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Nurgle Marked Charecters. Some of the lesser used ones

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Hello all,


After attempting to move from the putrid embrace of Papa and move into my Thousand Sons, I find that I miss Nurgle.  That being the case I am coming back as soon as i get the 1K son squad I am working on completed.  In looking over the dex I am drawn to the lesser used characters and want to see if others have used the Dark Apostle, Nurgle Marked of course and the Warpsmith.  Ideas, input, random ramblings, we take em all here.



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I haven't used the warpsmith, but a Nurgle Dark Apostle with plague marines is pretty spectacular when delivered in a landraider. Your plagues get to reroll to hit and to wound against anything T4 or less. Hilarity ensues. For apocalypse I tend to run mine with the Daemonheart Armor alongside Plague Ogryn from the Covenant of Corruption formation to help them keep spawning.

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I haven't used the warpsmith, but a Nurgle Dark Apostle with plague marines is pretty spectacular when delivered in a landraider. Your plagues get to reroll to hit and to wound against anything T4 or less. Hilarity ensues. For apocalypse I tend to run mine with the Daemonheart Armor alongside Plague Ogryn from the Covenant of Corruption formation to help them keep spawning.


That could work out well.  Pics of your DA would be appreciated, if you have some to post.  I am not sure what I want to do for the character.  What model did you base yours on?   These would be more of a push to round out things from the dex, but if they were actually useful on the table well then that is a bonus.



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