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Blood Angels and the Inquisition

Boom Stick

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I have been playing since 5th and have always been more about the game then the fluff. Now I have started reading the fluff in the new rule book and some other books and have liked the stuff I have read about the Inquisition.


My question is, being very loyal to my men in red, fluff wise is there anything to support a narrative that would allow the Inquisition to join my Blood Angels?

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I also love BA and the Inquisition, and have for many years planned the same army combo...


There are hundreds of reasons they might be joined together.  Mine is simply that the Inquisition has joined them, to aid in their fight against the enemies of the Imperium, but also to investigate the rumors of questionable ritual and possibly even gene-seed corruption... the latter reason is of course unspoken though the Blood Angels are keenly aware.


My Inquisitor suspects flaws in the BA gene-seed but she also has enormous respect and admiration for the chapter and Commander Dante.


Sadly though that Inquisitor Codex is so darned difficult to read and make sense of!

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Another thing to remember is that the Inquisition isn't really a single, unified body. A single Inquisitor has a lot of leeway in how he conducts his business. So while the Blood Angels are often regarded with distrust and fear, the certain Inquisitor assigned to aid the BAs might not have a problem with that.


In addition to this, I'm sure even hard-line puritan Inquisitors will respect the Chapter for it's glorious history and unwavering loyalty. So yeah, allying BA with the Inquisition is completely okay.

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The Blood Angels, at least under Dante's rule, have a history of cooperating with the Inquisition and other factions of the Imperium in good faith.  There are also instances of the Inquisition seeking the Blood Angels' help in cases that may relate to the chapter's history.  So there is certainly a precedent for these kinds of operations.

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I plan on using Inquisitorial/GK allies with my budding Flesh Tearers army.  Although these would hardly be allied together, I'm going to say that the Inquisition was sticking its nose where it didn't belong when something far more important popped off, hence the forces of the Imperium having to ally to combat the larger threat.

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AFAIK the inquisition is aware (to an extend) of the flaw even though they probably dont know exactly what it is. Some might suspect a thing like geneseed impurity or chaos taint but the blangels have been able to keep what is up hidden from their eyes well enough happy.png

Oh those black marines over there? They have shamed themselves in some way so they want to die in combat. Oh look, a shiney jem! Go get the shinies! *prays that the same trick that works on space wolves work on inquisitors* rolleyes.gif

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AFAIK the inquisition is aware (to an extend) of the flaw even though they probably dont know exactly what it is. Some might suspect a thing like geneseed impurity or chaos taint but the blangels have been able to keep what is up hidden from their eyes well enough happy.png

Oh those black marines over there? They have shamed themselves in some way so they want to die in combat. Oh look, a shiney jem! Go get the shinies! *prays that the same trick that works on space wolves work on inquisitors* rolleyes.gif

When my friends and I ran our first game of Deathwatch I was looking for a way to have my character in Death Company iconography, and I decided that some subterfuge was the best explanation. Basically my marine had not fallen to the Black Rage, but the Blood Angels sent him to the Inquisition in Death Company colors as a way to falsely depict the Death Company as nothing more than a group of particularly skilled marines chosen to form a special squad during battle. "Nope, nothing wrong with them they are just the best warriors we have" ;)

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AFAIK the inquisition is aware (to an extend) of the flaw even though they probably dont know exactly what it is. Some might suspect a thing like geneseed impurity or chaos taint but the blangels have been able to keep what is up hidden from their eyes well enough happy.png

Oh those black marines over there? They have shamed themselves in some way so they want to die in combat. Oh look, a shiney jem! Go get the shinies! *prays that the same trick that works on space wolves work on inquisitors* rolleyes.gif

When my friends and I ran our first game of Deathwatch I was looking for a way to have my character in Death Company iconography, and I decided that some subterfuge was the best explanation. Basically my marine had not fallen to the Black Rage, but the Blood Angels sent him to the Inquisition in Death Company colors as a way to falsely depict the Death Company as nothing more than a group of particularly skilled marines chosen to form a special squad during battle. "Nope, nothing wrong with them they are just the best warriors we have" msn-wink.gif

Hahaha biggrin.png I could see that working to an extend. That said the inquisistion is no fool. DC marines have been known to have blurry lines of friend and foe. Sometimes they do attack allies specialy when non startes (as in, imperial guard/sisters etc) are on the field.

If im not mistaken the same thing happend on Armageddon with the flesh tearers and a sister of battle sisterhood. They were fighting alongside eachother and the tearers got a little.... Overzealous of their purging and also attacked the sisters. Im not sure if it were normal marines under the gripe of the red thirst or if it was the flesh tearers death company but suffice to say blood angels and their successors have somewhat of a reputation with some factions in the imperium.

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  • 2 weeks later...
With this last codex the Blood Angels work much more closely with the ordo maleous (sp) and read anything with the deathwatch and there is always at least one BA or successor in the squad. Apparently the ordo xenos relies on them heavily, probably why they overlooking the flaw. Heck, when KaBantha, the mightiest blood thirster emerges the first stop for the Grey Knights is to grab some blood angels, its why the fifth company is called Demonbane
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Second all of the above. A lot of links between the BA and the Inquisition. I'm in the process of making up just such a detachment for my own forces as well. Ultimately with the aim of having one that can be customised to either act as long range fire support or a dropped in, close-range, blatter... Always with the Valkyrie for some cheap flyer fun!


Fluff-wise feel that an Inquisitor in a Valk is a must as if they want any chance of keeping up and keeping an eye on the BA they will need a ride with some speed! Also on a fluff note I won't be using any radical Inquisitor trickery... no way the BA would fail to spot a Daemon Host/blade/tome/whatever being used next to them on the battlefield. 



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