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ADL with Quad-AC in 7th


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Hey all,


Haven't bought the new rules yet but I've heard that changes to the Interceptor rule mean that the ADL's quad-AC can't fire at ground targets (or maybe only snap shots, not sure?).


My list runs an ADL with a basic Techmarine gunner for fairly cheap anti-flyer duties and to provide some defensive boosts (the line itself, cover save boost and the CC deterrent of AP1 weapon and 2+ save) to my firebase units, with the bonus of being able to take potshots at ground targets if there aren't any flyers on the board (plus the Techy is a fluffy choice for my Chapter, who are IH Successors).


Anyway, the question:


I'm just wondering if losing the utility of being equally effective against air/ground targets makes the quad-AC ADL a poor choice now? Still worth it for 100pts? (plus some sort of gunner, obviously)




All thoughts very welcome!



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The techmarine can't boost the cover save of the Aegis Defence Line.

I won't be taking an Aegis anymore for the Quad Gun, but it's still very useful to hide your tanks behind...

The new improved Jink will make the Quad Gun mostly ineffective against av12 flyers.

I believe the best AA is simply taking a few Stormtalons or Ravens...

I vote for a stormtalon. It has more shots than the quadgun of which four are also t/linked and can pen AV14( just remember to bring those good vibes) and has excellent shooting at ground targets. I think it also beats the AA tanks for versatility, what if the other guy doesn't bring flyers. However the AA tanks are technically more survivable because there's 2 of them. 

Thanks guys!


The techmarine can't boost the cover save of the Aegis Defence Line.



Oh, I know, sorry not being clear, I just meant that both things will boost the firebase units defenses, assuming I get some ruins to bolster.



For the same price as a techmarine and ADL you can take a pair of the AA tanks. You trade interceptor for twice the shooting. 



Fair point, but my precious HS slots are already filled with devs and a Pred and LRC. Hence the ADL.




The Stormtalon is an interesting idea, the army at 2k does include one already but perhaps a second in support would be wiser than the ADL? (Would have to rejig some stuff to find 25pts extra, as the Techmarine is a fluff choice and not going anywhere, but think it could work)




Definitely get the second talon and a third if possible( I have serious love affair with themwub.png). The problem with only one is that they are fragile so you might end up making snapshots with it until it gets taken out. Also if you have two you have a better chance of getting one on the board.

As others mentionned, the Stormtalons are greate anti air, especially with Skyhammer missiles, but you need to have multiple fliers for them to be effective. 


If you have some kind of Reserve manipulation, I'd roll 2 of them or 3 if you have the room. If not, then I prefer to have them escort a Stormraven simply to make sure both come at the same time on the board !


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