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Barrage and Cover saves ?


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Greetings brothers !


I've never used a barrage weapon so far, and I'm wondering about some weird mechanic I find for Barrage weapons.


The rulebook says that "always assume that the shot is coming from the center of the blast marker". If I'm firing at a unit inside ruins that would normally receive a 4+ cover save, does that mean that they don't receive any because the shot comes from within the ruins ?


Or, because they are in ruins, they automatically get their cover save regardless of where the barrage has landed.


Thanks for the help ! I can't quite get my head wrapped around this, and it would help a lot determining whether I get a TFC or a Whirlwind :D

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I'd say unless the weapon states it ignores cover, in the example you gave they'd still get their save.


Though I'm sure someone with a better grip on the technicalities will be along to answer.


Also get a Scorpius, they're awesome

A model in ruins receives a 4+ cover save, regardless of being obscured.  (BRB page 108)

The only ranged weapons to ignore it are those with the Ignores Cover special rule.

The point about Barrage weapons using the centre of the Blast as the point from which the shot is resolved has no effect on such cover saves.


Barrage weapons, however, are useful for shooting at units who are behind obstacles like an Aegis Defence Line for example.

Effectively the only types of cover saves that a (non-ignores cover) barrage weapon has a chance of ignoring are those that rely on the targeted model being obscured.


Models actually in ruins is not one of them.

Agreed with above. The shot coming from the centre of the blast will be used purely for wound allocation unlike a normal shooting attack (pg 160) and wont ignore cover unless the profile for the shell/ weapon you are using states so.


In terms of which weapon you should get, I think it boils down to whether you are facing a lot of low amr save horde armies or not? the TFC has more shell options at a higher average S but worse AP with multiple small blasts, Whirlind is slightly lower S but can have AP 4 if using one kind of shell, and with large blasts. Both have the option to fire 'ignore cover' rounds too don't forget. Unfortunately they don't have pinning anymore :(


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