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Your current and best list.


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So, while we all frequent the list forum occasionally, its not often we get to share all of our top or favourite lists in one place. 



So....here's the idea;


1 .  Post a list you have used or are using (not one you're thinking about or one you'd like to have - we're looking for solid tried and tested!!).


-  Tell us if its 6th ed or 7th ed. (since some of us are still stuck back in 6th :P )


2. Tell us about how the list plays.


3.  Tell us what broad style of list it is.  (All-round, shooty/counter, shooty, aggressive/assault etc). 


4. If you know, tell us how many games you've played, against what opponents and what your success rate is like.


5. Tell us what your area's general meta is and why you've chosen the units and combinations you've chosen.  


Hopefully this will allow some ideas to flow and get various people thinking!  

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So, while we all frequent the list forum occasionally, its not often we get to share all of our top or favourite lists in one place.

So....here's the idea;

1 . Post a list you have used or are using (not one you're thinking about or one you'd like to have - we're looking for solid tried and tested!!).

- Tell us if its 6th ed or 7th ed. (since some of us are still stuck back in 6th tongue.png )

2. Tell us about how the list plays.

3. Tell us what broad style of list it is. (All-round, shooty/counter, shooty, aggressive/assault etc).

4. If you know, tell us how many games you've played, against what opponents and what your success rate is like.

5. Tell us what your area's general meta is and why you've chosen the units and combinations you've chosen.

Hopefully this will allow some ideas to flow and get various people thinking!

2) I normally will combat squad 1 ASM (melta's) and the VV and put them in reserves Find cover for everything else put the Reclusiarch and Priest with the other ASM and place them near the Dev's to cover with FnP if i'm going second move the armour close by too to give a screen or cover if not place forward and get into it asap. Get VV in and find a nice target and kill it. drop the melta where its needed. It really lacks in firepower/ volume of fire
3) Very Aggressive get to combat
4) I've played 3 games with this list in 6th and 5 games in 7th, Nid mass shooting list(lost) SM/Legion of the damned(win), Deathwing(win), SM drop pod(win), CSM/demons(win), Demon factory(x2)(win),Blood Angel(win). My normal group is just 3 other guys SM, CSM/demon and Demons, so i play them the most so things tend to lean more to kill them then a true all comers list. I do take this list to my LGS to play so its not totally tailored for them but it kinda is.
5) Mixed lists semi competitive, i've seen a lot of all comers list nothing too over the top at the LGS but when the tournament is around things can get a little nutty but they toned it down some with a rather harsh comp list to try and keep some of it at bay. Last year was no comp and it was all just insane, and not much fun really.
In 6th my list was different no vv replaced them with DC in a pod and Meph, His powers with wings where very nice I don't like him as much now without them and the phyic phase i get smashed by demon factory so i dropped him out for more combat. VV have been hero's with heroic intervention want to use them til they inevitably lose it with the new codex.
All my power weapons are axes
+++ Blood angels only (1750pts) +++
+ HQ + (160pts)
* Reclusiarch (I'm really thinking i want something else here but not sure what for the points maybe Seth or drop back to just a lib and use the extra points in upgrades)
Melta Bombs
* Power Armour
Bolt Pistol, Jump Pack
+ Elites + (180pts)
* Sanguinary Priests
* Sanguinary Priest
Brother Corbulo
* Sanguinary Priest
* Power Armour
Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Jump Pack
+ Troops + (590pts)
* Assault Squad (Corbulo here)
4x Assault Marines
* Razorback (
Twin Linked Assault Cannon
* Veteran Sergeant
Bolt Pistol, Chainsword
* Assault Squad
9x Assault Marines Meltagun x2, Retain Jump Packs
* Veteran Sergeant
Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Power Weapon
* Assault Squad
9x Assault Marines , Meltagun x2 Retain Jump Packs
* Veteran Sergeant
Bolt Pistol, Chainsword
+ Fast Attack + (490pts)
* Baal Predator
Heavy Bolters, Twin Linked Assault Cannon
* Vanguard Veteran Squad (Pricy but every times i've used them they have done amazing)
9x Bolt Pistol, 7x Chainsword, 2x Power Weapon
* 9x Vanguard Veterans
9x Jump Packs
* Veteran Sergeant
Bolt Pistol, Jump Pack , Power Sword
+ Heavy Support + (330pts)
* Devastator Squad (If they don't give up First blood, the opponent normally regrets it. Frag missiles kill demons so good)
4x Devastator Marine , 4x Missile Launcher
* Veteran Sergeant
Bolter, Chainsword
* Stormraven Gunship
Twin Linked Lascannon, Twin Linked Multi Melta
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So, while we all frequent the list forum occasionally, its not often we get to share all of our top or favourite lists in one place.

