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Some Chaos units are really awesome in Apoc.


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Thought I'd post this here as it may be more relevant for Chaos than the general Apoc folks.


Many Chaos units, even some mediocre ones, are really awesome in Apoc with the right Strategic Asset (specifically Precise Coordinates) and / or Formation.



Examples of units I've had much success with are:


Cult of Destruction (6 Oblits, 3 Mutilators) with the Precise Coordinates Strategic Asset:

Deep Strike with no Scatter dropping in behind a super heavy almost guarantees that you'll kill it in one turn with 6 twin-linked Meltas. Alternatively, you could Hellstorm a whole load of GEQs.


Similar for Mayhem Squads (3 Helbrutes) with the Precise Coordinates Strategic Asset.


Promenade of Exquisite Excess (6 Daemonette or Seeker Squads, and Masque) with Precise Coordinates Strategic Asset:

Deep Strike with no Scatter, Charge in the same turn as Deep Strike, Rending on 4+, everything up to and including TEQs will die.


Multi Warp Talons squads wtih Precision Strike Strategic Asset - against low Initiative units like Tau:

Deep Strike with no Scatter, Blind everyone in that turn, charge them in the next.


Daemon Engine Pack (3-5 Maulerfiends) in Rapier Attack Formation:

They can move 12", then Run (with Fleet), then Charge. Forts will die spectacularly.


Any close combat LoWs (like Lord of Skulls, Zarakynel), and even said Daemon Engine Maulerfiends, with All Out Attack:

Move 36", then Charge.

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I've used Zarakynel. With a 36" move then Charge with All Out Attack (preferably from a HQ Formation) you can get him into combat very fast. He doesn't do well against things that have D close combat weapons (like even Knight Titans) but otherwise he's hard to kill if he can keep inflicting unsaved Wounds (because he gets Wounds back). Only other problem is that with only 5 Attacks without Charge, he can get tar-pitted.


Greater Brass Scorpion is great for wiping out scores of non-Vehicles but doesn't do well against anything with AV13 / AV14 (like Predators, Land Raiders, Baneblades, etc.) at range since it has only 1 gun / 1 shot (its main Soulburner Cannon) that can be used against such. With 6 attacks, STR 10 and multi-legged Stomp, it does well in close combat though and its difficult to tar-pit it.


Overall, I prefer the GBS.

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