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Knights of House Cydonia, Taghmata Omnissiah and Skitarii

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thankyou Kolgrim DeathHowl. Much appreciated.

Is there a way to share images from Instagram to this forum? Posting direct from my iphone to the forum is tricky, but from the phone to Instagram is easy.


And as for todays news ORNITHOPTERS!!!!!!

I'm am ecstatic beyond words with the design. I'll prpbably not magnetise but buy three! I'll likely get at least one built and painted well before i get around to my Arvus Lighter Bat wings? Big transparent dome? Legs to land on? Oh my it's a thing of exquisite beauty!

(was going to post some pics from Twitter but the forum won't allow the image extension?) You can find pics in the 40k Open Day news, designed by Tom Walton and Jes Goodwin.

I'd said for years the Mechanicus should have Ornithopters and my goodness either someone heard me or was thinking on the same wavelength! These are soooo good!

If they make these for Aeronautica Imperialis i'll grab some in that scale too!


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