So....here's the idea;

1 . Post a list you have used or are using (not one you're thinking about or one you'd like to have - we're looking for solid tried and tested!!).

- Tell us if its 6th ed or 7th ed. (since some of us are still stuck back in 6th tongue.png )

2. Tell us about how the list plays.

3. Tell us what broad style of list it is. (All-round, shooty/counter, shooty, aggressive/assault etc).

4. If you know, tell us how many games you've played, against what opponents and what your success rate is like.

5. Tell us what your area's general meta is and why you've chosen the units and combinations you've chosen.

Hopefully this will allow some ideas to flow and get various people thinking!

I usually run a slight variation of this since the end of 6th:

Mephiston (takes a personal warlord trait and draws from 'biomancy')

2*frag dreads with meltas, deathwind launcer pods

8-10 DC with fist and/or Axe + melta pistol in pod

1 DC talon dread with heavy flamer and magna grapple in pod

5 assault marines in TLHB-RB, flamer

5 assault marines in TLHF-RB, melta

10 JP assault marines, 2+melta, power fist

2*AC-LC predators

Storm Raven with m-melta and AssCan

Just below 2k pts.

Turn one I concentrate on putting wounds on monsters or demeching with the predators.

Razor squads move up towards enemy or objectives, JP marines usually in reserve.

Frag cannon dreads go after juicy targets, preferably something near an objective so the pod has to be dealt with.

Turn two and forwards the raven (with mephiston) and additional reserves come in.

Hopefully I had a good alpha strike and the opponent is forced to deal with the frag cannon dreads and DC while my 'objective secured' units gets a turn or two left alone.

I'll try to keep a lot of pressure on the opponent at all times, forcing him to deal with every unit in one way or another.

Turn 3 and onwards Mephiston hopefully sees combat and starts chewing through whatever he can handle depending on powers drawn/cast.

Late game I'll either be scrambling to score points and avoid a wipe or finishing off the opponent myself. My super-aggressive play style means games never end with both sides having a lot of models left on the table.

Think I've played about 10 games so far in 7th. 1 or 2 of those were losses, no draws. We have all races represented in our club but the skill level and commitment to winning varies a lot.

This list struggles against Sisters of Battle, Necrons spamming tesla destructors and Eldar. Everything else is managable with other space marines and imperial guard being the easiest matchups.

You can really feel that old codex disadvantage, sure I win a lot but there is zero room for mistakes when just about everything is overpriced. Unnecessary losses or a bad stroke of luck can snowball into a serious problem in no time.

Everything in the list has a specific role, it's not exactly the list I want to play, but I've made a promise to myself to only use fully based and painted models so my selection is a bit limited right now. biggrin.png Some variations include substituting the razorbacks for pods or dropping the jumpers for something more fun. The furioso librarian for example is almost unfair vs Nids!

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Ok, I've played this 7th ed list 2 times, won the first and lost the second by 2vp, my third will be tonight. It's a very aggressive no psyker swamp his DZ list. Forget about objectives, but you can stil grab one or two.

-note- this heresy is the on account this is my WorldEaters list. If that's too edgy, its a FleshTearer list instead lol -



Reclusiarch with plasma pistol

5 DC 4 bolsters and 1 hammer (pod)

DC blender dread w/ pod

3x 5man ASM squad w/ plasma and plasmapistol.pods.

2 Baal preds w/ TL asscan

Pred with TL lascannon.

1250 pts.


It's really fun, very full on army. It's either lose or slaughter, no real room for finer tactics. I'm thinking of swapping the pred for bikers, maybe rejig the list to deliver the DC via raven; Maybe even add a raptor I'm nit sure yet.


I don't miss psykers, my eldar and daemons do well with it but whatever. Only lost the game because jetbikrs Grrrr.


Not recommended for more tactical play, this is my fun list. I think ill drop an ASM or two for a furioso and magnas on all dreads.


I played eldar and GK. Eldars speed was q bit too much, though commuting a asm pod for an objective would help. GK was pretty easy, and convinced me psyker needs to be allin or leave it at home.

