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Tactical - Chaos Biker: How do you use them?

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Hi everone


Though be intresting to find out how other Chaos Marine player use Biker in there own force?  General find tactical topic give you idea on how to use a unit in diffrent way - see the Chaos Space Marine (Troops) topic or Be'lakor or Chosen tactical topics.

Also with the release of the Crimson Slaughter there some pretty cool wargear I notice that would be good on a HQ chose on bike.


Part of this just to help new & current Chaos Marine player.  Like myself I've just started useing Chaos Biker in my Iron Warriors army, part this was down to conversion idea & a unit I though would be cool to add to my own force & just try somthing diffrent gaming wise with my IW army list.


So far for myself, I was orignaly take a 5 Biker unit with Champion & two Melta arm models  This was just more down to the model I had.  But found they got wipe out to earily. 

They would draw to much fire power from the oppent, I think mainly because I do take Mech armies, so Chaos Marines units in Rhinos & the Biker was a easyer target for them to deal with since they can fire things like Heavy Bolter that my unit know I will fail my saves.  On top of that I'm a aggressive player (gaming style not attatude) & always aim to get into close combat, I can not hide whole game or play in a cadge style where they don't want to loss a single model, it not the way I enjoy gaming side of the hobby.

Over the past few games I am slow adding a few more Biker & I'm looking that adding a Icon of Vengance, part of this is it'll be cool & other part just due to my abilty to roll dice.

So right now I'm still learning from my games, as I've only use my unit of Biker in three games so far, I've never really use Bikes that much, even my Ravenwing army back 2005 was all Land Speeder.







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5 bikes with Mark of Nurge & 2 melta guns. They either escort a Nurgle Lord or an unmarked Sorcerer on a bike. I don't expect 'too' much from them but try have a job to do (anti-tank or fast assault).


I think it's important they are part of a range of threats moving quickly, left alone to take too much fire power & they fold. T6 is great but 1 wound is still just 1 wound.

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5+ bikers with either dual plasma or melta, usually some sort of power weapon on the champ. MoN or MoK depending on what they escort (my go-to bodyguards for my juggerlord).


Getting shrouded from warlord trait or Be'lakor gives them a 2+ cover save...it's amazing and fun! :)

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Getting shrouded from warlord trait or Be'lakor gives them a 2+ cover save...it's amazing and fun! smile.png

I've still to read up on Be'lakor rules, but I know he is one model I will be buying soon to add to my Iron Warriors army.

What about everyone else, how do you use your Biker units in your Chaos Space Marines armies?

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  • 3 months later...

Take 1ML sorcerer of slaneesh with steed.

give it

 - 1 combi-plasma

 - 1 biomancy primaris power

105 pt.


Join it with a 4 man bike unmarked squad.


give them.

- 2 plasmagun

- 1 combi-plasma



outflank near an enemy unit (you can reroll side).


during psychic phase sorcerer will shoot 4 x S4 AP2

during shooting phase unit will shoot 8 x S7 AP2 and a S6 AP4 krak grenade.

I don't remember if they can shoot even with combi-bolter.

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5 Bikers, 2 Melta Guns, Mark of Nurgle, Axe on Champion, with a Sorcerer with lvl 3. I have been using Telepathy but it's a bit hit and miss so I'm switching to Biomancy.


I did the same and found that I was often just better off with a tooled up Lord in the end.

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5 dudes, MoK, Meltagun x2, Combi-melta/Lighting Claw on Champ, 170pts with VoLW. Run with Juggerlord.


I find they always die but usually pop something. Jugger is ace against the right things, though I have a habit of rolling 1's for Daemon Weapons.....

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