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Why isn't the Chaplain wearing the skull helm of his office? You don't like the way skull helmets look?


Bjorn, I would have liked to but plastic chaplain heads are surprisingly hard to find on ebay, lolol...  I thought about the primaris reiver head but I dunno, guess it didn't appeal to me.


I chose that helmet with the vertical slats, I think I'll be able to paint a pretty good skull and teeth over it, a la the punisher logo almost.


Thanks for the input everybody.



Work on the display continues. Building some steps down to what will be the lowest level I'm thinking the tactical squad will go there.


Then gonna build some side pieces for the dreadnaughts.



Long ways to go but I think it's gonna end up being pretty cool.


  • 3 weeks later...

Alright, the display is starting to finally shape up!


Here it is with everyone on it. Managed to position them all so that no one seems to be shooting anyone else in the back of the head, lol...


Gonna leave two terminators off it, they're just too bulky to fit them all.



Should the green stuffy chapter master go out front where the captain currently is ?


I have to add a lot of plasticard detail to the display still ... and I haven't even seen this army as a group in quite a while ... so much painting left to do at the rate I work. The two models without helmets haven't had the faces painted in like ... two years, lolol.

And I need to finish the combi-melta conversions on those sternguard / primaris . Been wanting to paint them up for a while. GW did such a good job with those sculpts.

Hope to have another update soon.


Edited by DeathbyWes

Even incomplete and unpainted, the display looks impressive. Keep up the good work!

Thanks for the kind words Bjorn, yeah it's a lot of work for me still ahead.

I'm thinking about color schemes for the display - something that would contrast nice against the white and dark red of the marines. The Geidi Prime scenes from Dune came to mind.



Or the standard grey, this bit of scenery is so cool...


Input appreciated.


  • 5 weeks later...

Got some good work done on the display.

Center stairs were a pain, lol...



Put some assymetric steps on the top of it, maybe paint those up in hazard stripes later.


Detail panels on the side of center stairs





Facade pieces


Cut out the base of the lower floor and attached it, need to build up a lip around it to hide the bases of the Marines like I did with the dreadnoughts.


And everyone fits on the display !



Edited by DeathbyWes
Impressive. In-universe, what material is the display made of? (That also determines what color you should paint it.) Stone? Ferrocrete or other concrete-like materials? Plasteel or other metal-containing composites?

Impressive. In-universe, what material is the display made of? (That also determines what color you should paint it.) Stone? Ferrocrete or other concrete-like materials? Plasteel or other metal-containing composites?


Thank you Bjorn.  I think the fluff behind this display will be something like the very upper levels of the governor's spire on a recently pacified Hive World or so.  Stronger than simple stone but not a crazy adamantium fortress...  I guess that would be Ferrocrete or plasteel, yeah?



Wow, that display is amazing! 


The Traitor, thank you kindly.



  • 4 weeks later...

Work on the display continues.

Lots of plasticard layers to kind of make the big sections more in line with the GW terrain pieces. Not sure how much more detail I'm gonna add but I think if I put paint on what's done here it would blend pretty good.




Gonna def need to fill in gaps and finish the angled edges with green stuff, but I think it's gonna be cool.


Had some fun with some bases today. These are for the sternguard squad, I wanted them to match up with the terminator bases aesthetically since the sterngaurd will be sitting opposite the termies on the same level of the display. Also, I need to get back to painting lol, so much work to do on the actual marines. I guess it's a WIP thread anyhow, lol...





Edited by DeathbyWes

looking really nice , see if you can get your hand on some textured plasticard sheets for extra depth .

Thanks barry_hhh - great idea will look into it.  I've been keeping my eye out on the Ol' eeebays for terrain bits as well to start filling out the wide open spots.



Got the vents up on the display walls, I definitely got better at cutting the same plasticard pieces out... over... and over again lol.

Just a few more details to add now and I'm gonna prime this display up for painting.








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