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When I first registered on B&C back in 2010 I played Black Legion. In late 2011 I strayed from my path towards the loyalists, but the lure of Chaos never left me though. Basking in the Emperors light will eventually give you a sunburnbiggrin.png. When the HH series came out it sparked an new found interest for Chaos, or to be exact for the Alpha Legion. When the ETLIII is over I'm going to repaint my CSM models I haven't sold. A few weeks ago I purchased the new Codex, luckily they had much more coverage on AL. I checked my old Codexes a while ago and AL had only one mini posted in the first CSM Codex 3:rd edition.

Can someone recommend what blue colour I should use to get approximately the same shade that the Marine on the cover had in the HH book Legion.

I would like to share a link with you to a page that has the IA article about Alpha Lagion, but I don't know if I can post it due to rules violation, so I'll have to ask a mod first.

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