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dare we think it? chaos drop pods?

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I totally agree with the many above who've explained why we're never going to get our own CSM pods.  That said, the door is now open for us to take Space Marines (and their pods) as Come The Apocalypse allies, which really strikes me as being workable and fluffy enough to be competitive in casual games.  For example Grey Hunters counting as CSM, or Sternguard as Chosen, maybe accompanied by (non-crazy) Dreads, can be the Alpha/deep strike part of your force, and then you can back this up with (in my case) Blastmaster Noise Marines and Obliterators for fire support - the no deploying within 12" caveat won't apply, though the 6" "One Eye Open" rule might be a problem if you still want to run a Brandlord on a bike or whatever.  (But you can at least use fluff to nicely explain that annoyance as being the result of two rival warbands who simply don't trust each other temporarily working together.)  Ally in some Daemons too, and you should have a force that looks and feels way more chaotic than simply going full counts as with a SM dex, and you now get to play with proper drop pods too.  



Honestly, unless you're playing a legion based fluff army-nobody should play Chaos.  Our awesome unit-sucks now (Heldrake).  Why play with an underpowered codex that is just going to encourage you to use Cultists instead of...well you know, those "Space Marines of Chaos"

There's really no need for the CSM faction at all.  Most games are Loyalists Vs. Loyalists (or xenos vs xenos) anyways, so WHY continue with this wishful thinking when we know they're going to mess us everytime?  It's like going back to an abusive partner after they've beat the crap out of you/cheated on you and bankrupted you, "Oh no...Gamesworkshop loves me, He cares about me, he doesn't mean to do that to me!"



Fellas, we're battered spouses here, and I'm tired of taking five across the eyes for wanting some power and utility in our codex without a bunch of strings attached.


I'm either going Loyalist or 30k.  I'm feeling like Blood Angels will get some nice crunchiness-as they're an assault based army and Loyalist, they won't suck (as bad), unless Phil is tasked to help them.

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It's simple - if you don't like playing CSM with current codex, don't play, wait for some changes, it isn't your job or something like that after all. Complaining and trying to persuade others that everything sucks and "nobody should play chaos" isn't going to help anyone.

I play CSM, and never used (except one test game with hell talon proxy) our idiotic flying piece of monkey crap with derp-flamer, and I'm more than happy it got nerfed.

Do I win a lot? No, maybe one out of three games. Am I happy with current codex? Not at all. Do I want to kick Phill Kelly's ass so hard that my feet would come out of his mouth? Absolutely. Will I stop playing CSM because CSM forums puts Wall of Cry to shame? Hell no.

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Complaining and trying to persuade others that everything sucks and "nobody should play chaos" isn't going to help anyone.

It can help people to save money. Someone could be thining about playing w40k and instead of using CSM rules , they can decide to use w30k stuff or do counts as with one of the loyalist factions.



And the wait game doesn't realy work for most people . my main armis are nids and chaos. Those were realy fun for a large number of people in 4th ed.

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Complaining and trying to persuade others that everything sucks and "nobody should play chaos" isn't going to help anyone.

It can help people to save money. Someone could be thining about playing w40k and instead of using CSM rules , they can decide to use w30k stuff or do counts as with one of the loyalist factions.



And the wait game doesn't realy work for most people . my main armis are nids and chaos. Those were realy fun for a large number of people in 4th ed.

I have no regrets about spending money on CSM, at the very least I enjoy assembling and painting models. If someone wants to win tournaments, he's probably aware about CSM being low-tier army, and if he's not, there's monumental complaint-thread.




everything sucks and "nobody should play chaos"



it's good to have a place to complain together, isn't it?

Yrah I'm complaining about others complaining about CSM codex :D
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I play Chaos because I love villains, I love the Word Bearers backstory, and I play to have fun with my friends while getting drunk, I don't play to destroy tourney gamers.


I'd sooner paint my armor pink and join Forte in the Bread-and-cocaine lines then join team Edward or Jacob. At least Slaanesh is still kinda cool :P

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Complaining and trying to persuade others that everything sucks and "nobody should play chaos" isn't going to help anyone.

