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Chaos Rhinos in 7th

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Boyz, nids, daemons, cultists, marines? Stripping hull points to destroy a vehicle is still a viable option. Not very cost-efficient unit, but in no way it is worse than a psybolt or las-plas razorback.

No, it is not a deathstar, and not a no-brainer, but that doesn't make it bad.

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I've used two 5-man havoc squads with two missile launchers in each in rhinos with havoc launchers, and I like it so far. Inexpensive unit that can shoot two different targets, hurt 3+ armor, AV12+ vehicles, hordes of light infantry, and can hold objectives. It isn't huge fire magnet, so it can live for enough to do some damage.

As for razorbacks, units that take it as dedicated transports need to disembark to shoot their weapons, and as actual weapon platform it's mediocore - 5-man tactical squad inside lascannon razorback costs more than tri-las predator, while doing less damage. So it isn't any better than rhino with a couple of heavy or special weapons inside.


I kinda like this idea, though it's not really as cost efficient as a Predator unfortunately

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I don't agree with how most people look at the rhino, nor it's function. How I view it:


It's a unit with the OS rule (assuming you take it as a dedicated transport for a troop choice, which you should). It's pretty much a fast troop unit (18" movement) with roughly T7 and 3 wounds, for 35 points. That sounds like a pretty damn good deal to me! Spawn with MoN are considered to be tough to kill for their points right? Well those are 36 each and having T6 with 3 wounds.


It also can do extra things like blocking, blocking LoS and even transporting units might you wish so.


So yes, rhinos are fine.


In practise I think the best way to use the rhino at the moment is to be flexible with it. Your troops shouldn't rely on the Rhino to get them where they need to. I think the best way to use them is to use shooty troop units (not much choice there) and then to keep the rhinos empty. So you're probably looking at 5 man Noise Marine squads with Blastmaster. Other options are CSM with plasmagun and/or a long ranged weapon (autocannon or something) or Plague Marines with Plasma. The rest are all underwhelming choices in my opinion. Note: I'm not saying you should never transport units with a Rhino. 


Lucky coincidence, seems that this guy just did a review on CSM troops and one which I very much agree with. Overall this writer is probably the best CSM blogger around:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, 


tried my first game of 7th yesterday  3000pts CSM vs orks.


i used 6 rhinos with havoc launchers holding 7 csm including 1 flamer. 

i made the rhinos a moving cover, decent threat and a seperate unit to distract and bullet soak. i deployed troops first turn behind the rhinos then shot the launchers. next turn moved up shot again etc.... they were great cover and bullet soaks also they took out a few kans (fairly certain they are kans) and a few boys.


were they worth the 47 points absolutely. 4 rhinos were wrecked by turn 3, 2 out of 5 bikes, 3 raptors of 5 , 2 cultist out of 70 and 6 chaos space marines out of 42. out of 3000 points this was nothing. after 3 turns my opponent conceded. he had spent too much time trying to kill rhinos so they would stop launching little blast everywhere. he couldn't breach the line of rhinos and troops to reach objectives. (and i may have severely upset him when he tried to beat my defiler in close combat with a gorkonaught or morkonaught and i exploded it. lol)


so the rhinos are much better and thanks for all the info everyone (especially jeske)

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I've used two 5-man havoc squads with two missile launchers in each in rhinos with havoc launchers, and I like it so far. Inexpensive unit that can shoot two different targets, hurt 3+ armor, AV12+ vehicles, hordes of light infantry, and can hold objectives. It isn't huge fire magnet, so it can live for enough to do some damage.

As for razorbacks, units that take it as dedicated transports need to disembark to shoot their weapons, and as actual weapon platform it's mediocore - 5-man tactical squad inside lascannon razorback costs more than tri-las predator, while doing less damage. So it isn't any better than rhino with a couple of heavy or special weapons inside.


This was somthing I've though about myself after converting my recent Havoc unit & try it out on Thursday there in a game against Necrons., havoc borrown the Rhino I converted last year w/Havoc launcher until I get time to model there own transport


Overall I was really impress.  Havoc launcher dealt with the Necron Warriors trying to get object or aim that those last few models to wipe out the unit so they where not able to get back up like there unit of Destroyer.

Oppent had commented it was difficult to hide from the unit, no matter where the Havocs & the Rhino had a good line of sight & range to the table.

I also done this a while back against my friend Orks (before current codex) which is trukk heavy, unit Mega armour in Battle wagon & Meks.  Just deleting units once my other unit like Oblits & Chaos Marines delt with there transport.


I'll be trying this out a bit more as I've got a game arrange next week with my Iron Warriors.  My friend ether useing Tau, Black Templars or Sister of Battle or Chaos Marines, but I think it'll mainly be Tau the army he been useing for events.

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tl:dr after page 3, but I'm definitely b uilding at least four more rhino's after several ideas.

the Rhino + blastmaster combined with this grand idea especially stand out:

You know hide and seek havoc squad? rhino in front of them, moves 6'' you shoot with your squad and then shooting phase flat out the rhino back 6'' i can shoot you you cant biggrin.png

So thanks everyone, ima build me some METAL BAWKSES!!

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I am running a khorne rush list (don't ask but it is working well enough for me) and was thinking that perhaps I should take rhinos for the berzerkers, but have bloodletters hop in them so they don't have to survive as many rounds of shooting. Alternatively, just run naked os rhinos empty at objectives. Probably won't see a lot of fire when I am rushing spawn/juggerlord/bloodthirster/bloodletter/berzerkers at the enemy as fast as possible. (Keep in mind I only play maelstrom these days. I usually collect a bunch of objectives first turn or tow as my little plastic men fill the board with their quickly advancing hate before getting shot to pieces.)

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