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I must admit that I have given up on competitive BA at the moment, 7th has completely destroyed my 6th edition list and with Mephiston taken out of the equation I don't see how I could create a list that holds up against eldar/daemons/tau at the moment.

However, I am still very proud of my tried and tested 6th edition list which got me very high rankings in multiple tournaments, so I would like to present its last iteration smile.png The tournament environment sports some very competitive lists and I would always meet some eldar or tau or daemons, so they factored in heavily.

- Mephiston

- Furioso, Frag Cannon, Melta, Magna Grapple, Pod

- Furioso, Frag Cannon, Melta, Magna Grapple, Pod

- 5x ASM, Melta, Pod

- 5x ASM, Melta, Pod

- Stormraven, Multimelta, Assault Cannon, Hurricane Bolters

- Stormraven, Multimelta, Assault Cannon

- Inquisitor Coteaz

- 4x Death Cult Assassin, 2x Crusader

- 3x Servitor, Plasma Cannon

- Stormraven, Multimelta, Assault Cannon, Hurricane Bolters, Psybolts

- Imperial Bastion, Comms Relais

The basic idea was that while Furiosos and Stormravens are among the best units in our codex, they never quite matched. The Furiosos would drop turn 1 and get killed off before Mephiston and the stormravens arrive to support them. Therefore I developed this list to sync up all the heavy hitters to strike at the same turn. At the same time, I removed all possible targets during turn 1 (Mephiston is easy to hide, Coteaz and his guys are save with the bastion), to prevent the opponent from doing free damage while my important units are off the table.

You would only deploy Mephiston and Coteaz with the plasma cannons (inside the bastion or behind it if the opponent has strong shooting). Turn 1 you drop two empty drop pods in some corners or to block the opponents path. Turn 2 dreadnoughts and Stormravens arrive with high probability thanks to comms relais, Mephiston is already in his face if the terrain is decent and you have a very strong alpha strike smile.png

Sadly doesn't work anymore at all with maelstrom missions, gimped Mephiston and Coteaz no longer being able to twin-link his servitors in the bastion, but it was good while it lasted /:

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These are incredible guys, some really strong and different lists.  


Keep it coming.



I havent had the opportunity yet to play a 7th ed game- our club is still in practice mode for a very big tournament in 2 weeks time, which will be 6th ed.


So, i know it will require some changes -but here it is:




Furioso Dreadnought - Meltagun, Magna Grapple, Frag cannon


Furioso Dreadnought - Meltagun, Frag cannon



5x ASM - Flamer

Pod - Deathwind launcher

5x ASM - Flamer

Razorback - TLPG/LC

5x ASM - Flamer

Razorback - TLPG/LC

5x ASM - Flamer

Razorback - TLPG/LC


3x Attack Bikes- 3MM

Baal Pred - TLAC/HB


Storm Raven - AC/MM

Storm Raven - AC/MM





I cant tell you how much i'm loving this list and how comfortable I am with its playstyle.

I've only played 5 games to date, and i've had 2 losses - but the losses were such anomalies in an otherwise completely dominated battle, that i'm not fussed with it as a representation of the army.


This is a typical "Mort" style list - "shoot-n-scoot" mobile firepower/all-comer list. 

I'm finding it problematic to get good assaulters in - and the BA dex with our "old dex" tax just doesnt make it easier.


90% of the time, I put at least 1 squad in the raven, though usually two.  I often have another squad walking on.  If i know i wont need the pod squad for tactical placement, i'll stick them in the raven, and have 1 squad in the razoback.  Very rarely do i put the guys in the razors.  I have found that the marines lack punch (obviously) which is why the shooting is there to thin things out so Meph can clean up. Ive made some revisions to the list (dropping the deathwind, which wasnt helping me, and 3 flamers for another pod for the dread.  I think this will serve me well.


I've played Orks, GK, Chaos, DE and Tau so far.  Playing marines and Crons today with the revised list.


Ive chosen these units as our meta is quite "elite" and i need all the low AP i can get.   

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It seems based on the 20-30 friendly games I've watched so far that MSU will be king, the asscan has lost some punch but still seems better then TLlascannon (LasPlas Razors probably a good bet) assault us a viable tactic again and Lucifer engines still rock the house.


Anyone else noticed trends?


Hoping we just get points adjustment, I still love this dex.

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I havent had the opportunity yet to play a 7th ed game- our club is still in practice mode for a very big tournament in 2 weeks time, which will be 6th ed.