It can help people to save money. Someone could be thining about playing w40k and instead of using CSM rules , they can decide to use w30k stuff or do counts as with one of the loyalist factions.



And the wait game doesn't realy work for most people . my main armis are nids and chaos. Those were realy fun for a large number of people in 4th ed.


Oh man jeske, I am in the same boat mate. And people wonder why I hate on GW

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And the wait game doesn't realy work for most people . my main armis are nids and chaos. Those were realy fun for a large number of people in 4th ed.



I can see the root of all this angst if you play both Nids and Chaos.

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there's a new imperial armour book available on pre-release at the 40k open day next month

could it be this rumoured chaos one?

There's a rumour on faeit 212 that imperial armour 4 second edition is right round the corner so it's likely it'll be the one on sale.
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Also, as I understand, new rules for detachments mean that old "double FOC" is always available. So dreadclaws can stay fast attack, there will still be enough FA slots, right?

Yes, still doesnt subtract the price and no first turn assault.

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I think we should get Drop Pods with Twin-Linked Baleflamers.


With a 360 fire-arc, that all troops can assault straight out of, and then they transform into Heldrakes for the rest of the game.



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Bah allready tampered with the though to take a SW Allied detachement, since no where it says you can't, and the restrictions for CtA allies isn't that bad.


WolfLord on TW, Thunderwolfs squad using Zerkers on Juggers, and 2 units of GH in Pods just for the giggles of also having pods that block the ennemy army in his deployement zone or to rain on objectives.

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Oh man jeske, I am in the same boat mate. And people wonder why I hate on GW



Nah hating a firm is irrational. It is there to make money and most of the time it does just that[if it could do more is inconsequential as long as it is in the black]. Hating people on the other hand ,  now , that is something both healthy and constructive.




WolfLord on TW, Thunderwolfs squad using Zerkers on Juggers, and 2 units of GH in Pods just for the giggles of also having pods that block the ennemy army in his deployement zone or to rain on objectives.



That is a lot of units , why not take the chaos ones as ally and the SW as primary .You could get more pods and more jugger zerkers in your list.





With a 360 fire-arc, that all troops can assault straight out of, and then they transform into Heldrakes for the rest of the game.




But you do understand that it wouldn't be able to use the weapon [but boy would pay points for it] on the turn it lands] and imoblie av10 tends to ,well , it tends to die. But I imagine the bale flamer as a 25pts upgrade option to the Yeskovichius Pod.

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I'm mostly just bitter I've sunk so much money into my army trying to get a decent army out of it-only to have Phil Kelly make Khorne beserkers crappier Death Company with less options.


Which I'd say everything in the Elites section should have 2 attacks base (+1 for being double armed for the Beserkers).  It justifies their 'elite' points cost, in addition to Rage, Furious Charge (maybe they should have 5th edition style Furious charge if they bought an Icon of Wrath as well as re-roll charge dice?).

Too often I can't get a charge-because-well you guys know.  I've given some of it away, but last night was a particularly nasty night at work-and I tripped over the box for the last goddamn time this morning coming in.  I took it out to my parent's house.  Codex, army case, paint-everything doused with $10 of Regular Unleaded and had a book of lit matches dropped onto it.

Roughly $1130 burned.  Those goddamn beserkers won't ever fail another charge again, LOL.


The only thing I feel remotely bad about, is that I could have given them to someone who could have gotten some use out of them.  But I was the last Chaos player around where I live.  I couldn't give the defiler away.


Anyways, fellas, I wish you the best of luck with old Phil's Turd Burger here, and I hope you get what you want out of it.  I know better now-and I'm happy with my Grey Knights and Tau.

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I like chaos, I like drop pods, I use Codex Space Marines rules with my awesome black legion models. No one has every refused a game with me and once and a while I like to suffer and play chaos with chaos rules.


Maybe we can get a Imperial armor book (newer) or maybe we can get a dataslate, who knows...

