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Some little tactics for 7e CSM


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My last article was well received here, so I thought I'd post my latest one.  After getting in a few game with the new CSM book, I've been looking for units that perform well in the 7th edition environment.  A lot of it has to do with MSU, but there are some other little tidbits I've found on the way...



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I like some of these suggestions, but how do they actually play out?


MSU works out nicely when you figure out that it means that you have 12 objective secured units.  The Nova sorc is more of a gimmick and my friends find the plague drones incredibly obnoxious.  I've found that the Helbrutes work well when your army is built around 3 Maulerfiends because their attention will be incredibly divided.


Nice observations! I was really wanting to pick up some Plague Drones actually! The 5 Marine squad with a Plasma, Combi-Plasma, and Rhino with the Combi-Plasma sounds very tempting! Thank you for these tid bits!


No problem!  The only word of warning about the combi-plas rhino is that it tends to die quickly, but it does bring a surprising amount of firepower.

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The nova trick would require taking at least 6 other lvl 2 casters to work , and then 1 out of 3 should get stoped. It is a lot of points to pull off something that doesn't work on units in transports. Maybe if someone played an army without psykers , but no one would play one of those in 7th.



Aren't you worried that with the influx of av13+ targets av 12 dreads will start droping realy fast, plus there is always the problem of unaided deep strike .

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Some good ideas, I wouldn't say anything in there was groundbreaking but articles like these are great for sharing ideas and thinking outside the box.


In Maelstrom 5 man CSM squads in a Rhino or 5 man Noise Maines/Plague Marines with cult Lord strike me as decent. I'd go combo melta & havoc launcher on the Rhino though all day, makes the unit a real Swiss Army knife.


I'm not convinced on the Helbrute option, like Jeske said, Deep Strike is still meh & Cursed Earth won't help them. Most MCs are in the sky these days but I suppose they could be useful against Eldar or Tau? Only problem with being aggressive with Dreads is you expose their rear armour so easily, I should know I played BA heavy Death Company Dread & Furioso lists for 4 years.


I definitely think AV got a boost in this addition, Rhinos are back as an option for me, doubly so when taken by a troop option.

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Some good ideas, I wouldn't say anything in there was groundbreaking but articles like these are great for sharing ideas and thinking outside the box.


In Maelstrom 5 man CSM squads in a Rhino or 5 man Noise Maines/Plague Marines with cult Lord strike me as decent. I'd go combo melta & havoc launcher on the Rhino though all day, makes the unit a real Swiss Army knife.


I'm not convinced on the Helbrute option, like Jeske said, Deep Strike is still meh & Cursed Earth won't help them. Most MCs are in the sky these days but I suppose they could be useful against Eldar or Tau? Only problem with being aggressive with Dreads is you expose their rear armour so easily, I should know I played BA heavy Death Company Dread & Furioso lists for 4 years.


I definitely think AV got a boost in this addition, Rhinos are back as an option for me, doubly so when taken by a troop option.


Yeah, I agree that it's nothing ground breaking, but I figure it's good to share with the community what's been working for me.


Both weapons on a rhino, or do you mean a melta/combi in the squad and havoc on the rhino?  I feel that spending 57 points on a rhino might be a bit much.


The Helbrutes are hit or miss, but I've found that in lists that are full of fast threats, which is how I usually play (3 maulers, 2 units of spawn or bikes), peoples attention is generally elsewhere and they just dismiss the Helbrutes, which then get rage or double tap meltas at something tasty.  In lists where I'm not putting a ton of threats in their face very quickly, I wouldn't bother with them.



The nova trick would require taking at least 6 other lvl 2 casters to work , and then 1 out of 3 should get stoped. It is a lot of points to pull off something that doesn't work on units in transports. Maybe if someone played an army without psykers , but no one would play one of those in 7th.


Aren't you worried that with the influx of av13+ targets av 12 dreads will start droping realy fast, plus there is always the problem of unaided deep strike .


Like any list with psykers, I wouldn't take 1 and rely on it.  I find that a lot of people play without psykers, generally they only pay off if you go all or nothing.


Yeah, people will be taking more anti-tank, but in a list with a lot of targets in their face, the Helbrutes are often the least prioritized.

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Definitely good to share, I'd do more write ups and battle reps if I 1) played enough 2) won enough 3) didn't have so many commitments. I like your ideas & frankly CSM need all the community help/support/ideas they can get!


57 points is probably a bit too much actually, still I think havoc launchers are a good deal.

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