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what is that appeals to you most about the world eaters?


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Because I care not from whence the blood flows, only that it flows. Really. I am that simple. I like a good fight, but I would not consider the World Eaters as my main army. I love to have them in Black Legion colors though, black and brass is awesome. 

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I think for me it would be when I started the hobby, 2nd ed Chaos Marines where just being release.  It was the clip together plastic models, both them & the Death Guard models.  Also Khârn being release & rememeber some of the great art work.  Then few year later, the Bezerker models we have today & ton of cool conversion shown in the White Dwarf, just before we had the other multi part kits we had today.

Also just the background shown though out the years, mainly the Index Astarties.  Along with the Bloodquest comic on the exile Blood Angels squad battle it out on a Daemonic world fought over by the four Chaos Gods armies.


I would like to start a World Eater army & plan get that done in the near future.


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While I am a huge fan of the World Eaters background (even more so now, when it feels like the World Eaters have finally begun to come into their own fluff-wise of late, mostly thanks to the very talented ADB), I suppose my original fascination with them comes back to their look: There's just something about the combination of red and bronze, and I have always loved those Khornate bunny ears too.


Back when I was still playing WFB, Khornate guys in heavy, red and bronze armour were already my favourites, and when the (now often maligned) berzerker kit was released in 1998 or so, that was the perfect occasion to jump right in.



I would like to start a World Eater army & plan get that done in the near future.


And, judging by your IW army, I would really, really like to see that!

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Back when I was still playing WFB, Khornate guys in heavy, red and bronze armour were already my favourites, and when the (now often maligned) berzerker kit was released in 1998 or so, that was the perfect occasion to jump right in.



Guilty of still liking that kit... and the clip together plastic ones before that too :lol:

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Back when I was still playing WFB, Khornate guys in heavy, red and bronze armour were already my favourites, and when the (now often maligned) berzerker kit was released in 1998 or so, that was the perfect occasion to jump right in.

Guilty of still liking that kit... and the clip together plastic ones before that too laugh.png

The only real weak elements of that kit are the leg positions and giant gloves/bolt pistols. A box of regular CSM, a sharp knife and minimal amounts of GS and you have two great looking squads, even today!

...and the clip together ones before that were awesome indeed, so were the metal champions and flagbearers, which were easily converted to a squad of their own! :)

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For me, when I first started playing back in 5th Ed., there was a just brilliantly painted World Eaters army in the BRB (let's please not talk about how I almost went with 'Nids), and I fell in love with the look.

And it also helped that the chap who gave his old 40k things had about 30 or 40 'Zerkers, and I was (and still am) a penniless student.

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@ Chaeron & Excessus: I wholeheartedly agree about the berzerker kit: All it takes is a bit of work, and those old parts still sing ;)

As for the stuff still older than that, man, don't get me started...


The even older, snapfit berzerkers are pretty boring by today's standards, but I have a strange fondness for them nonetheless. They also sport what may still be my favourite berzerker facemask ever:




These were obviously inspired by Jes Goodwin's seminal 1990 berzerker (from the time where he sculpted one model for each of the cult legions). That guy may still be the definitive World Eater, in spite of his somewhat hunched posture:



It's almost unbelievable how well this guy stacks up even today -- but that's Jes Goodwin for you. All the iconic elements are there: The Mk 5 armour, the bunny ears, the grenades and, of course, the chainsword. The next round of metal releases after that did have a cool model or two, but nothing nearly as fabulous as Jes's berzerker above. For instance, can you believe that this model is actually younger than the model above?




And then there are the mid-to late 90s metal berzerker champs, released to coincide with the 2nd edition Codex Chaos: I still love those guys to bitz and keep using them as unit champs. And I finally managed to acquire the last of them still missing from my collection from a fellow hobbyist here on the forum:




Again, between the three different champion models and one standard bearer, you'll find all the visual elements that were later used for the plastic berzerkers: the ammo-bandolier worn across the chest, the running pose, the pistol holsters,... which brings our little tour full-circle.


God, I love these little guys... ;)

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Hah, that is the single most awesome piece of World Eaters art ever (as long as you ignore the skulls at the bottom: The front row just seems a little goofy). In fact, that piece of art was so awesome that ADB actually made Kargos Bloodspitter into a character in the legion's background.

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My Black Legion army was a mix of these models, 2nd ed multi part plastic Marines & Chaos Marines when I was start my path on the Long War.  Then later adding in the current plastic Khorne Bezerker & the 3rd ed era Tactical Marines way before we had the Chaos Space Marines we have today.  Lot of the army was inspired by the Bloodquest comic from Warhammer monthly.  Also Chaos Gate for the PC.


Also if anyone able to link Wade Khorne army, it a really great army of heavy converted Khorne Bezerker that can be seen in the 6th ed rule book & few White Dwarf.  Useily a lot of the MkVI armour & stay with the art work posted by Excessus.


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Also if anyone able to link Wade Khorne army, it a really great army of heavy converted Khorne Bezerker that can be seen in the 6th ed rule book & few White Dwarf.  Useily a lot of the MkVI armour & stay with the art work posted by Excessus.



Yes, probably one of the best WE armies around -- if not the best one. Unfortunately, his site seems to be down at the moment, with only a few isolated images appearing here and there. Those of you who own the 6th ed. rulebook can get a rather good look of his army in the last third of the book (where his World Eaters ally with Kor Megron's Word Bearers to take down an Imperial stronghold).


He's also responsible for one of the best World Eaters lords ever, Lord Lucid Furien Kain:




On a semi-related note, and if you'll excuse the sales pitch, I'd invite those of you interested in World Eaters discussion to take a look at our dedicated World Eaters community topic here on B&C as well as the very nice forum over at Throne of Skulls.

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