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Roughly $1130 burned. 




Rough wind, that moanest loud

Grief too sad for song;

Wild wind, when sullen cloud

Knells all the night long;

Sad storm whose tears are vain,

Bare woods, whose branches strain,

Deep caves and dreary main,—

Wail, for the world's wrong!

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I'm mostly just bitter I've sunk so much money into my army trying to get a decent army out of it-only to have Phil Kelly make Khorne beserkers crappier Death Company with less options.


Which I'd say everything in the Elites section should have 2 attacks base (+1 for being double armed for the Beserkers).  It justifies their 'elite' points cost, in addition to Rage, Furious Charge (maybe they should have 5th edition style Furious charge if they bought an Icon of Wrath as well as re-roll charge dice?).


Too often I can't get a charge-because-well you guys know.  I've given some of it away, but last night was a particularly nasty night at work-and I tripped over the box for the last goddamn time this morning coming in.  I took it out to my parent's house.  Codex, army case, paint-everything doused with $10 of Regular Unleaded and had a book of lit matches dropped onto it.


Roughly $1130 burned.  Those goddamn beserkers won't ever fail another charge again, LOL.


The only thing I feel remotely bad about, is that I could have given them to someone who could have gotten some use out of them.  But I was the last Chaos player around where I live.  I couldn't give the defiler away.


Anyways, fellas, I wish you the best of luck with old Phil's Turd Burger here, and I hope you get what you want out of it.  I know better now-and I'm happy with my Grey Knights and Tau.

Wow. Taking it to the next level there.

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I'm mostly just bitter I've sunk so much money into my army trying to get a decent army out of it-only to have Phil Kelly make Khorne beserkers crappier Death Company with less options.


Which I'd say everything in the Elites section should have 2 attacks base (+1 for being double armed for the Beserkers). It justifies their 'elite' points cost, in addition to Rage, Furious Charge (maybe they should have 5th edition style Furious charge if they bought an Icon of Wrath as well as re-roll charge dice?).


Too often I can't get a charge-because-well you guys know. I've given some of it away, but last night was a particularly nasty night at work-and I tripped over the box for the last goddamn time this morning coming in. I took it out to my parent's house. Codex, army case, paint-everything doused with $10 of Regular Unleaded and had a book of lit matches dropped onto it.


Roughly $1130 burned. Those goddamn beserkers won't ever fail another charge again, LOL.


The only thing I feel remotely bad about, is that I could have given them to someone who could have gotten some use out of them. But I was the last Chaos player around where I live. I couldn't give the defiler away.


Anyways, fellas, I wish you the best of luck with old Phil's Turd Burger here, and I hope you get what you want out of it. I know better now-and I'm happy with my Grey Knights and Tau.

Khorne cares not where the melted plastic flows from but that it flows! ;)


Onto happier gaming mate, can't say I blame you, my nids and CSM are boxed alongside my fmc demons. I'm focusing on my guard this ed.

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I don't even have my models. I'd gladly take something off of you.


I'm sorry about that man, as I said, it was just an exceptionally bad day at work and it was just "the last straw".  One guy got hurt so I had to send him home and another guy was pissy...because he just gets that way sometimes.  I wish I could replace them with the drones from the Robocop remake (and I get paid the wages of the people they replace).


I'd found myself putting the Mark of Nurgle on more, and more stuff or going without a Mark instead of running the Mark of Khorne.  I thought I'd feel worse than I do, but as I said, putting my Grey Knights or Tau down on the table-I'm playing the armies I wanted to play-and there's no need for count-as, or house ruling or anything else.  

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Sad to hear it mate, though ive just swapped the last of my old CSM for some scion boxes...now im wondering what the hell am i thinking starting a chaos army right now?


Im going AstraMilitarum for at least the next year, maybe update whats left of my Vraks collection.


Since were saluting your profound moment of absolute protest, and the death of CSM playability;


Say goodbye old friend,

remind me where we went,

tell me once more,

of the times we cried with joy.

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