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I'm thinking of taking cypher along with one of my 50-man zombie squads (or a nurgley counts as cypher anyway) I was wondering what people think of him in general. 
I'm quite impressed by him as a challenge monkey especially in my zombie squad. He hits with ap2 at initiative 8 and he's higher weapon skill than most people he's likely to face. Hit and run is also fun especially as he can give it to my zombie squad (who like charging as they have furious charge) 

anyone else use him?

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I used him with some chosen and he was excellent. Great fun to use in game and performed really well. The only problem was that i forgot his plasma pistol doesn't get hot. Doh !


He also has a re-roll to hit for the Bs10 :D


I've only use Cypher once right now with my Iron Warriors in 7000pt game a few weeks back.  I though he was really good, out flanking with a unit of (Chosen) Fallen Angels & help take out the Tau tanks after tanks & getting me line breaker points.


I will be looking to start a Fallen Angels theme army useing the Black Legion supplament + useing the Cypher dateslate in the future.



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There a topic over on the Blood Angels part of the fourm dicussion Cypher & just always good to see other people insight, like the Chaos Space Marine (Troop chose) topic which had a lot of great idea on useing this unit & had a lot of great discuession.


There are a number of dataslates available for the Blood Angels to use but to date, there is little discussion into there use and synergy with our forces. What I aim to do is a bi-weekly feature (time permitting) on these in a bid to 1) share and impart our collective knowledge to our fellow captains and 2) to get some discussion going on the lesser-known potential boons to our forces. I want this thread to remain in flux and will happily edit the first post as people reply with their own ideas so we can get the optimal use out of each unit.

Please note that major players and codices can be found on Wolf_Pack's excellent Blood Angel Allies Detachments: A Compendium and I hope this thread isn't going to step on anyone's toes...

The official version of the dataslate can be found here. Alternatively, a naughty copy can be googled... ph34r.png Official model is available via GW Online or Ebay, etc.

Obviously Cypher has many special rules for regular play and even more should you face Dark Angels. This leaves some important things to remember.

  • Pros
  • Hit and Run, Shrouded, EW, Fleet, IC, Infiltrate
  • Plasma Pistol never get's hot, Bolt Pistol has an extra 4" range, both can be fired twice or fired once each and Cypher can run
  • Full BS on Overwatch, half of his attacks in assault are with the BP, the other half are with the PP
  • If he dies out of range of an enemy unit, no VPs are awarded
  • WS7, BS10, I8
  • Doesn't take up a slot on your FOC
  • Can be made from your bits box!

  • Cons
  • Cypher has to be included in your main force (not with your allies). He can not be the Warlord and gives your Warlord -1 Ld, annoying for a Librarian Warlord
  • Power Armour
  • Expensive
  • Will not benefit from Blood Angel buffs
  • Unknown if he counts as a battle brother for Blood Angels


Cypher will add an extra punch to any unit he supports however, there are some interesting tricks we can pull.

  • Infiltrate allows us to give our Scouts some serious stopping power, whilst Shrouded helps keep them alive longer. Used correctly, this combo will be a thorn in your opponent's side until dealt with. Hit and Run can be a boon to get your Scouts out of a protracted combat
  • As an IC, not only can he now join Mephiston, he can also keep up with Fleet. Assuming he is a battle brother and thus he can embark on a transport, we now have a rather potent little combination that gives not only Shrouded but Hit and Run to the Lord of Death!
  • Cypher is also useful in the Death Company. It's a cheaper method of giving them Hit and Run (previously this was done by Dante) and is a way of getting much needed AP2 (Initiative and shots) into the DC. Also, should the DC (or any unit subject to the Red Thirst) lose Fearless for whatever reason, having Cypher in the squad will let benefit from ATSKNF - (not sure if this is still possibly following the changes to Terrify, old link)

I'm sure there are quite a few more and I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Finally, I should also point out that Cypher is an excellent second vow for the ETL! Just make a gunslinger from your bits box!

Thanks for reading.


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Always like to use him in my Khârn+Khorne's Chosen squad.


2 additional Plasma shots that doesn't overheat and rerollable?, yes please, gives H&R and Shrouded to the squad?, absolutly!, Extra High Init to place 2 Plasma Shots in CC?, Oh Heck yeah!!


And the extra VP's for him simply surviving the game is also nice.

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There a topic over on the Blood Angels part of the fourm dicussion Cypher & just always good to see other people insight, like the Chaos Space Marine (Troop chose) topic which had a lot of great idea on useing this unit & had a lot of great discuession.



Thanks for the shout out smile.png Do you have a link for the CSM topic you've mentioned please?

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There a topic over on the Blood Angels part of the fourm dicussion Cypher & just always good to see other people insight, like the Chaos Space Marine (Troop chose) topic which had a lot of great idea on useing this unit & had a lot of great discuession.



Thanks for the shout out smile.png Do you have a link for the CSM topic you've mentioned please?

You can find the Chaos Marines topic by here


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