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Riptides and Assault


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If a riptide assaults say a demolisher, does the demolisher get any swings back in combat? I found the part about vehicles being treated as ws1 but then it talks about if a vehicle wins combat. My friend said vehicles don't get attacks so how exactly are they suppose to win combat?
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Walkers can win combat.  Or a vehicle can be part of a multi-assault where their side wins.  Vehicles other than walkers don't get to make attacks in close combat, but if they survive they are not locked in combat so can just drive away.

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Walkers can win combat. Or a vehicle can be part of a multi-assault where their side wins. Vehicles other than walkers don't get to make attacks in close combat, but if they survive they are not locked in combat so can just drive away.

Chariots do now, with Hammer of Wrath and being stuck in Combat.


And who knows, maybe they'll give Chaos Vehicles Marks again, and Khorne Rhinos can tear it up.

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The WS1 I believe is to simulate that the vehicle has moved or is moving and the model trying to hit it is trying to hit it, whereas if the vehicle hadn't moved then your hits are resolved automatically.

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Non-walker vehicles can also win combat based on bonuses. 

If the riptide charges a Deathwing land raider with a command squad/ banner in range, then (if the bonus applies, I dont remember off the top of my head) if the riptide does no damage it will lose combat by 1 (unless it has a bonus of its own.)


EDIT: I think vehicles always count as WS 1 now, even if stationary.

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He does, however his warlord trait gives him hatred so he hits on a 2+ with re-rolls. He also has 7 attacks at S7 when he charges, with armourbane and AP2. So he'll mess up any vehicle he gets into combat with.


... oh and he's fearless, so even if he did somehow lose combat against the vehicle, he wouldn't care.

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Walkers can win combat. Or a vehicle can be part of a multi-assault where their side wins. Vehicles other than walkers don't get to make attacks in close combat, but if they survive they are not locked in combat so can just drive away.

Chariots do now, with Hammer of Wrath and being stuck in Combat.


And who knows, maybe they'll give Chaos Vehicles Marks again, and Khorne Rhinos can tear it up.



Whatever they 'do' for Chaos (if they do anything), it will suck, or be something unasked for and unwanted, because it's based off Phil's *ahem* "Efforts" and he has failed Chaos.

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