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Assorted 7e detachment rules awkwardness


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A Crimson Slaughter detachment can ally with a Codex: Chaos Space Marines detachment as Battle Brothers (and vice versa).

So it looks like if your Primary detatchment is CSM you can ally CS and they four as battle brothers. But not the other way round. Slight oversight. C'mon GW...next round of FAQ please.
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In general house rule it and pray for a FAQ.


The tournaments are coming up with their own interpretations/rulings/ban-lists, so local leagues, clubs, and pick-up gamers are on their own to follow the Jeske's sound advice.


I'd suggest that the spirit ( or RAI if you prefer ) of Unbound is based on models ("use whatever you want from your collection") rather than rules, so my 2¢ is to suggest that whatever your unit is modeled and painted as uses those rules, with the option to default to the basic CSM codex is you don't want to bother.

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A Crimson Slaughter detachment can ally with a Codex: Chaos Space Marines detachment as Battle Brothers (and vice versa).

So it looks like if your Primary detatchment is CSM you can ally CS and they four as battle brothers. But not the other way round. Slight oversight. C'mon GW...next round of FAQ please.



Yes the other way around.  That's what 'and vice versa' means.

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Man, I never really get up in points (and don't have enough models) to go for all the trickery necessary to run multiple lists within the same force.  We run unbound as you can bring whatever you want-so you can mix CSM/BL/CS up.  It mostly ends as a train of Biker or Juggerlords WAAAAAAAAAGHING towards the enemy line with the Good Stuff and maybe a MacePrince.

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Again, while mixing things up is in the spirit of unbound, and unbound in general probably requires a lot of opponents consent to work as playable games anyway, by the rules as written you are not allowed to mix up CSM/BL/CS in the same unbound army, since they're all the same faction, and thus all the same detachment, and thus any chosen supplement would apply to every CSM unit in the army, no exceptions. I'm not saying you can't do it, just that it's technically against the rules, and you should probably make a point of clearing it with your opponents just to be on the up & up.
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Thanks for heads up Malistern, I contacting the T/O and cleared all this up, though I'm the only CSM and feel bad for all the hassle.


No wonder CSM live in hell....

It's not your fault, it's GW showing a complete lack of game development and play testing once more. Aside from the few issues I love 7th ed. but come on, did no one at the development team even think through summoning daemons properly? I can hardly believe that... Very shoddy.


If this was a confusion on the part of Space Marines you bet it would get an FAQ/Errata and quickly too.


Anyway, off to play :)



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Was wondering something.


on a combined arms kind of army with 2 or more detachements, how does restrictions as relics and other stuffs works?...


Can i take 3 JuggerAxelords with 6 Cultists squads just for the giggles?...


Would like a 8 JuggerAxe lord " Riders of the Apocalypse" type of unit really....

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yeah but that works for all non chaos factions. because if we take 2 chaos CAD from different sources we may end up with units excluding each other [vets vs no vets, chosen are troops vs they are not etc].


The fact that they think that by chosing CSM as your CAD and then picking BL as the source of rules means you get access to both the BL their rules and the csm artefacts is beyond funny.

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The article is incorrect, highlighting how confusing the current state of the rules actually are, and how desperately an actual FAQ is required.  You cannot select a character or unit from the black legion or crimson slaughter supplement, because there is no such thing.  Neither supplement has unit entries, they only have variant rules and options and requirements that apply to parent faction CSM unit entries, and to use those variants they must be applied to all units selected from the parent faction within a designated detachment.


No matter how you twist it, the 7e faction rules simply are not a 'get out of vet tax free' ticket for black legion armies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right up front this means you CANNOT MIX AND MATCH SUPPLEMENT AND NON SUPPLEMENT UNITS IN THE SAME DETACHMENT, despite some confusion to the contrary, even from mainstream tournament organizers. You can include multiple supplement stuff in the same battleforged army, and EDIT: MAY USE THEM AS EITHER ALLIED DETACHMENTS OR SECONDARY COMBINED ARMS DETACHMENTS. Because they are the same faction, you may include them as separate combined arms detachments. Normally forces of the same faction as your primary detachment may not be included as allied detachments, but the supplements both specifically state that they 'may ally with' the parent book, and vice versa.



About red sentence:


I cannot have a Primary Crimson Slaughter Combined Detachment and a Black Legion Allied Detachment (or viceversa) because supplements rule says they can ally with CSM but not each other, isn't it?


But I can have a Primary Crimson Slaughter Combined Arms Detachment and a Black Legion Combined Arms Detachment (or viceversa),; is it correct?

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It's awkward.  Both supplements follow the allies matrix of C:CSM.  So if C:CSM is allowed to ally with Crimson Slaughter, then so is Black Legion, theoretically.



Not super clear or kosher, though.  It seems apparent that the intent was for same faction to use combined arms, not allied, so if you want to stay completely on the up and up, and not have step in any murky rules areas, then stick to combined arms to field different supplements in the same army.  That's blatantly allowed and seems to be clearly intended.

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