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PoTV Vs. SpellFamiliar

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Running a Daemonology malefic summoner, how much more reliable is it to use "Prophet of the Voices" rather then a regular spell familiar for summoning daemons?


I keep thinking that its still superior enough to go with, but does anyone know the numbers?


Also, if a bike mounted sorcerer rolls "Beast Form" through the CS Slaves to the Voices special rule, what happens to the bike? It changes unit type from "Infantry" to "Beasts"? (not sure on restrictions for beasts on bikes as I couldnt find any).

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Is there a reason you can't do both? Familiar makes your casting more reliable, prophet reduces miscast risk, both are benefits worth taking. If I had to choose, I'd probably go for the familiar, myself.


A warning, though - prophet only lets you join possessed, so no bike or spawn retinue, just in case that matters to you.

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Simply ran out of points. Its an escalation League starting at 500pts.


Looking at the perils chart again though, a Ld10 psyker has a pretty good chance of coming out of a perils test alive. Perhaps the Spell familiar would be more beneficial in this case.


And not being able to join units does bother me, I was going to run him solo, but maybe I should just attach him to the rhino squad. Then again, I cant cast anythign other then witchfire in a rhino, so maybe a bike is the best option.

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If it's the Primaris Power you want to use mostly then re-rolls. At 500 points that's what I would do, a Level 1 Sorcerer is cheap and useful.


You have a 50% chance at getting a WC1 power off with one dice, that jumps to 75% with the re-roll. 2 dice at WC1 is 75% without re-rolls and 94% with.


Perils on Daemonology without PoTV with one dice is 0%, 17% with 2 dice and 44% with 3 dice. With PoTV it drops to 0%, 3% and 7% respectively.


Plus, you roll double 6 with PoTV & you're still in trouble. Stick to 1 or 2 dice and use the re-roll.



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Although that is only true for wc1 powers, the primaris and most conjuration powers are wc2+(mostly 3) so in order to cast reliably need 5+ dice for reliability, significantly increasing the risk of perils. As it is as yet unclear how much of a reroll you get and whether or not you can reroll a success to avoid perils (at the risk of failure or more perils) I would be inclined to side with prophet. Although a reroll on top of reduced perils has significant bonuses when casting the ml 1 powers and activating force weapons.
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If you want to re-roll the whole check, the entire pile. if you reroll perils, you're more likely to fail, if you reroll fails, you're more likely to perils. Unless you're a non-daemon casting malefic, in which case you just expect to perils regardless, and are banking on your conjured unit making it worth the risk of a wound on the sorc.
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Ah yeah, the primaris is WC3 isn't it. Sorry, had it as WC1 in my head like Cursed Earth...


In that case PoTV all the way, just because the chance of perils with 3 dice for non daemons is too high, with PoTV it's: 7% with 3 dice 13% with 4, 20% with 5 and 26% with 6 to perils. Without it's scary, it's: 44% with 3 dice, 72% with 4, 91% with 5 dice and 98% with 6 dice to perils.



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With 3 dice, your chance of casting a WC3 power is only 12.5%. Even with five dice, your chances aren't great. Better to succeed and risk the perils than fail to cast at all, no? If you're that afraid of perils, then take a lord instead. You'll have better melee stats, zero risk of perils, and probably successfully cast the exact same number of powers in a game.


If you want to try conjurations, don't half arse it. Five+ dice, with the re-roll from familiar. If you can afford prophet too, then yeah, take it. But again, don't let fear of perils lead you to a situation where you're not successfully casting anything at all, because at that rate you should not have taken a sorcerer to begin with.

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Throwing 5 dice at a WC3 Malefic without PoTV is a bad idea, 91% chance of perils. Is your HQ worth 10 Horrors? Unless you can get PoTV & a spell familiar do what Mal says & get a Lord.


3 dice at a WC3 Malefic spell has a 13% chance of working but a 44% chance of perils. Not good numbers my friend.

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