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It's a bit sparsely populated at the moment...


Take it from an RPG gamesmaster who has often bitten off far more than he can chew when it comes to creating a campaign world: start off small! You can always add more as time goes by, and I can guarantee that in 6 weeks or 6 months' time, you'll come up with an idea that will enhance the setting far more than if you sit down now and say, "Ok, I have to add in a border world that's been overrun by Orks!"


What you've got here is a great foundation. I like that you have a "boom town" for Dark Eldar raiders, and a couple of minor xenos races for flavour. A forge world gives you scope for city battles and some heavy armour. I'm looking forwards to where you take this sector!

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As a GM I agree with Fridge wholeheartedly. I love worldbuilding, but taking it slow is good. Keep in mind as well, that when one person creates culture after culture, they may start to look very similar because they are all created through that person's worldview. Being conscious of that often spurs me to try to see things from a different angle, so that new things feel new.

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...And looking at the Dark Eldar city as a "boom town" has given me a bunch of new ideas for it! That was a wonderful phrase to use.

I'm glad to be of some help!msn-wink.gif

By creating the Avellus Sector as your own playing field, you don't have to tear up everything you've created every time GW decides to throw out established events and battles. Likewise with your SM Chapter: you decide what great events or defeats they face... and the Dark Eldar outpost means you don't have to keep stepping around the "super-killy-OMG mega characters" from the Codex.

Also, I like your take on the various minor alien civilisations out there. GW has thrown out offhand mentions here & there of different xenos which will probably never be developed, but your treatment of the Praa puts a distinctive stamp on the region. I can picture the Imperial commanders looking at each other and going "???" when the Dark Eldar seemingly rescue the Praa from extermination... What the Imps fail to realise is that the Dark Eldar have their own plans for the Praa...ohmy.png

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