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~Ladies of Titan, Female Grey Knight!~


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Okay, before you fluffists come at me (bro), this was a commission request, gotta please the client!


the client commissioned me to concept, sculpt and paint a female Grey knight terminator w/ magnetized cc weapons.


Concept: We went for hair like kate beckinsale (as close as one can get at 28mm scale with my basic skills).




Sculpting begins. I needed to create the enlarged gorget to fit the head inside (hair was gunna be big). The face is a dark eldar face with the hair scraped off and reapplied.

For anyone wondering, I used Green stuff mixed with terracotta milliput (creates a smoother surface I find, easier to bulk up).




Second day of sculpting: I went back to greenstuff (smoothed with vaseline) to create the finer details. I used Rare-earth magnets glued in and cemented over with milliput. It took a long time to decide the size of breast armor. Too small, and it loses the effect, too big and it'll look dumb.




Fully Painted: (tabletop quality). Hair dryers, thats how you can paint super fast (no drying time). I painted this in about 5 hours (client is from farm, needed it asap) The armor went through a few layers (I used gunmetal mixed with some greys for a drybrushed base over black, followed by nuln oil wash, followed by gunmetal and silver highlight brush, followed by watered down blue wash followed by silvered line highlights).

Colors are based on client's army color scheme (as close as I could get).








thanks for lookin! :waaagh: 

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The whole female Space Marine thing I can overlook, especially given it's a commission, and it's a nice model you built there...


Except for one, or rather, two, things.


Terminator armour is big, very big. So why in the Emperor's name do it require a pair of breasts added to the front? Not only is it silly from a practical standpoint (the curve of the breasts directing attacks hitting the chestplate towards the sternum where they'll do more damage) but it's just plain unneccessary given that, genetically enhanced or not, no woman's mammaries are big enough to require that much extra space added to Terminator armour, especially the already very-roomy looking Grey Knight variant.


Sorry, it's just a pet peeve of mine, aside from that the model looks great.

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I was going to say the same as the above, especially when you consider that the modifications required to make humans into marines would cover them in muscle, the initial gender would be very hard to distinguish. Although I imagine that they were specified in the commission.

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I was going to say the same as the above, especially when you consider that the modifications required to make humans into marines would cover them in muscle, the initial gender would be very hard to distinguish. Although I imagine that they were specified in the commission.



I second what SR said, those breasts would be unnaturally big.


Fair enough guys! Personally I wouldn't put any breast armor on a terminator, but the client wanted something visibly female on the tabletop, and chest armor is how he wanted it done. 

I'm not that bothered by it to be honest, Terminator armor is already completely impossible (how wide are dem shoulders).


thanks for the critiques!

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Teetengee: yeah, the commission was for an obviously female terminator, which would be impossible normally (as the armor is too bulky and the female marine to masculine inside anyway.


Hence the super exaggerated proportions, so she comes off as (semi-grotesquely) female from a quick glance.

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She's got some big old hooties man-armored hooties at that.  I wouldn't figure making "Sisters of Battle-but Bigger" would be the right way to go, as I feel that kind of power armor is fundamentally flawed.


Though...it's kind of hard to distinguish "this is a female model" without going that route (in the Halo Games, female Spartans are slightly slimmer looking-though you don't notice it in the thick of fighting, but I imagine that would be difficult to pull off)

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Wow, this actually survived the ban-hammer for four days?


Paint job is decent, but read this: http://www.tor.com/blogs/2013/05/boob-plate-armor-would-kill-you, and forward it to the person commissioning. Boobplate is one of my pet peeves (there are other ways to indicate femininity, i.e. hip/shoulder ratio), and the reason I can't take Howling Banshees or SoBs seriously. 


Otherwise...*dances happy dance*

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We accept Titans, Psykers, Primarchs and absolutely everything Ork-related without blinking, but once boob-plate comes up we suddenly worry about its practicalities?

Come on, live a little and simply enjoy ;-)



P.S, great job on the model

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