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Zuhfor or an Axe lord


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Hey all, I'm looking at occasionally running a Khorne terminator lord in my lists as a secondary HQ, mostly for fun to drop behind enemy lines and rip things apart with.


Im not sure wheather taking Lord Zhufor or a Khorne Lord with the axe of blind fury and a power weapon is better.


The axe lord is cheaper, has a potential for more attacks at a higher I and AP2 but lacks an armour save.



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Zhufor hits at Str10 with power fist, which is awesome for instant-killing T5 models and wounding hard stuff like wraithknights on 2+, he's tougher than regular lord 'cause of Eternal Warrior, and wipes 4+ save infantry with tons of attacks. He lacks VotLW, but that's not a big deal, and his invulnerable save is quite weak, his warlord trait isn't that great. But I think he's better than TDA Axe lord.
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