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Typhus and Necrosius Zombies

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It's cultists in the same army as Typhus (or Necrosius).  So, yes it crosses detachments and formations (as they are all part of one army).

- See the BWB, page 116 onwards.  Which defines what comprises an "army" and yes, that includes multiple detachments (and formations).

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I used 3 Helcuts with Necrosious against a hord Ork player, and they did great!


One Helcult charged in on a Mega Armored Warboss and Eavy Armored Nobz and wiped them out.


It was a very effective tactic. If I had the squads of 15 or 20 instead of just 10, it would have worked that much better!


I'm going to be posting the batrep on here soon.

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