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Haven't played since 5ed, getting back into the habit.


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So I haven't played since 5ed and will be getting back into the habit shortly. Other than rulebooks, what should I pick up? Any advice at all on the current meta and such (I'm picking the habit back up because I'll be moving to an area with a thriving wargaming community in the first week of August, so I have a bit of time to get things tweaked around) would be really appreciated.

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Well, there is now a new phase: The psychic phase. We have a few options for this. The first is our librarians, who due to the new FAQ get cheaper access to Mastery level 2. If you missed out 6th ed, you missed out on the rule book psychic powers. Essentially, there are (now) seven different psychic disciplines, of which we can access six (I think, don't quote me on that.) We lost access to our codex powers, which is pretty rubbish. In 6th, the general consensuses was to take divination, a power that allowed a unit to reroll misses, which was quite powerful. However, this is now harder to use, since it is now a warp charge 2 spell.


We have the beast that is Mephiston, who traditonally rolls on biomancy, with a 50/50 chance of getting Iron Arm, which amongst other things increases his toughness to 9, which is crazy. Also changes to the independent character rule means that a character can join him, to benifit from majority toughness 9. The third option is the psyker dreadnought, who is mastery level 2. I'm not sure of the general net feeling on power choices in 7th, so play around with it.


In 7th, every unit scores, but troops have a form of "super scoring", which means they can control an objective, even if an enemy non troops unit is also on the objective. This benefit extends to dedicated transports, so that means scoring rhinos, land raiders or even drop pods. Since 5th, there has been a shift away from combat, towards shooting, so you may want to make a shootier force. You can no longer assault out of stationary rhinos for example, the charge distance is now random length (2d6") and the charged unit has the opportunity to make a free shooting attack resolved at bs1 (with the exception of Tau, more on that later.)


Another big change since 5th is fliers. Basically you hit them on 6s unless you have a rule called Skyfire, which is pretty rare, they have to move at least 18 inches per turn, and have limited ability to turn. For flier defense, we're not in a bad position, since our Storm Raven is one of the premier fliers (IMO) with the ability to kill two fliers per turn.


Vehicles are now more survivable (ish). There is a new system called hull points, which is essentially wounds for vehicles. Most have 3HP, with Land Raiders and other things of that calibre with 4HP.  An explodes result is only obtainable by getting 7+ on a d6, so you can't explode a vehicle in one shot unless you are ap2, ap1 or it's open topped. Skimmers can claim a free cover save at the cost of Snap firing next shooting phase (which means they fire at BS1).


In regards to the current meta, the most competitive codices are (IMO) Daemons, Eldar and Tau. Daemons can benefit from the new psychic phase to quite reliably summon free units of Daemons, ascend to Bloodthirsters etc. Eldar have pseudo rending on most of their basic weaponry, and again benefit greatly from the new psychic phase. Tau have the ability for units close by to a charging unit to also resolve an overwatch attack (shooting them at BS1). The tricky bit is that they have markerlights, which allow them to do fun things like increase BS of a unit up to a maximum of 10, ignore cover. They can do this in overwatch, which makes charging Tau quite a challenging and costly experience. They also have a monstrous creature battlesuit called a Riptide, which has some nasty high strength, low ap guns, for the price of one of our naked tactical squads.


Regarding good units in 7th, there are Storm Ravens, Mephiston, super-scoring land raiders, "fragiosos" and attack bikes. Think that's most of our unique shiny goodness. A fragioso is a furioso dreadnought with a heavy flamer, frag cannon and drop pod. This will drop on turn 1 and put three templates onto a unit, two of which are rending. They are good at damaging units early game, and make a good distraction unit. Melta armed attack bikes are great since AP1 is still great at wrecking vehicles and relentless multi-meltas make a mess of most things. They are now true toughness 5, not 4(5) so they can't be instagibbed by missiles, melta, lascannons etc. 


In regards to purchases, if you have the rules and your codex you can play fine, but something 6th (and 7th) did was massively increase the book load you need to carry. You are able to take allies from other codices, such as a rune priest, some thunderwolves and a pack of blood claws from Space Wolves. There are also two "expansions" called Escalation and Stronghold. Escalation gives rules for using a Lord of War choice in a normal game, which is essentially an apocalypse only unit, like a stompa or a reaver titan. Stronghold allows you to bring a large variety of fortifications, which are essentially buildings you control. Both are part of the game, and do not require opponent's permission first, so be aware you may have to fight a reaver titan in a 1500 point game say. A lot of people don't think that units like this belong in normal 40k, but you may find some who do. 


