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new conscript ready for the meat grinder


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hi guys,


I'm getting back into 40k after about 4 years away! Which is just long enough for me to have completely forgotten the rules.


I first started back when the boxed set was Marines vs Dark Eldar. I went on to have guard and chaos space marine armies, i seem to remember the chaos codex cover was a guy who looked like Keith from the band Prodigy on it. I have been collecting and playing on and off ever since.


I plan to build up a couple of 1k armies to start and learn the game with. Namely guard and Space Wolves, so B&C seemed like the perfect forum!


You guys have some awesome guides and resources.

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Welcome back to the hobby, brother, and welcome to B&C. Feel free to ask any questions you have and don't forget to check the site's rules. ;)

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