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Lord of War Abaddon may come to pass?


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Just speculation here, but apparently Gazkhull is a lord of war in the new Ork book. Which isn't CSM news, I know, but if 7e 40k is starting to make some of the big name characters into primarchesque lords of war, I can't think of anyone who cries out for that treatment more than the despoiler. A few dud codeces in a row have taught me not to expect much from new chaos marine books, but if this becomes a trend, I'll very much be looking forward to our 7e book whenever it rolls around. In the mean time I can only look forward to the day I'll be able to tell my opponents that "the D stands for Drach'nyen".

EDIT: apparantly they slot swapped Ghaz to LoW, but left him otherwise largely unchanged? Meaning he in no way what so ever warrants being slotted in alongside stompas and baneblades? What a pathetic and infuriating waste of an exciting idea.

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its a bad idea, Ghaz hasn't recieved any bonuses that would make him worthy of the status LoW, and when you can outfit generic characters to face stomp the special why bother burning your LOW and STILL require buying a HQ?

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If Magaret Thatcher gets to be a Lord of War in 7th, I can only assume future Abbaddon will become one as well. Makes sense really. Though I read they haven't really buffed his profile so I'm not really too sure about the reasoning behind this change.

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How would that force, or have anything at all to do with, titan sales? Heck, if Abby take a LoW slot, that's one less titan you can include in your army.


Seriously, I'm jaded and all myself, but how does that even work, logically?


Does Gaz really not gain any upgrades to make him LoW worthy, just a slot change? If so, that would be colossally disappointing.

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How would that force, or have anything at all to do with, titan sales? Heck, if Abby take a LoW slot, that's one less titan you can include in your army.


Seriously, I'm jaded and all myself, but how does that even work, logically?


Does Gaz really not gain any upgrades to make him LoW worthy, just a slot change? If so, that would be colossally disappointing.

I don't understand how he could be even considered a lord of war in his current form. He's essentially a warboss in mega armour with a few nifty rules. I've always thought that someone like him should be warboss +1. If he's supposed to be to biggest, strongest, smartest ork in the galaxy then he deserves a stat overhaul especially as he knows supposed to be a lord of war. If anyone has read Chains of Golgotha they will know that gaz quite happily flips tanks, is bigger than a dreadnought and is directly described as being "not slow", he can also speak fluent high gothic.


The character I could see as a lord of war would be Abaddon but then he's a character that I feel had needed a stat boost for a long time. This guy should be primarch level at least.

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Without seeing the Codex I could only second guess. I'd expect to see some serious bonus army wide rules come into play for a special character to be upgraded to a Lord of War.
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Without seeing the Codex I could only second guess. I'd expect to see some serious bonus army wide rules come into play for a special character to be upgraded to a Lord of War.

I can't wait to see what GW have done with Gazzy as I'm sure other codicies will follow suit.


Maybe I'll regret selling my ork army all those years ago :D

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No, you don't get it, people have the book already, black library put the actual digital book up for sale for a few hours instead of the preorder.


I was also super excited to hear of LoW Ghazzy, and love the idea of the biggest, baddest characters of 40k pumped up to a level on par with stompas and baneblades, but that's not what happened. People who actually have the book are reporting that they basically took the existing Ghazkull and slot swapped him to LoW largely unchanged.


Which is a disaster. Just the most infuriating example of GW positively squandering an exciting idea with less-than-half-arsed effort that I have yet seen.


If that's the treatment Abby gets, I really don't know what I'll do. It might actually be the straw that breaks this camel's back.

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No, you don't get it, people have the book already, black library put the actual digital book up for sale for a few hours instead of the preorder.


I was also super excited to hear of LoW Ghazzy, and love the idea of the biggest, baddest characters of 40k pumped up to a level on par with stompas and baneblades, but that's not what happened. People who actually have the book are reporting that they basically took the existing Ghazkull and slot swapped him to LoW largely unchanged.


Which is a disaster. Just the most infuriating example of GW positively squandering an exciting idea with less-than-half-arsed effort that I have yet seen.


If that's the treatment Abby gets, I really don't know what I'll do. It might actually be the straw that breaks this camel's back.

Better that , then orks having ghaz go the way of all other"specials" .

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I think he means other special characters from other codicies have been removed completely. Those characters didn't have models however.


Really disappointed there is no change for the big ork. Moving him to Lord of War should've been the opportunity to create something awesome.

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Almost better to just remove him, imo. The model still works for a warboss in mega armor with custom shoots and powerclaw. With the big guy eating a lord of war slot, that may honestly be a better way to run him now.

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