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Chosen: Tactics and working them

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My biggest problem with plasma chosen is that plasma havocs are a lot cheaper.  Chosen are paying points for that extra attack and extra combat weapon, so you may as well keep them with assault weapons. 5 Chosen with Plasma Guns is 165 points, while 5 Havocs with 4 Plasma Guns and a Combi-Plasma is 145, for the Chosen you're paying 20 points more for extra attacks that you wont really use.


The fact you have 3x slots heavy for 20points more than havocs(elites chosen) you still have 3x heavy slots +1 from allies,



The slots thing really only matters if you're limited to battleforged only, and not allowed to take extra combined arms detachments in your meta.

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You can always double detachment as well to get potentially 6 HS choices though.


what do you mean? double isnt 3xHS plus 1 if you go allies in battle forged army?


Take 2HQ and 4 troops and you got access to 6 heavy slots due to the ability of taking two combined arms detachements...

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You can always double detachment as well to get potentially 6 HS choices though.


what do you mean? double isnt 3xHS plus 1 if you go allies in battle forged army?


Take 2HQ and 4 troops and you got access to 6 heavy slots due to the ability of taking two combined arms detachements...


am i missing something new to force organization?  isnt 1-2 HQ 2-6 Troops, 0-3 HS,  and then if you want allies +1 HQ and +1troop plus 0-1 other choices,  What is is this arms-detachment?

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Battle forged armies are made using combined arms detachments and allied detachments. A single combined arms detachment is 1-2 HQ 2-6 Troops, 0-3 HS, 0-3 FA, 0-3 Elites. In a battle forged list you can take as many combined arms detachments as you like, you just have to reach the minimum requirements for each detachment. In this way you could have 6 HS but you'd need at least 2 HQ and 4 Troops as the minimum requirement.

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Also, your allied detachment can't be the same faction, even though you count as battle brothers with yourself.  Our supplements seem to override that - so no basic CSM allied detachment for a basic CSMs primary, but you could take a Black Legion allied detachment instead - but it remains somewhat open for debate, at least until GW gets around to a core rulebook faq for 7th.


But you can definitely take multiple combined arms detachments - which are the regular force org structures - so long as you take the min requirements - 1 hq and 2 troops for each.  Which isn't hard to do, considering most CSM armies I see are running multiple HQs as soon as they can reasonably afford it, and we have some of the cheaper min troops slot choices out there.


Of course, this is subject to event or community restrictions.  Almost every tournament I've seen has restricted armies to a single combined arms detachment, and tournament restrictions have a way of filtering down to local scenes in a lot of areas.

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I usually field one 5-man chosen squad, with 5 power mauls and mark of Khorne/Rage in a Land Raider. Makes them a little bit expensive for what they are, but still... That makes 25 attacks St 7 AP 4 on charge.

I usually play against a fierce Necron player, so this squad is just perfect for Necron warrior bash/clearing objectives.

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My army is built around a Chosen Deathstar led by Kharne. The Black Legion dataslate has enabled me to bring the glory of Chaos across the fields of 40k and in my experience they are fully capable of destroying armies on their own. 

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The only Chosen configuration I have gotten to work is a Crimson Slaughters Ravangers. 10 men, Rhino, 5 plasmaguns and a combi-plasma. Getting to reroll 1s makes all the difference since they almost never overheat with preferred enemy (each shot goes from 1/6 to 1/36 of overheating).

They are full strength because they attract a lot of firepower, and those extra bodies often allows them to destroy one more target than they would otherwise have killed were they half the number but with the same firepower.


I have also tried a mixed squad, like a CSM squad but better. Champ with sword, a power axe and fist in the squad, two meltas and a flamer. I love them because they are so cool, but they suck something fierce. The CSM codex is so weak that is feels like we don't have the luxury of taking silly units without crippling our chances of getting a good game.


All the special CC weapons need to come down in cost by about 5-10 pts each for the unit to work. GW knew this back in 4th and it was true then (and that's why termies don't cost 60 pts a model), and it's still true now.

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