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Putting DC into a scoring LR post deployment. (DC scoring)


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If that is the case, this makes Drop Pods, Razorbacks and Rhinos more appealing than LR's. For the point cost, these become amazing. Dropping pods on objectives, forcing the opponent to deal with multiple AV12 3HP structures that dont deal dmg has to be frustrating on the receiving end. 


My impression after 1 long game is that Razorbacks are extremly durable now compared to their cost. 

Return of Razor spam?



Depends on your meta. That S6-7 shooting hasn't disappeared just because we got a new edition. You could easily lose all that mobility and fire power in 1-2 turns against shooty lists. 


EDIT: The last time razor spam was good we had some of the following advantages:


HPs didn't exist and glances struggled to kill vehicles.

We could assault from stationary razors and assault was stronger over all.

'Fast' vehicles had a 12" speed advantage rather than 6" and were less vulnerable in close combat.



Indeed. A MSU Razor list would get eaten up by the Eldar equivalent - Dire Avengers in Wave Serpents.


The problem with scoring Razors and Land Raiders is the ASM tax you have to pay to get them. Hopefully the new codex will make ASM useful again....




It's more about what you bring with your razorbacks, and shifting target priority over to Elite/Fast/Heavy slots, every unit has a counter. 


Razorback's arnt gonna carry there weight in firepower, but being able being able to move 24" inches to claim objectives is pretty sweet. Jumper's just seem somewhat weaker now in 7th, i could be wrong though.


Superscoring droppods, also seem so strong now (DC troop/DC dread).


Another option could be to get 10 tacticals, combat squad so you get a 5man heavy weapon backline, then transfer the remaining in a Razorback or POD. Really enjoying 7th, so many more options now.

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It's more about what you bring with your razorbacks, and shifting target priority over to Elite/Fast/Heavy slots, every unit has a counter. 




AV11 vehicles are so fragile that they can be dealt with using almost any type of unit. The guns and attacks needed to bring down elites/Fast/heavy are usually a different tier. 


An AM player will happily shoot a razorback with a multilaser, he's not even going to bother with that gun VS Mephiston, a Storm Raven or AV13 tanks/dreads. 

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