporating the keys into their heraldry some way?


Something like the Cross Keys might play well the background - representing both the numeral X and the 'Keys' of Hel (even better, the Cross Keys supposedly represent St. Peters' keys to the gates of heaven! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keys_of_Heaven )

 (EDIT: I tried to include a picture of what I meant but it wouldn't allow me. Just google Crossed Keys, or check out the Wikipedia page for what I mean)

Edited by CyderPirate

I really like the Crossed Keys idea!  Especially since one of the several contributing cultures to Medusa is the Scots, and the UK's Second Division's insignia -- being the Territorial Army headquarters for Scotland and the north of England -- is two white crossed keys on a black field.

I really like the key idea , two internets for you Cyderpirate.

Was thinking that different keys could represent different Clans.

As you suggest always crossed to represent the X of the legion.

Was thinking that each of the Iron Father has part of the key that opens the keys of hel and that key part could be what looks like admech power axe.

Kind of like the idea that these Iron Hands are the cold ruthless brothers of old that stalk Contqual one in three of the survivors and have the full digitised marines and the new Raukaan iron hands are the ones that are investigated by the inquisition for it. Would really like to play up that idea.

Did anyone notice that Contqual does not rate a mention in the Raukaan hall of conquest.

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