Are you guys wargamers or Amish? :P 

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the tourney was booked a while back, and the gamers up north are quite reluctant/scared of all the new changes- so they wanted to make it the last big 6th ed tourney.  Weekend after that is Skirmish! 1000point 7th ed tourney.

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the tourney was booked a while back, and the gamers up north are quite reluctant/scared of all the new changes- so they wanted to make it the last big 6th ed tourney.  Weekend after that is Skirmish! 1000point 7th ed tourney.


Well I can kinda understand them as a TO myself. This new edition might only be a 6.5 from a player perspective, but from a TO perspective it's probably the most dramatic change since 2nd to 3rd ed!


To organize an enjoyable tourney with 7th is a lot more work than people realize.

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My best list from 6th ed. 1850 'bastion' list with IG allies. Deep-striking bastions FTW! :p




8 ASM thunderhammer + meltagun in pod


9 ASM power axe + flamer in pod


7 ASM in pod


2 x fraggy dread with melta and magna in pod




priest with fist


baal pred TLAC HB


bastion with icarus lascannon


company HQ with lascannon and camo cloaks


veteran squad with lascannon


9 x ratlings


I had a great deal of success with this list before deciding to stick with BA only and moving to a more aggressive drop pod army. I had a great streak at the club, winning at least my first ten games then a couple more at a club tourny before I lost one there. Then I took it to caly 2014 where I tabled two guys, beat nids in a scrappy game and lost badly to two variants of the flying circus list, which I had not seen before so was ill prepared for. Was quite gutted as there were only 3 or 4 guys out of 120 who had the flying circus, and I got two of them in a row :D


Our local meta is varied, with every faction represented in various forms ranging from very fluffy to filthy competitive. With this list I aimed to be able to face down any army. Plenty of lascannons, AA, mobile response and a strong frag assault with strong troop units to follow up and fight for objectives independently. The ratlings combined with 'fire on my target' were lethal vs MCs when working in unison with lascannons, easily killing a riptide and a wraithknight on the first turn in two different games.


The baal pred cannot be praised highly enough but the real surprise star of the show was the bastion, and what a difference it brought to the table. Despite being destroyed in turn one of its first game, by a dark lance, in every game after it served as a fire magnet, soaking up absolutely hideous amounts of firepower. People would try to shoot the company HQ on the top and would get nowhere thanks to their 2+ cover, so they would try to hit the bastion itself which so long as their pen rolls were average or lower, was fine due to unlimited hull points. Meanwhile the devs were sat inside letting rip with lascannons whilst being untouchable themselves. That was my main reason for including the bastion, as the devs were just too easy to take down, but I really can't exaggerate the contribution of the bastion. Having those automated HB shots was always a bonus and it was a perfect spot to centre the coy HQ between ratlings and vets for orders purposes.


Yep I loved the strange synergy of this army, but I don't feel the same having allies and fortifications..seems a little un-BA :)

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Think I've played about 10 games so far in 7th. 1 or 2 of those were losses, no draws. We have all races represented in our club but the skill level and commitment to winning varies a lot.

This list struggles against Sisters of Battle, Necrons spamming tesla destructors and Eldar. Everything else is managable with other space marines and imperial guard being the easiest matchups.

You can really feel that old codex disadvantage, sure I win a lot but there is zero room for mistakes when just about everything is overpriced. Unnecessary losses or a bad stroke of luck can snowball into a serious problem in no time.

Everything in the list has a specific role, it's not exactly the list I want to play, but I've made a promise to myself to only use fully based and painted models so my selection is a bit limited right now. biggrin.png Some variations include substituting the razorbacks for pods or dropping the jumpers for something more fun. The furioso librarian for example is almost unfair vs Nids!

How would you rate the AC LC Pred? I'm considering getting some, but mainly been playing jumper list in 6th, looking to replace the devs.

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Librarian w/ jump pack, mastery lvl 2 and stave



Frag cannon dread w/ pod

Frag cannon dread w/ pod

Priest w/ jump pack, power sword, melta bomb



10 ASM w/ thunder hammer, 2 melta guns

10 ASM w/ power axe, melta bomb, 2 flamers

5 ASM w/ 2 infernus pistols, melta bomb, 1 melta gun

10 TAC Marines w/ combi-melta, melta gun, multi-melta, melta bombs, pod



Vindicator w/ siege shiel

stormraven w/ TWL lascannon, TWL Multi-melta


Comes out to 1750


It's really aggresive and puts pressure on your opponent. 

