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Tank tread ideas

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We are all aware of the normal GW tank treads that come on their Imperial kits. I for one am bored with having those and have created a number of different ones e.g.




Imperial Eagle tracks for a Vindicator (made form lots of Imperial Eagle Icons from drop pod and Storm Talon kits from Bitz suppliers)




Wrapped the normal treads all the way around this Land Raider Ares.




I used Machinator's Oppressor tracks from Blood and Skull Industries on this Achilles.




Lots of skulls on this Assault Ram Land Raider.




Dark Angel icons on every other track.




Bones on my Khorne Skull Land Raider




FW Brass Imperial Eagles on this Thunderfire Land Raider.




Three new variations from GW parts to go on my next three conversions.


I have some other ideas I wish to explore e.g. Using epic scale Space Marines and chopping them in half and using them interspersed on the tracks or having a dead enemy impaled on one of the sharp treads from Machinator's.


What other ideas can you come up with that you would like to see?


Feel free to post any of your conversions here.


I'm looking forward to all of the potential ideas that others can come up with.


Regards, Brother Morgan.

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Excellent work!

Couldn't you save money by casting parts using Green Stuff rather than buying lots of Aquilas?


Great minds think alike! I buy all the parts to make a master copy of each of the different tank treads and I do then use a press mould and use milliput to make copies for my personal use.


Regards, Brother Morgan.

Here are some photos of my Leman Russ, made years ago (ca. 2006–’07) when I had the brilliant plan to make a Lost and Damned army (as per Codex: Eye of terror) that looked like WWII German troops.





It’s a Leman Russ onto which I grafted a shortened suspension of a 1/35th scale Italeri Panzer IV, with tracks for a Panzer III or IV from a Dragon kit of such a vehicle.

Everytime I see one of your conversions I am more and more tempted to inquire about a commission.

I wouldn't be able to charge what it costs in man hours to make my variants or the time to do so, so it is highly unlikely I'll offer commissions now or in the future.


Everything I do is easy to copy, you just need the bits, materials and lots of time and patience!!


Give it a try. I look forward to seeing other peoples conversions as this inspires me to copy and if I can, improve on their designs.


Regards, Brother Morgan.


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