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OOP Metal Plasma Cannon Devestator


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I am trying to put together a SM armed with a Plasma Cannon; its from the devastator box set that was discontented when they made the all plastic devastator box.  I don't care how I try posing the two arms, there is just no way that I can see to make them line up and not have a huge gab somewhere between the shoulders and chest.  Is this common or am I just looking at it wrong.  Funny thing is if I try the support arm for the heavy bolter, it works a lot better but then I would be short an arm for it.  Please help me out with this.

It's a common problem. Or at least it was when I was putting them together. I've since pulled my six (!) metal plasma cannon Devastators apart... And I may have misplaced the support arms... Which will be interesting when I get around to reusing them...


My solution was to attach the backpack to the torso first, and then line up the gun arm with the backpack feed, and then hope/pray/wish that the support arm lines up. The support arm ended up slightly further forward than should be 'right' on quite a few models.

Ok looks like I will be doing so pinning and green stuffing. I only have two of the plasma cannons so guess I can live with it. Lesson learned, don't buy a box set until you are ready to use it. I would have gladly payed a little bit more for the plastics and cut out this frustration.

OMG, this brings back nightmares. I think the old metal plasma cannon is 100x better looking than the newer plastic one, but sweet God-Emperor were those metal devs a bitch to put together. Getting them to line up with the backpacks was a huge PITA, but then it made them so top heavy that the slightest nudge would topple them over. I even weighted the bases and it had little effect.


And then one day, playing in a tourney at the LGS and the plasma cannon marine is in cover near the edge of the table and some guy not paying attention bumps the table real hard and you see it start to tip and you know it's gonna go right over the side...





And it hits the floor, breaking the super glue bond at the waist, neck, and both arms(even with pins on both sides!!!!!!!).


So yeah, good luck with that. :D


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