I run the librarian and priest with the thunder hammer squad, I combat squad the flamer ASM marines, with 5 guys being a grot squads and both flamer and sergeant deeptstiking, Alsio combat squad the tacical marines, 

I rarely lose with my blood angels at the local FLG my winning percentage is around 90%

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How would you rate the AC LC Pred? I'm considering getting some, but mainly been playing jumper list in 6th, looking to replace the devs.



I think they are great! Often the star players of my list and incredibly versatile. A little on the expensive side but moving 12" and still being able to fire both lascannons at full BS is really nice. 


The predators (a pair is recommended) might need a different approach compared to the devastators. You won't get as much volume of fire so they demand a little more micro management and active play. Use that mobility to the max and always seek out good angels or cover for yourself to protect that AV11 side.

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How would you rate the AC LC Pred? I'm considering getting some, but mainly been playing jumper list in 6th, looking to replace the devs.



I think they are great! Often the star players of my list and incredibly versatile. A little on the expensive side but moving 12" and still being able to fire both lascannons at full BS is really nice. 


The predators (a pair is recommended) might need a different approach compared to the devastators. You won't get as much volume of fire so they demand a little more micro management and active play. Use that mobility to the max and always seek out good angels or cover for yourself to protect that AV11 side.



Hmm, i thought you were only able to fire one LC sponson when moving 12".



Oh whops. It's 2 weapons when moving 12". I'm not used to playing mech, trying it out now :P

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1 . Post a list you have used or are using (not one you're thinking about or one you'd like to have - we're looking for solid tried and tested!!).

A Venerable Dreadnought was my first WH40k model and because they're the cooles models in 40k I'm playing Dreadnought heavy lists since 2010 5th Edition. The Idear is to get as many Dreadnoughts as possible on the table. This is my 7th Edition list.

Primary Detachment: BloodAngels

*************** 1 HQ ***************
(Warlord, Command Traits)
- Melterbomb
- - - > 135 Points

*************** 3 Elites ***************
(Telephatie going for Shrouded and/or Invisiblity)
- - - > 175 Points

- Bloodfist & Frag Cannon
- Heavy Flamer
+ - Drop Pod
- - - > 170 Points

- Bloodfist & Frag Cannon
- Heavy Flamer
+ - Drop Pod
- - - > 170 Points

*************** 5 Troops ***************
Assault Squad

10 Space Marines
- 9 x Chainsword
- 7 x Boltpistol
- 2 x Melter
+ Sergeant
- 2 x Infernus-Pistol
+ - Drop Pod
- Locator Beacon
- - - > 250 Points

Death Company (Reclusiarch)
15 Death Company
- 13 x Boltpistole
- 2 x Bolter
- 8 x Chainsword
- 5 x Powerlance
- 1 x Powerfist
- 1 x Powerhammer
+ - Land Raider Crusader
- Multimelter
- - - > 690 Points

Death Company-Dreadnought
- Bloodfists
- Heavy Flamer & Melter
- Magna-Grapple
+ - Drop Pod
- - - > 185 Points

Death Company-Dreadnought
- Bloodfists
- Heavy Flamer & Melter
- Magna-Grapple
+ - Drop Pod
- - - > 185 Points

Death Company-Dreadnought
- Blood Talons
- Heavy Flamer & Melter
- Magna-Grapple
+ - Drop Pod
- - - > 185 Points

Combined Armed Detachment: ClanRaukaan

*************** 1 HQ ***************
Master of the Forge

+ - Boltpistol
- Bolter
- The Ironstone (Clan Raukaan Walkers within 6" pass their IWND on 4+. If this roll is a 6,also a Weapon Destroyed or Immobilised is repaired)
+ - Space-Marine-Bike
- - - > 140 Points

*************** 3 Elites ***************
- Missile Launcher
- Twin Linked Lascannon
- - - > 135 Points

- Missile Launcher
- Twin Linked Lascannon
- - - > 135 Points

Mark V Mortis Pattern Dreadnought
- Twin Linked Lascannon
- Twin Linked Lascannon
- - - > 135 Points
- - - > 145 Points

