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Am I Alpharius? ETL


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So this thread is for my ETL progress.


Before ETL started I did a test squad of Alpha Legion. (so not included in my vow)




"Hey mate, you need some help with those heretics?
Alpha Legion? Nah, never heard of them. 
We are the Sons of Hydramar, relax mate."




Not very photogenic, but I'm happy with how they turned out in RL. They are also super easy to paint, and will be how I paint the rest.


As for my vow its 2066 points. With quite a bit of infantry.


First squad of 10 marines fresh from the horrors of a dettol bath.




Paint should be on them soon.

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Having just looked at your Vow, painting 5 dudes a day production line style gets you through all the infantry in a shade under two weeks. I reckon you'll be fine.


Any chance of some better pics? Loving the warband name btw.



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@forte Thanks


@SlavestoDarkness That's the plan.


@DragonLover Thanks. I'll take some individual model shots once I finished painting this first lot. (I'm not that great at taking group shots)

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I have painted the my 1st squad for ETL.




"My name? Yeah man sure, my name is er.. Spartacus. Him, hes also spartacus.
Allow us the high ground in your citadel, we'll make good use of it. 
Our battle cry is for the emperor mate, there is no need to mess with a classic."
The gang all together, Alpha and Beta.
I did some individual pics also.
This is the Beta Squad Sarge, he's probably my favorite at the moment, even had a go at some hazard stripes. 
This is the Beta sarges corporal I guess you call it.
Pretty happy with his freehand Chaos Star. I guess he thinks the gods will notice him if he wears the mark.
"Nah, mate its not a Heretic Star, its a good luck charm, don't worry 'bout it."


Alpha Squads Sergeant






Alpha squads Corporal







Imma paint the bases later when the PVA is dry but since bases don't count in ETL, I just took the pictures now. 


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I planned more infantry, but slaanesh the god of stripping (paint) has thwarted me. So the 20 infantry I have stripped need to go back down to the daemon world of dettol. (Basically didn't take enough care, so they aren't clean enough).


So because of that, I decided to paint this rhino which requires nothing more then me to paint it. So as per the rules here is the "unpainted" photo. It will wear Alpha Legion colours soon. 




Hopefully have it done today. 



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@ TheDevourer Thanks man. 


@ IP Thanks. Its the oldest method in the world, but its easy and I haven't bothered to adapt to modern techniques, like powders and all that crazy stuff.


So I decided to call this one Velox which is latin for swift. Also each of my vehicles will get one piece of trite 40k graffiti, as i have always loved marines' graffiti. 








"Remember citizens.. "


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Outrider lord with paint. 








Feel like I'm building some momentum. 



EDIT: Forgot


Next up



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@Slaves There is no shame except in being a loyalist. Unlike I suspect almost everybody else, I haven't got much on right now. I attribute my success to the independent characters podcast, entertaining me while I paint. Thanks for looking.

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