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what is that appeals to you most about the world eaters?


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1. Khârn, ever since I first heard about him a billion years ago.

2. Bezerker rush = thrill kills

3. Khârn miniature was/is my favourite sculpt.

4. Heavy Metal music

5. Khârn slaughtering everything within reach

6. Easy to access RPG elements

7. Khârn

8. Surprising level of depth in the followers of Khornes description and attributes


and lastly; on the odd occasion when I actually won, it was just a bonus. EVERY freakin game is fun fun fun :D

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Because in a galaxy where laser cannons can evaporate a man in the blink of an eye, artillery shells can pulverise entire squads with a shot, where titans can swat tanks aside without breaking their stride, where battleships can devastate cities from orbit, where fleets of those ships can fracture worlds and whole sectors of real space can be plunged into a hell dimension by powers beyond the ken of mortals, I find it oddly reassuring that my guys just want to bash skulls in with axes.

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A few things, a. Khârn doesn't miss. b. I love making use of the attacks exception for stat caps. c. I came into the game in a time when assault was awesome. d. I returned to the game back when you could use lash to bring a unit towards your berzerkers (even if it did require working with the Slaaneshi).  and first turn assault. e. Tactics are easy when your only real option is run at it and kill (sometimes I am just in the mood for that sort of game). Also, I like painting red.

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The fact that they look good dead. Red, black, and brass is so last season ;)


I'm not a massive fan but seeing a well done Khorne army (without too many of those ham fisted plastic berzerkers) just screams brutality.

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Their Librarians and tribal rituals, ergo I liked them much more pre-slave wars, or rather pre-homeworld purging.

I personally like them without the librarians, but one thing I don't like about HH Legions is how similar they are to their future god correspondents like its eerily coincidental. Like going from Khorne hating sorcery so they kill all their librarians to librarians die with nails implantation and the remaining few happen to be Loyalists. Which thankfully die, but still.

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Their Librarians and tribal rituals, ergo I liked them much more pre-slave wars, or rather pre-homeworld purging.

I personally like them without the librarians, but one thing I don't like about HH is how similar they to their future god correspondents. Like going from Khorne hating sorcery so they kill all their librarians to librarians die with nails implantation and



Clarifying a bit, I like their librarians story but yeah, now it wouldn't make sense to have them.

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