Hope some of this helps. I joined in 5th, and have been enjoying fighting for Sanguinius ever since. Anyway, it's getting late and I've probably rambled long enough. I'm off to bed.

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Best to stick with proxies for now; we're no more than a couple of months away from a new codex so save your cash smile.png

I second that. Were supposedly getting a new codex soon. If you have a club/store with an open copy perhaps consider asking if you could use that until the new codex hits.

Some suggestions for future purchases:

Baal Predators are a pretty good and safe purchase. The vehicle rules for this edition are really good and its a blood angel unique vehicle :)

Assault squads are also very good for us, since theyre troops. Aside from the fact that you need 2 mandatory troops we got alot of rules and characters that really boost our units on the charge so having 1 or 2 assault squads in your army is pretty advisable. Alternativly you could paint them black and use them as DC.

Speaking of which, id avoid a jumpy DC unit we get our new codex. At 35 points a model they are horribly overpriced. Dont get me wrong, theyre good. But anything with AP3 and/or instant death weapons will make short work of any DC marines you might have. They can die just as easily as normal marines to those weapons whilst theyre almost twice as expensive. If you are taking DC though id advise a Reclusiarch as your hq. On the charge a reasonable DC with a chaplain can munch through all but the most elite close combat units. wub.png

Furioso dreadnought. The kit can make either a liby dread, a fragioso or furioso with either blood talons (lightning claws) or bloodfists. (DCW) Aside from also beeing one of our older BA only units, Furiosos can wreck havoc in enemy lines. Ive killed a 30 boyz mob once in a single close combat phase with my bloodtalons Furioso on the charge :) these things are dangerous and nothing short of terminators will stop them in combat. WS6 and AV13 front makes them incredibly resiliant in a fight ^_^

As for any other purchases. What do you got right now? If we know what youve still got lying around its easier to advise you ;)

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My current (from memory) collection:



Reclusiarch (magnetized jump pack)


Sanguinary Priest x3 (magnetized jump pack, power swords)

Furioso Dreadnaught (magnetized fists/claws) with a drop pod

Fast Attack:

Land Speeder x9 (magnetized)

Baal Predator x2 (magnetized)


6 8x Assault Marines (magnetized JP) with 1x meltagun, sergeants with PFists

20ish DC Marines (magnetized JP) with a mix of wargear - mostly fists/power swords, none with bolters (bolt pistol + CCW was the order of the day)

Heavy Support:

Vindicator x3


Razorback (modular, couldn't figure out how to magnetize them) x4 - only have the las/plas and TLAC turrets for them though

Stormraven (magnetized) x2

Land Raider Crusader x2

Land Raider Phobos x2

Death Company drop pod

Regular drop pod x3


I'm going off memory here, but that looks about right as far as my whole collection is concerned right now. I don't have a single bolter marine, and apparently shooting is king this edition so far?

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That's a nice strong pool to choose from.


Like Demoulius said the jump pack DC are just way too expensive. They are probably the most awesome unit to have but they sink points out of other areas badly.


Baals are by far most effective with TL assault cannon and HB sponsons. With the flamestorm you will be less flexible and lucky to get off one shot. The rumour is that with the new dex, baals will be getting a third loadout option.


Use the time between now and the new dex to get to grips with the rules and have a tinker with different units. Are your DC going to play a key role? If so take no less than 7-8 of them, with an axe and hammer or fist depending on your local opposition. How are you going to get them into combat? A stormraven may be best for you, but I've found it vulnerable to interceptors and it's a lot of points to lose in one basket so I prefer the land raider.


Since I came back to BA I must have tried almost everything in the codex, now I'm an established drop-pod user but you find what works for you and enjoy it :)

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I hope our 'dex drops soon, then. It might time up perfectly, since I'm moving from a place where there are no gamers to a place with multiple FLGSs and a thriving 40k community in the beginning of August.


If you had my existing collection, what would you pick up in the meantime to augment it?

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