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Charging fist turn & Infiltrate

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Alright, so now in 7th edition there is no rule, as far as I know, that states that after normal deployment, it's not allowed to charge in Game Turn 1 or Player Turn 1. It's just simply not possible, because the units are starting too far away from each other.


However in a game I played tonight, I rolled the "Master of Ambush" warlord trait which basically gave 3 units the Infiltrate special rule. I win the roll for deployment and set up my non-infiltrating units. Then my opponent sets up his entire army. Then, I set up my infiltrating units, quite close to his army (12" away from his units behind a large wall). My opponent proceeds to roll a 6 and he steals the initiative so he goes first. After he took his Player Turn 1, it's my Player Turn 1. The infiltrating units proceed to make various charges. 


Now, im sitting at home, and I realize that perhaps I might not have been allowed to charge with these units. After all, the Rulebook (page 167, under Infiltrate) states: "A unit that deploys using these rules cannot charge in their first turn". However this can be interpreted in multiple ways: on the one hand, the unit still experiences 'their first turn' even though the controlling player went second, so the unit can't charge. On the other hand, the rulebook states on page 17 (under "game turns and player turns") : "Whenever a rule refers to 'a turn', it always means 'player turn' unless it specifically refers to a 'game turn'". I'm not sure if this argument is relevant at all since the infiltrate rule doesnt mention player or game turns, just that the unit cannot charge in 'their first turn'. However i've seen many forum discussions in 6th in which it was argued by many that infiltrating units most certainly can charge in Game Turn 1, as long as they went second. 


So... what is it in 7th?

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"Whenever a rule refers to 'a turn', it always means 'player turn' unless it specifically refers to a 'game turn'".  However i've seen many forum discussions in 6th in which it was argued by many that infiltrating units most certainly can charge in Game Turn 1, as long as they went second. 


That was all true in 6th Edition - you could charge when you went second. But you can no longer do this. They made a very important change in the wording.


6th: "...cannot charge in the first turn." (interpreted as player turn) ---> 7th: "...cannot charge in their first turn"

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cannot charge in their first turn must be interpreted as cannot charge in their first player turn (as per the rule regarding turns not specifically mentioned as game turns).

Cannot charge in their first player turn clearly means that the first turn their player controls them, they may not charge. (i.e. this results in being equivalent to no charging in game turn 1, but has the added penalty of not being able to charge later if in some weird mission the player doesn't even get a turn on the first game turn.).

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