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Nova powers from a transport.

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The BRB says that only witchfire powers or there subtypes can be used from a vehicle with a fire point, but I cant find where it says about the subtype Nova.


Would we centre it on one of the fire points (which is what id assume) or do we measure it from the outside of the hull?


I searched for an answer but cannot find one, and am getting ready for a tournament soon.



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I would assume you draw los from the fire points of the vehicle, much as you would for a witch fire, ditto for measurements.

The problem became whether a Nova power would then hit the tank itself if measured from the FirePoint. This gave us 4 possibilities;


1. Measure from the caster via a firepoint, and this affects the vehicle yo are embarked upon

2. Measure from teh caster via FirePoint, without the Nova affecting the vehicle itself

3. Measure from teh outside hull of the vehicle, pretty awesome

4. Cannot cast Nova powers from inside a vehicle, unlikly as its a subtype of witchfire.



Anyway, until theres an FAQ the T/O has decided that "3" is the most appropriate.

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