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Demus Ragnok

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So I got back to work on my stack of bits and found that I have a 5 man squad of tactical termies. 


My question is, how to fit them into an army. 


What I have so far completed/almost completed is 


Librarian in PA


Librarian in TDA


5 man RAS 


Razorback TLAC


Priest/ Corbulo


What i have in bits


one and a half tac squad boxes and a devastator squad box


and a bunch of stuff from bits grab bags 


And I have bits set aside for a Reclusiarch. 


I'm trying to solidify some ideas on an army and make some more purchases but I want the most bang for by buck as it were. 


I know I want to get a Stormraven but as for what else to get I'm stumped. 


Any ideas? 




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Indeed, thats quite a evil way to deploy them safely :D


For the tactical terminators I found that either an assault cannon or the missle launcher (forget its proper name) work best (depending on what you want to do with them obviously) but the heavy flamer is a waste imho.<_< Why? Well all the things the the heavy flamer are good against are generally either horde units or things the powerfists and stormbolters can kill without issue. The assault cannon and missles actually add something to the unit that make them a ranged threat as well.


It makes the unit quite versatile and allows them to tackle monstrous creatures, vehicles and elite enemies easier which to me sounds like what terminators are supposed to do :) I let my speeders with heavy flamers, predators and assault marines tackle the hordes and send the terminators at the nasty stuff ^_^

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