*************** 2 Troops ***************

5 Scouts
- 4 x Bolter
+ Sergeant Upgrade
- Boltpistol
- Bolter
- - - > 55 Points

5 Scouts
- 4 x Bolter
+ Sergeant Upgrade
- Boltpistol
- Bolter
- - - > 55 Points

*************** 1 Heavy Support ***************

- Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with Stormbolter
- Chainfist with Melter
- 2 x Seeker Missile
+ - Drop Pod
- Stormbolter
- - - > 190 Points

Blood Angels: 2145

Clan Raukaan: + 855

Points: 3000

2. Tell us about how the list plays.

I deploy my two Hellfire Dreads and the Mortis Dread in my backfield within 6" of the MotF and the Furioso Librarian. The DC Landraider with HQ drives straight to the enemy lines (best firemagnet ever). The Scouts infiltrate on or near a objectiv.

First turn it is raining metal on the enemy. In most battles the first unit to drop are the ASM with 4x Melter and they are going for First Blood or some super heavy vehicle. The other 3 Pods are chosen with their abilities in mind.

If lucky, on second turn the enemy will see the next and last 3 Pods strike in his heart. The DC disembarks and start there bloody work.

3. Tell us what broad style of list it is.

Very Aggressive get to combat!

4. If you know, tell us how many games you've played, against what opponents and what your success rate is like.

In 6th I played at least 15 games with a similar list, Allies Clan Raukaan (CR 2x Hellfire Dreads were BA), against Space Wolves/DKoK with Baneblade(win), Space Wolves/Sororitas with Warhound(win), Astra Militarum Tank list/Space Wolves(win), Orks(win), Iyanden Wraith list/Eldar(win) and Necrons(2 lost, 1 win), Adeptus Sororitas(2 lost ,2 draw, 3 win)

In 7th I played the list shown above against CSM Khorne/Iyanden/Deathwing(win), Orks old Codex (win), Iyanden/Eldar Serpent Heavy(lost, got tabled) and coming thursday I will play against Orks new Codex and on friday Iyanden/Eldar with 3 Wraithknights (Im going to losebiggrin.png )

5. Tell us what your area's general meta is and why you've chosen the units and combinations you've chosen.

Why? I like Dreadnoughts msn-wink.gif

Meta: 7 friends in my home town with various factions(point 4), because I played only Dreadnought lists they startet in 5th to tailor there lists against my army so I started 2012 with Tau. Now they have to make lists that can win against the one or the other.

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I've come to enjoy this type of list for 6th ed:

+1 Meph

+1 Fragioso(M, Mag, Pod)

+1 Fragioso(M, Mag, Pod)

+10 ASM(x2 M, MBs)

+10 ASM(x2 M)

+8 DC(PF, IP, x4 Bolters, x4 BP/CCW, Pod)

+1 Baal(TLAssC, HB)

+1 Baal(TLAssC, HB)

+1 Raven(TLAssC, MM)


I probably wouldn't necessarily take it to a tournament because CC is so terribly stupid in 6th, but I still think it's a strong and fun list. Generally I put my baals on the table (teehee wub.png) along with Meph and a squad of ASM. I split the other ASM squad into a naked 5 man squad in the raven for late game objective grabbing and a x2 melta tank hunter squad, making use of DoA on turn 2. I usually drop the fragiosos on turn 1 to hunt for juicy targets, but I can swap for the DC squad if I need to deny a piece of land my opponent would love to move into. Meph, well... the beat train has no brakes and the other ASM squad supports his CC efforts.

I really like the plethora of S6 rending shots this type of list offers which can potentially damage almost any target fairly well. I'd say my personal style is fairly aggressive, but I have enough flexibility and fast moving units to allow myself options and fluid playstyles. Like most BA lists, it suffers from expensive units, silly mistakes on the table, and Murphy's Law.

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I also went codex powers for Mephy because Wings was just too good to pass with his amazing stat line.  I've read that biomancy Meph in a Raven is pretty good and had the pleasure of experiencing it once, but I still feel bitter losing Wings.  Having the flexibility of choosing codex powers and rulebook powers if need arises was nice.


I chose DC because my tacies are all old, boring models.  I'm slowly making a fresh batch of tacies, but now I don't know if they'll be useful now that more units can score.


I have absolutely no idea what 7th is like and unfortunately don't have a lot of time to get games in nowadays.  I may just stick to this list and pray for the best.

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1) The List


1250 Death Company List


The above link is the history of how my Death Company list has evolved following play testing. The following comments are based upon its effectiveness in the 6th edition as I have yet to use this list in the 7th.


