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Okay I was just going to make this post as someone sent me the video..... 


So get this.... I saw the video and the guy who sent it to me is the Nid player I just defeated in my last game.... So what do I do? I sent the following message to our Nid player CCing the rest of our 40K group. (I have changed the names to protect the innocent as well as the guilty):


I dunno.

I just want to say that in that video I think there is a vital message in that clip that we should all recognize:
In the video the army I play is beating the +censored+ out of the army Bob plays. 
Then just as Bob's best stuff is breaking through the wall to turn the game around for him, the army I play ends the game.
The moral of the story? Learn to play Malestrom!!!!
This message has been brought to you by the Dark Angels Veterans: Bro-Fist, and Come-at-me-Bro. And the number 1 (as in the first Legion)
So if nothing else this video allowed me an epic troll. Boo-yaa! (Boo-yaa is the name of my usually first to die sergeant in every game)
But yea, awesome video clip. So much grainy, mouth watering detail on those Assault cannon/Storm Bolter spent shells hissing through the air. 
Makes me want to paint a thousand Termies... or just beat "Bob's" Nids about 10 more times which is probably more likely.... !!! 
(Please don't take the above seriously... these guys know I'm usually trolling them.)

As much as I am impressed with the trailer, it's all pre rendered graphics. Until I get to see in game play I'm going to have to give some caution to this game. Streum Interactive only have two games fully developed, while one of them seems to have quite a cult following, it doesn't really inspire confidence on my part. Hopefully they can deliver. I'd love nothing more than the sons of the Lion to have an awesome game!

My 2p added biggrin.png

  On 6/28/2014 at 4:42 AM, SenialChaplain said:

As much as I am impressed with the trailer, it's all pre rendered graphics. Until I get to see in game play I'm going to have to give some caution to this game. Streum Interactive only have two games fully developed, while one of them seems to have quite a cult following, it doesn't really inspire confidence on my part. Hopefully they can deliver. I'd love nothing more than the sons of the Lion to have an awesome game!

My 2p added biggrin.png

Actually I read somewhere this is the in-game engine. *drops the mic and walks offstage*

  On 6/28/2014 at 4:58 AM, JeffTibbetts said:

  On 6/28/2014 at 4:42 AM, SenialChaplain said:

As much as I am impressed with the trailer, it's all pre rendered graphics. Until I get to see in game play I'm going to have to give some caution to this game. Streum Interactive only have two games fully developed, while one of them seems to have quite a cult following, it doesn't really inspire confidence on my part. Hopefully they can deliver. I'd love nothing more than the sons of the Lion to have an awesome game!

My 2p added biggrin.png

Actually I read somewhere this is the in-game engine. *drops the mic and walks offstage*

I'd love to read your source sir.

  On 6/28/2014 at 7:10 AM, SenialChaplain said:

  On 6/28/2014 at 4:58 AM, JeffTibbetts said:

  On 6/28/2014 at 4:42 AM, SenialChaplain said:

As much as I am impressed with the trailer, it's all pre rendered graphics. Until I get to see in game play I'm going to have to give some caution to this game. Streum Interactive only have two games fully developed, while one of them seems to have quite a cult following, it doesn't really inspire confidence on my part. Hopefully they can deliver. I'd love nothing more than the sons of the Lion to have an awesome game!

My 2p added biggrin.png

Actually I read somewhere this is the in-game engine. *drops the mic and walks offstage*

I'd love to read your source sir.

It's be easy enough to test; Look for other games using the unreal4 engine, look for screenshots. The video is obviously not using any game engine, it's something else. I doubt the game play looks that good.


  On 6/28/2014 at 7:10 AM, SenialChaplain said:

  On 6/28/2014 at 4:58 AM, JeffTibbetts said:

  On 6/28/2014 at 4:42 AM, SenialChaplain said:

As much as I am impressed with the trailer, it's all pre rendered graphics. Until I get to see in game play I'm going to have to give some caution to this game. Streum Interactive only have two games fully developed, while one of them seems to have quite a cult following, it doesn't really inspire confidence on my part. Hopefully they can deliver. I'd love nothing more than the sons of the Lion to have an awesome game!

My 2p added biggrin.png

Actually I read somewhere this is the in-game engine. *drops the mic and walks offstage*

I'd love to read your source sir.

Pause the trailer at 13 seconds - it says so there.

  On 6/28/2014 at 10:06 AM, Cactus said:

  On 6/28/2014 at 7:10 AM, SenialChaplain said:

  On 6/28/2014 at 4:58 AM, JeffTibbetts said:

  On 6/28/2014 at 4:42 AM, SenialChaplain said:

As much as I am impressed with the trailer, it's all pre rendered graphics. Until I get to see in game play I'm going to have to give some caution to this game. Streum Interactive only have two games fully developed, while one of them seems to have quite a cult following, it doesn't really inspire confidence on my part. Hopefully they can deliver. I'd love nothing more than the sons of the Lion to have an awesome game!

My 2p added biggrin.png

Actually I read somewhere this is the in-game engine. *drops the mic and walks offstage*

I'd love to read your source sir.

Pause the trailer at 13 seconds - it says so there.

Well my face is red... pardon my inability to read. I'm jet lagged to hell from holiday, obviously not paying attention.

It would be great if the game played that well though.

Console? Shmonsole! The rig I'll be playing it on has a processor that costs as much as an Xbox, and a video card that costs half again more. You won't get graphics like that on a playstation, either. That video might have been made using the game engine (I've seen stuff almost that good from battlefield 4), but it'll only look that good on a PC, and only if you have at least $2k in the machine. Even mine won't look quite that good at three and a half ex boxes. So I call shenanigans. Yes, it is real. But it isn't realistic because 99% of their customers don't have the hardware to render the graphics in that quality.


Where do I pre-order biggrin.png

I was being tongue in cheek, obviously... :D


I really want to see actual gameplay as well, but I won't fault them for not having it in a teaser trailer. And yeah, even if it's the game engine there's no telling what the real deal is going to look like. I was kinda surprised to see that it was made with the game engine In the first place, though. If nothing else the character models are probably going to look that good.

Maybe it'll generate additional interest in EC, but I don't see this being a big commercial success, it's not "realistic" (which isn't realistic at all, I've been in firefights IRL) and therefore won't be interesting to the battlefield/counterstrike crowd.  I mean, look at Unreal Tournament.  FANTASTIC game, much better balance, more visually interesting, and it flopped because it wasn't serious/realistic enough.  Those clowns think because the games they play feature AK-47s and urban camo, they're combat simulations instead of FPS games.  

Cyanide were the guys who developed the Blood Bowl PC game. That has been through three iterations so far and is not at all bad, but does have bugs and doesn't quite implement the rules precisely. There may be more freedom with this though as I believe it is supposed to be a straight shooter with a cool theme. Whether it will do enough to compete with other first-person shooters on the market I don't know, as the setting may actually prove to be restrictive.


It is also quite a small dev team I believe, so we can't expect something on the scale of, say, Mass Effect. Space Marine might be quite a good comparison though.


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