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How is this color scheme and what should I name the chapter

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Uuh! I really like it :)

"the Golgothians" :)

no idea on fluff/history though..

The golgothians...sounds intimidating. Imma give that some thought.


There's a lot of fluff to learn, maybe too much, and that's why I love 40k :)

All I could think of at this time of night was "Death Seers", the bloody red areas reflecting on a chapter-wide trait of over utilising their ability to consume info from brain-eating......with a dark tradition of usage to pass info from past Chapter Masters, heros etc and especially through Librarians.

All I could think of at this time of night was "Death Seers", the bloody red areas reflecting on a chapter-wide trait of over utilising their ability to consume info from brain-eating......with a dark tradition of usage to pass info from past Chapter Masters, heros etc and especially through Librarians.

Dude, you are a frakking genius, I absolutely love that idea!

I would just line to say that the color scheme might look more even in the shoulder pads and knee played were also dark red.

PS:what successor/squad markings?

They are a codex compliant chapter so the companies are indicated by the trims of the shoulder guards. Squad markings are indicated by a roman numeral on the forhead

Tied to the colours I've got :

Crimson Masks, Bone Chewers, Crypt Keepers and Pale Specters.


Also consider a name not tied to the colours and make them ritualistic eg:


Brotherhood of Fury of note for this chaper is their final initiatin ritual to elevate the scout to full battle brother, the initiate is let loose from the chapters holdings to slay one of the many local megafauna alone and unarmed to gain the 'Crimson Mantle' returning to the chapter with the beasts head or heart his face and arms covered in its vitae. This is commemorated on their new battle plate with the crimson markings borne by all full battle brothers.


Food for tought



Thanks Damion for giving me the inspiration for this : Blood Specters


Bone Chewers is also an Orc(!) clan from the WoW universe if my ~10ish years of playing/memory aren't faulty :P In that spirit what about some other clan names as inspiration : Bleeding Hollow, Warsong Clan, Shadowmoon Clan and Dragonmaw Clan are those that stick out the most and would fit your chapter (imo) given the correct adjustments to them to make them more "you".


Also have you settled on a Chapter Symbol? It might help get the Naming Juices flowing, we are, after all, a very visually inclined species. 


All I could think of at this time of night was "Death Seers", the bloody red areas reflecting on a chapter-wide trait of over utilising their ability to consume info from brain-eating......with a dark tradition of usage to pass info from past Chapter Masters, heros etc and especially through Librarians.

Dude, you are a frakking genius, I absolutely love that idea!



Thanks. "something Seers" was what struck me, "Pale" as a prefix is the latest. As for Founding, they could be worked towards Dark Angels successors (upper command hiding the near-heretical nom-noms) or as Blood Angel successors (with those who've nom'd too much going crazy for a Death Company). Even a Red Scorpion style affair, where Apothecaries are in an esteemed/elevated position (having access to the most noms).


As suggested by others, you're experimenting with the red, so perhaps as a gradual mark, starting with the hands for scouts, forearms for standard marines, whole arms for veterans etc towards red robes/tabards on the DA slant, or a wholly red DC.


Influence ? Anyone delved into South Pacific cannibal tribes ? Could be heading toward Carcharodons even.....


Anything is possible, but a historical slant of something is usually a good basis to begin with. Just let imagination deal with the rest. Good luck ! 

Tied to the colours I've got :

Crimson Masks, Bone Chewers, Crypt Keepers and Pale Specters.

Also consider a name not tied to the colours and make them ritualistic eg:

Brotherhood of Fury of note for this chaper is their final initiatin ritual to elevate the scout to full battle brother, the initiate is let loose from the chapters holdings to slay one of the many local megafauna alone and unarmed to gain the 'Crimson Mantle' returning to the chapter with the beasts head or heart his face and arms covered in its vitae. This is commemorated on their new battle plate with the crimson markings borne by all full battle brothers.

Food for tought


That's another great idea. Love it. Kinda like Salamander thing without the blood

Thanks Damion for giving me the inspiration for this : Blood Specters


Bone Chewers is also an Orc(!) clan from the WoW universe if my ~10ish years of playing/memory aren't faulty :P In that spirit what about some other clan names as inspiration : Bleeding Hollow, Warsong Clan, Shadowmoon Clan and Dragonmaw Clan are those that stick out the most and would fit your chapter (imo) given the correct adjustments to them to make them more "you".


Also have you settled on a Chapter Symbol? It might help get the Naming Juices flowing, we are, after all, a very visually inclined species.


It will probably be a red brain.


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