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A Chaos Army with no Hippies? Do I have to like Daemons?


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I used to love daemons when I first started collecting chaos. CSM and Daemon allies was one of the main themes I wanted of my warband but as time went on and I got used to using my csm I found that I just didn't really enjoy using daemons as much. For me chaos was always about those marines that fought in the Seige of Terra itself and I seem to have gone back to that root.

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In this case, what I would recommend is to ditch all projects, ditch all models and ditch all the background you have envisioned, and start in the "tabula rasa" mode, as a blank slate. Identify a legion, read all the material on this legion, if it inspires you begin to envision this legion on tabletop, if not, then move onto the next legion. Meanwhile buy slowly and steady your collection, simply fill out your collection with every entry in our codex and just assemble and basecoat them. But while you study the fluff you work and build your collection of models. Initially keep your models free of conversions, then move onto the legion specific kits from FW or GW if you are really set on an army



This is really good advice. I think right now I'm doing the opposite.


There is some fiction out there I'd like to engage in...... and characters I'd like to try more of (gave up on Huron, gave up on Kranon) and they're worth re-visiting and seeing if I like them... If I like their legion....


As you say, in my case especially, I think paint should be last or I'll sabotage myself again.


I wish there was more than 'Betrayer' for WE. I'd also like to finally read the Huron novel and see if there's any inspiration in there... or none at all!


Basing a list on some characters I haven't tried could be fun and a good way of testing an element of a chapter.


Overall I really agree with the core of your message. Like I said it's almost the opposite of what I've been doing for the last year.

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As I see it we have a new edition which favour people with well rounded and big collections of models. My advice to survive in the 7th with a relatively healthy hobby budget and with an increasing army collection is to approach the whole thing in a systematic way. GW hogs our money with countless kits, Unbound armies and datalastes, so the trick here to keep your army up and running and your wallet reasonably healthy is to make a collection plan.


This is how I have approached Chaos, since I have decided that with the new edition comes a new army so I am simply buying every codex entry, one at a time, to keep the costs low, the assembling time easily dispersed trough the month and the extra time free to invest in reading Black Library novels. So far with a clear buying plan and a systematic approach I have easily spared half an army worth of euros by simply knowing what exactly I need, how am I building it and how I will play it.


And while I am deciding on the scheme and the background I am assembling models, playtesting my armies and raiding the bitz boxes of my friends for exactly the bitz I need and nothing else. And the truth is that I am happy for my hobby budget this year is surprisingly healthy with this change of policy and I am free to mingle and entertain countless ideas of armies even while I am playtesting them. 


Hopefully the result will be a nice collection and challenging army lists to play. 

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