2) How it Plays


I see it as a Razorspam/light mech list like I do my other lists (see signature), but it plays so very different from them. It has what you'd expect in such a list:


~ Distraction unit (Dreadnought in a Pod)

~ Fast moving transports/troops (Razorbacks)

~ Support (Attack Bikes)

~ Hammer (Astorath's unit - which was also screened by the Razorbacks)

~ Cover (Shield of Sanguinius)


However, you need to factor in a number of things. In the 6th, this list only had one scoring unit. So you had to play aggressively to get your Death Company where you wanted them and hide your single RAS. The Death Company Dreadnought had/has only AV12, so it had to be used cleverly. Astorath's retinue was (and still is) really expensive, so it needed to be protected and used well.


In short, the list is like many themed lists in that it is unforgiving, has a unique style and firmly makes you the underdog. This is why I love it; who wants easy mode?


I also have a draft for an article about playing with a Death Company army, one I hope to finish/post at some point...


3) Overall Style


Aggressive and assault based, but not as much as one might think as it's easy to over extend yourself (see below).


4) Reports


I have played four games with this list in various permutations. Sadly, I only have a 25 % win ratio due to underestimating how the list worked and rusty generalship.


Game one


Imperial Guard - This was my first ever game against them and I made a lot of mistakes. In short, I tried to ram my units down their throats by taking them head on, when what I should have done was a refused flank. I was also too aggressive with my DCD, resulting in it getting immobillised - something which always seems to happen when I use Blood Talons... Anyway, I conceded the game at the start of turn four as only Astorath was left.


Game two


Chaos Space Marines - Second game against CSM in the 6th edition and my third overall. For this game I dropped Lemartes, picking up two Attack Bikes (for some anti-tank) and shuffled the pack to put some DC in a Bolterback rather than a Rhino and it pretty much went to plan. I used the DCD well by deploying it into cover and backed it up with Astorath's DC. The fast moving units moved up the flank and picked off his troops. It was only a 2-1 win, but a win all the same!


Game three


Eldar - I have a lot of experience against Eldar and this general in particular, with many battles being tightly contested. However, this was a new Codex... Having not really felt the benefit of the Tactical Squad (I was going off them in all my lists at this point), I switched it out for a dual Heavy Bolter armed Land Speeder and a RAS in a Plaserback. Here, I used my DCD wrong by placing it on the wrong side of the board (it should have gone after the Guardians and the Pod could have given more cover for my tanks to advance), and I gave the Wraithguard too much respect. Here, I should have rammed my Razors at them but instead, they entire Eldar army bunkered up inside an Ironbark forest (3+ cover) and picked my off one by one.




Game four


Eldar - Same opponent, different list. Following the shooting casualties I suffered I realised what my list was missing: Shield of Sanguinius! So I dropped the Land Speeder and shuffled the pack to get a Librarian in to ride in the RAS Razorback. (Basically, I loved SoS and this particular opponent hated it.) To be honest, this went well enough but I still lost as the Eldar was able to react to my threat. The Attack Bikes I didn't play well enough (I honestly still can't use Bikes properly) and I was too hesitant with my DCD due to fearing the Wraithknight.


5) Meta


My gaming group consists of the following:


~ A "vanilla" Blood Angels force (I.e. it's very much a red Space Marine army with Dante and some Death Company)

~ About 5k of Eldar with all the toys but no spam

~ About 2k of Imperial Guard, mainly a hybrid of troops and tanks

~ About 5k of Orks with many combinations available

~ About 5k of CSM. This faction is getting really nasty now, a current list involves Be'lakor and Typhus

~ About 7k of Tyranids, again with virtually every combination

~ About 5k of Dark Angels, again with virtually every combination

~ About 3k of Space Marines, fairly standard list

~ About 5k of Dark Eldar, many different combinations here too


Since late fifth/the start of the sixth I have been using standing lists. There was a time when I would write a specific list for each battle but it got to the point that if someone wanted a battle there an then, I didn't have anything to hand. This way, I'm always ready and know when I'm doing. With these "standing lists" I'm trying not to be reactionary to each battle, but somethings you can only experience through battle and what appears good on paper is not always the case. Each list I write is on the army list subforum for critique to help me identify what is a good idea and what is not.


I'll need to revamp the list again for its first 7th edition game and, it's currently lacking decent psychic defense and anti air, which may well be problematic.

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