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BA Forgeworld Recommendations


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Getting ready to leave AFG after serving over here for a year. No idea about 7th ED, current state of the game, etc. But I have saved a little $$$ and would like to buy some forgeworld goodness.. Will def pick up a contemptor, but not real clear, fluff wise, what else? There are a number (duh its forgeworld) of kewl super heavy kits but not sure if I could use them in games. And not sure, fluff wise, what would fit? The glaive, venetor, fellblade all look cool but do 41st BAs field such relics? Maybe some of the tooled up Land Raiders..


Any ideas. I sure am liking the forgeworld knight models but I am not ready for that yet... he he.. Besides infantry, i have 7 dreads of various flavors, 4 land raiders, and a bunch of rhino chassis vehicles.


Maybe one of the older (and cooler looking) whirlwind models... i dunno.. gotta keep researching...





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Fluffwise I think you justify most things in a BA list since they are a first founding chapter.


The Sicaran is one of the best all around picks. Much more durable than our regular predators and with a nasty gun, all for a OK price and a nice looking kit. 


I think Morticon swears by the Fire raptor? 


The scorpius whirlwind are one of those kits that look pretty sweet on paper but not always live up to the hype on the table. Small blasts makes for less hits than one might think but there will be times where it can really shine. Being AP3 means no explode results which takes down it's usefulness a bit. 


The caestus is a very fun and fluffy addition to an aggressive BA force. Not the most competitive choice due to it's price and lack of non blast-weapons. Who cares though when you have a flyer that can dish out S10 improved ram attacks and shoot a large blast melta at stuff! :D  (The kit is not fun to deal with but thankfully have very few pieces)


If you want to be 'that guy' and make everyone regret they allowed forgeworld then bring as many thuddguns as you can. 

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Most of what knife&fork has said can be found in Imperial Armour volume two second edition. (Note that the FAQ for this book says Blood Angels can have the Fire Raptor).


The only Contemptor pattern Dreadnought we are currently allowed can be found in the 2013 version of Imperial Armour Apocalypse.


The toys I want from Forgeworld (I currently run a mech list) are:


Fellblade - mainly for Apocalypse, but the 7th edition does allow you to field one as your Lord of War choice

Sicaran - it's an Autolas configured Predator Destructor on steroids - and it's fast!

Spartan Land Raider - extra HP and larger transport capacity? Yes please!

Fireraptor - No transport but has more firepower than the Stormraven and can target up to four different targets


I'd also like some Rapiers (Quad Heavy Bolter or a twin-linked ordnance lascannon) for my collection too. Perhaps an Assault Ram, Lucius Drop Pod and one or two others would work too.

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Have only used the scorpius and some hyperios missile launchers so far. Next on the list is two sicarans - goodbye jetbikes!


The scorpius is great against a variety of targets; MEQs, MCs with their large bases, vehicles and hordes. On average you get 3 x S8 small blast shots, sadly not ordnance but I found it fills a gap in our codex very well and a snip at 115 points.


The hyperios is really a cheap, lazy option for anti-air but at S8 and with re-roll to hit against flyers and skimmers plus the fact you can grouo them in units, I think two of them are better value than an aegis with quad auto.

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I second, or third, the vote for getting a Sicaran. Definitely one of my favorite models. I recommend getting a set of each type of contemptor hand weapon. That would allow you to equip choose which built-in weapon you want to use when you assemble it and you may even be able to magnetize it. I can't confirm the magnetizing but it didn't seem like it would be that hard.

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well I ordered a sicarian.. really nice looking model.. and picked up the imperial armor vol 2 2nd ed book.. my forgeworld addiction has started!!! hoping for a Blood Angel contemptor someday. i mean how much longer can GW/FW milk the heresy.. he he.. thanks for the replies...

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Only grey knights can take the thunderhawk gunship?


Thunderhawk transport is just a waste of points in non-apoc games.


Has anyone given the caestus a try? I'm working on a 1850 list for next year's caledonian open, looking at a caestus with 7 hammernators, reclusiarch and corbulo inside. Plus two sicarans, a fire raptor and a damocles. There's some non-FW stuff in there somewhere too I think :D

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Only grey knights can take the thunderhawk gunship?

Thunderhawk transport is just a waste of points in non-apoc games.

Has anyone given the caestus a try? I'm working on a 1850 list for next year's caledonian open, looking at a caestus with 7 hammernators, reclusiarch and corbulo inside. Plus two sicarans, a fire raptor and a damocles. There's some non-FW stuff in there somewhere too I think biggrin.png

used it twice as dc delivery, it's nice but very expensive and has no anti air, I don't think i'd use it unless I knew i'd be playing no fliers or it was a very large point game, blast melta is nice though.

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the caestus ram is a beast, perfect fit for terminators LC or TH/SS doesn't matter solid unit and fairly price in points.  That 5in melt blast is something to be feared, the missile you add are a matter personal choice, one shot only for 4 blast makers 3in kind S6 AP 4 will wreck IG, Orks, nids and tau and DE in pirate ships. But one shot only is its biggest draw back. The main gun with 5in blast AP 1 will make just about everything else cry, including your self should the dice diced to turn on you and scatter it back at you.


seeing how it has the word ram in its name, kinda foreshadows its main roll, and with the increase save from ramming it will own AV 12 or less, av 13-14 can be killed but its better to blast them with melta , than ram.


It is able to pull off a first turn ram. 


Can BA take it? i only use it for my shark, but ram filled with DC being able to assault turn 2 would be great.

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It counts as a fast attack choice for BA. The missiles are now fixed wargear whereas they used to be optional for 25 points.


Correct me if I'm wrong but as a flyer it must start in reserve on turn 1, therefore no ram on turn 1 and no assault till turn 3 earliest?

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It counts as a fast attack choice for BA. The missiles are now fixed wargear whereas they used to be optional for 25 points.

Correct me if I'm wrong but as a flyer it must start in reserve on turn 1, therefore no ram on turn 1 and no assault till turn 3 earliest?

It would be though with av13 front and an invun you could maybe risk starting it on the board :p
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Did I missed a FAQ or something?


The sheet I have list missle as add on point cost. And it's Tank, fast & simer. I might have missed the FAQ completely on it.


That will be great news if counts as fast attack for BA,


My apologize for going off a outdated rule set usually on ball about making sure my army is update looks like on slip by.


Is a direct link to update floating around ?

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Doubt if even forgeworld themselves know what the latest rules are for half their stuff :D The latest rules are in Imperial Armour 2 2nd edition page 144. Naughty copies are online, but mine is totally legitimate of course.
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