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nurgling up the cult marines

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so i like my army being mono-Nurgle themed but that does mean i miss out on some of our lovely cult troops. I'm thinking of converting up some nurglesque models to counts as them. 


Khorne berserkers are easy, i just make rabies marines foaming at the mouth


thousand sons don't have an obvious nurgly representation i can think of but my idea is to use robes and hoods to make them like monks of Nurgle or something. 


i'm not sure about noise marines though. any ideas?

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For noise marines you could give then chemical weapons and maybe compound eyes (like flies) on their heads to represent the higher initiative.


Thousand sons could be skeleton warriors in armour. Maybe they are marines whose bodies have been eaten away and now only a husk remains that requires a sorcerers power to animate.

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so i like my army being mono-Nurgle themed but that does mean i miss out on some of our lovely cult troops. I'm thinking of converting up some nurglesque models to counts as them. 


Khorne berserkers are easy, i just make rabies marines foaming at the mouth


thousand sons don't have an obvious nurgly representation i can think of but my idea is to use robes and hoods to make them like monks of Nurgle or something. 


i'm not sure about noise marines though. any ideas?


Could maybe "count as" the Noise Marines as the Heresy era Destroyer unit (see Forge world web site) in current Chaos era times. use the Grey Knight psy-cannon part to rep the specil weapon that the noise marines get/tie in with the destroyer unit look?



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I like the idea of a wasting disease to represent thousand sons, maybe the sonics/noise marines could be something to do with ancient medical practises of using sound to cure disease, pop some beaky helms on there for the plague doctor look and refer to them as the apothecarion.
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Perhaps mixing necron bits with marine bits would generate a good thousand sons model that is partially eaten away. I like the idea of acid canisters or whatnot for noise, too. No need to explain initiative 5 imo. If the models are distinct and awesome, I doubt many people are going to demand you explain why your noise marines aren't purple with guitars that are on fire.

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Am I the only one who's not really a fan of this? I mean, isn't part of a nurgle theme that they don't have those other units? I mean, high initiative shooters? berzerk charger dudes? It's not just the models, the rules themselves for these units just don't seem very nurgly to me. If you're out of CSM nurle stuff to do, then why not try your hand at some of the Daemonic or FW nurgle options? Or maybe a nurgle themed vraks renegade list, with zombie hordes and plague ogryn and rusted up counts-as-malcadors and the like?
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Am I the only one who's not really a fan of this? I mean, isn't part of a nurgle theme that they don't have those other units? I mean, high initiative shooters? berzerk charger dudes? It's not just the models, the rules themselves for these units just don't seem very nurgly to me. If you're out of CSM nurle stuff to do, then why not try your hand at some of the Daemonic or FW nurgle options? Or maybe a nurgle themed vraks renegade list, with zombie hordes and plague ogryn and rusted up counts-as-malcadors and the like?


Haha, i'm actually basing the second of my 3 50man zombie squads right this second. I have a huge servants of decay army and a huge chaos space marine army (20K-25K) 

I agree with you though, i'm looking for the justification as much as the conversion idea. I like the idea of rabid marines, makes sense for Nurgle, rabies is after all a disease. 

I'm not sure i will go for them at all to be honest, i'm just exploring what options i have to expand my army. I've also been looking in to allying in corrupted centurions (mainly cos i got given a box and i've nothing else to do with them) and pretty much anything else that could be fitted in. I probably won't actually do more than a tenth of the stuff i'm looking in to but its fun to speculate and see how i can stretch my army. In the end if i build a cool model and theres rules i can potentially give it then thats fine by me

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Ah, justification is the game eh?


Nurgle is Pappa Nurgle, jovial and generous to his children. Zerks could be those enraptured with the Decaying Lords vision in such a way that they take infected blades and attack there foes with a thousand burning cuts. Most die, but some accept the wisdom of Nurgle and embrace the path, joining the cult of "The Dancing Dead".


I can do more if its any good.

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The gifts of the gods are hardly consistent. Nurgle doesn't have to mean slow, look at plague drones, blight drones and beasts of nurgle.


Sonic weapons can be justified in many ways, incendiary weapons, chemical weapons even miniature virus launchers. High initiative could even be described as a reaction that slows down other units in close proximity due to flies or maybe they project some sort of chemical/virus that assaults the nervous system.

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IMO, you've lost your theme when you're taking a bunch of stuff from the other gods. If you want fast nurgle stuff, take the fast nurgle stuff. If your army is only 1/5 nurgle, than it's not a nurgle army, imo.
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Have to admit, I've been having the opposite problem. My (still rather small) CSM army is Slaaneshi. However, the MoN is just too useful, so I wants it on things like Obliterators, which don't really benefit at all from MoS. Yet having a couple of true nurgly units bothers me thematically (plus I like my current paint scheme), so I'm stuck trying to work out the best way to get slaaneshi-esque nurgle troops.

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IMO, you've lost your theme when you're taking a bunch of stuff from the other gods. If you want fast nurgle stuff, take the fast nurgle stuff. If your army is only 1/5 nurgle, than it's not a nurgle army, imo.

I think that the marks and cult units in the codex aren't a good representation of a mono god army. Does the death guard legion consist only of plague marines and units with just extra toughness or would they have other variations of mutation and equipment? Using noise marines as counts-as nurgle marines is simply a symptom of this limitation in our codex. Plus the conversion possibilities are awesome and as long as the player has put that much effort into making nurgle noise marines, does it really matter?
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Not especially, and I wouldn't object to it on the table, but there's small enough distinction between the cults mechanically as it is.  To go out of one's way to deliberately strip out what little remains just rubs me the wrong way.

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I understand what you mean but conversions are fun and I'm a sucker for a good chaos conversion. Maybe we'll get more cult options in our next dex. Just maybe.
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My IW noise marines will be along the lines of Destroyers from the HH list.


Blastmaster is a radiation cannon, the sonics are smaller radiation guns.


Their armour will be shiny and highly polished to reflect back as much of the radiation as possible.


The radiation surrounding them will cause them to strike before models of I4, due to the malaise.

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My IW noise marines will be along the lines of Destroyers from the HH list.


Blastmaster is a radiation cannon, the sonics are smaller radiation guns.


Their armour will be shiny and highly polished to reflect back as much of the radiation as possible.


The radiation surrounding them will cause them to strike before models of I4, due to the malaise.


Radiation, I like that.

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