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Attention lapsed ETL participants!

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We're currently third. We're 400 points behind Dark Angels, roughly 10,000 behind Angels of Death.


Now, I understand. Life happens, it gets in the way of fun stuff. Hell, I'm not gonna finish my third vow until the week after next because of it, and it's 17 models.


That said, we are capable of winning this. There's a lot of points locked in uncompleted first vows at the moment, so what are you waiting for? Let's kick the loyalists so far off their fancy pedestal they can't climb back up!




P.S - I considered writing this in character, but we don't need fancy rhetorical tricks to get the job done.

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I've just about finished my second vow, however with exams coming up in 3 weeks I'll only be able to increase our points marginally (probably only doing 1 model vows if at all).


Sorry I can't help anymore this time around, but learning for 7 exams while writing papers and then also learning for 2 oral exams is stretching my ability to make any larger completions :/

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Dude, two completed vows is nothing to sneeze at! Exams are more important than this, plus you're the guy that triggered my third vow, so it's kinda your vow 2.5, right?



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Will have a major exam next Thursday, so I won't touch a brush before then. That said, I'm struggleing to get them wings right (dragon wings for a daemon prince conversion). I want to achieve a leathery effect for the flying-skin parts. Tried and erred some already and can't seem to find a useful recipe. Can someone help me?

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Will have a major exam next Thursday, so I won't touch a brush before then. That said, I'm struggleing to get them wings right (dragon wings for a daemon prince conversion). I want to achieve a leathery effect for the flying-skin parts. Tried and erred some already and can't seem to find a useful recipe. Can someone help me?

Have you looked at pictures of the leather look you're aiming for? Are you aiming for the bluish look or more natural?

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Will have a major exam next Thursday, so I won't touch a brush before then. That said, I'm struggleing to get them wings right (dragon wings for a daemon prince conversion). I want to achieve a leathery effect for the flying-skin parts. Tried and erred some already and can't seem to find a useful recipe. Can someone help me?

Have you looked at pictures of the leather look you're aiming for? Are you aiming for the bluish look or more natural?



I'd like to achieve a natural leathery-wingy look. Nothing bluish or redish. Pictures I looked at, but wasn't able to do what I wanted so far.

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