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Starting a Purge Warband

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Greetings fellow followers of Nurgle.


After lacking direction for my new 7th edition chaos warband, I've finally settled on making a Purge Warband as I love the idea of renegades who believe destroying all life is a good thing.


First a few notes about my past armies. I've been a die hard chaos follower for ages, my first khornate chaos warband from 4th edition having been long sold off and my most recent project being a massive warriors of chaos mono tzeentch army.


So this being my first Nurgle warband, what I could really use are some painting tips. I don't want to go full out rusted and rot green on all my units but I do need a suggestion for a good green to use for purge CSM. At least to start out I'm going to stick to normal Marines, no plague Marines yet.


The second pointer I could use is how to represent purge chemical weapons model wise, don't really care about rules. I did just pick up a vindicator and I figured I might try making that a massive chemical cannon but I'm short on ideas of how to do that.

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While I like the Purge conceptwise I'm slightly bothered by their association with Nurgle. While he represents Death, he's also big into Rebirth, Immortality and Bacteria. I don't really see why they should get his favour. Moral Nihilism ok but practical doesn't fit Papa Nurgles MO.

I think they'd fit way better with Malal/Malice. But that's probably just me.

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There's actually a purge specific formation... and since formations are a thing in regular games now you should definitely look into it :P
The basic gist of the formation is flamers can be upgraded to poison 3+, every member gets blight grenades (including a chaos lord and your termis), and you get to chemically bombard your enemy turn 1 (possibly turns 2 and 3 as well). You can find it in the back of Imperial Armor 7

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If it was only in FW then you still need permission to use it, merely half-assed merging the supp rules into the core book doesn't magically waive everything FW produces as standard.


With that in mind, that is a beautiful formation. You have to remember that FW roped The Purge into another Death Guard warband, GW had in 5th made them originally as Renegades and continued that with Sixth.

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While I like the Purge conceptwise I'm slightly bothered by their association with Nurgle. While he represents Death, he's also big into Rebirth, Immortality and Bacteria. I don't really see why they should get his favour. Moral Nihilism ok but practical doesn't fit Papa Nurgles MO.

I think they'd fit way better with Malal/Malice. But that's probably just me.

I think you have a valid point, however given I've been a tzeentch devotee for years and am certainly not making a full switch to Nurgle, perhaps it's just the right fit for me.


FW has a good deal for the three seige I'd Vrak so might have to pick them up.


Any suggestions on a good green color to use for painting purge Marines?

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6th re-applies the renegade theme and makes it so that they're more or less not fully devoted, but misguided and ensnared.


Yeah but in the aforementioned Vraks formation Plague Marines are mandatory for them. Maybe that changes when IA gets updated for 7th but I wouldn't get my hopes up.

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