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New unforgiven


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Hello fellow loyalists/traitors of the B&C ! 


I've been out of the hobby for 13 years, started with Space Wolves ages ago, and got back into 40K with the DV box and i have been an unforgiven ever since ! 


I'm looking forward for great discussions, sharing ideas and advices ! 


( sorry for my english, my first language is french ) 


Cheers ! 





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Hail and welcome, brother, to B&C! Don't worry about your written English - it's perfectly legible (probably more so than a great percentage of native-speaking internet users, too). Barring slight grammatical slips, your post looks fine. msn-wink.gif

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. The Dark Angels subforum is here, while the Space Wolves subforum is here (should you feel the need to revisit them sometime). Don't forget to check the site's rules - you'll avoid making any future mistakes (honest though they may be). Again, welcome. happy.png

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