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dare we think it? chaos drop pods?

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Given we have rules in the WD for the looted wagon, a unit without a model or an upgrade pack to make an imperial vehicle orkified, apparently in response to community upset at it being rumoured removed, is it too much to hope for CSM drop pods? I mean they can even do them with the current kit, marine pod sprue, spiky bit sprue, bam done?


Or am I just being optimistic?

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chaos with Drop pods dont know if they would be balanced ... 10x plagues , or with brand(relic) lord. , really dont know, but would be nice to see some transports too, since SM, have razorback-more LRs patterns, Drop pods , and speeder, (drop pod most op)   Stormravens ,


Hm now i am looking GOD so many transports difference! :( why i want to start chaos? LOL :D

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It would be plenty balanced, that said, no, I don't think it's ever going to happen. After all, looted ork vehicles have been a thing within the actual game for ages. Chaos drop pods not so much.


No, the best we'll get is non-dedicated dreadclaws eating precious fast slots and costing 4 times the price, while offering a bunch of extra special rules that basically amount to no extra utility at all.

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Just give me 50-55 pts dedicated Dreadclaws and I'll be fine. Really dig the Forgeworld model. Too bad it's not worth it yet. I proxied one and while it did kinda ok it's just not worth the pts and especially the FA slot.

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Dare we hope? We dare not. Dare we send a emails to GW? Perhaps if we had an appropriate email address. Would it work. Unlikely. Is it worth taking 2 minutes of your time to find out. Maybe.


And dammit Jeske stop giving them ideas!

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I dare say optimistic, Chaos Marines are likely going to get demon engine unicorns before we get razorbacks and regular, cheaper and effective drop pods.

Incinerator, you just made me snort Pepsi out my nose! Someone has to make a chaos unicorn Maulerfiend now!

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I dare say optimistic, Chaos Marines are likely going to get demon engine unicorns before we get razorbacks and regular, cheaper and effective drop pods.

Incinerator, you just made me snort Pepsi out my nose! Someone has to make a chaos unicorn Maulerfiend now!
Sounds like a chaos version of the emperors rending pony.
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The same guy who told me White Scars would be big in 6th has told me we get posessed drop pods in the IA.


Considering WS were a shade of meh, I'm worried we may just get dreadclaws with jeske special rules.

I can see it now, the chaos hellpod.
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The same guy who told me White Scars would be big in 6th has told me we get posessed drop pods in the IA.


Considering WS were a shade of meh, I'm worried we may just get dreadclaws with jeske special rules.



White scars are HUGE? they were widely considered the best chapter

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The same guy who told me White Scars would be big in 6th has told me we get posessed drop pods in the IA.


Considering WS were a shade of meh, I'm worried we may just get dreadclaws with jeske special rules.



White scars are HUGE? they were widely considered the best chapter


Oh yes, great rules - but he meant they were going to be game breaking. Next to the hype they were meh.


Besides, Iron Hands is where its at :D

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The same guy who told me White Scars would be big in 6th has told me we get posessed drop pods in the IA.


Considering WS were a shade of meh, I'm worried we may just get dreadclaws with jeske special rules.



White scars are HUGE? they were widely considered the best chapter

Until inquisition dropped a month or two later, and servo skulls were everywhere.

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Don't see drop pods for us other than dreadclaw. First, loyalists got them and Chaos are supposed to be different/worse. Second, Dreadclaw just got a new model. Third, loyalists got them and Chaos are supposed to be different/worse. Fourth, loyalists got them and Chaos are supposed to be different/worse.... You get the idea, I guess.

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I totally agree with the many above who've explained why we're never going to get our own CSM pods.  That said, the door is now open for us to take Space Marines (and their pods) as Come The Apocalypse allies, which really strikes me as being workable and fluffy enough to be competitive in casual games.  For example Grey Hunters counting as CSM, or Sternguard as Chosen, maybe accompanied by (non-crazy) Dreads, can be the Alpha/deep strike part of your force, and then you can back this up with (in my case) Blastmaster Noise Marines and Obliterators for fire support - the no deploying within 12" caveat won't apply, though the 6" "One Eye Open" rule might be a problem if you still want to run a Brandlord on a bike or whatever.  (But you can at least use fluff to nicely explain that annoyance as being the result of two rival warbands who simply don't trust each other temporarily working together.)  Ally in some Daemons too, and you should have a force that looks and feels way more chaotic than simply going full counts as with a SM dex, and you now get to play with proper drop pods too.  

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When you think about it, if GW made a supplement based on the Vets of the Long war rule... just that rule. And as a result they re-introduced a Chaos Marine kit, with a Drop Pod (the drop pod could be recycled with chaos bitz) and the sales would be fantastic.


That's all they'd have to do, and as long as the rules were reasonable (and reasonably unit priced)... let's say Chaos equivalent of Grey Hunters including a special VotLW banner) and it would be massive. 


I know with my Dark Angels the stuff I've been able to pull off with super scoring pods and even vanilla marines in Malestrom is huge. I'd love to see this simple addition to Chaos and I'd be all over it like a fat kid on birthday cake.

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Haven't there been rumours of a veteran's supplement in lieu of Legion books for awhile now?


That would be cool, and reconcile what most fans want with what GW want chaos to be; a veteran core of marines scattered amongst warbands (GW) and rules that work better then we currently have (fans).


I just pray it wasn't the BL supp they were talking about, a book that many here love but all agree is only 3/4 of what it could be.

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