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Need more opinions / advice on Chaos Lord on Bikes


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Need more opinions / advice regarding how to config a Chaos Lord (with 4++ Sigil) on a Bike with 5 other Bikers:


1. Nurge Biker (T6, 3+/4++), or Slaanesh Biker (T5, 3+/4++, FnP), or Tzeentch Biker (T5, 3++)?


2. Crimson Slaughter Daemonheart (2+, IWND) and standard Ranged and Melee weapon options (and if so, which?), or get regular Codex Black Mace or Burning Brand?


3. If I add the Lord to a squad of 5 other Bikers, how should I configure the Bike weapons (Twin Bolter, Plasma or Melta) of two of the other Bikes?


4. If I end up running the Chaos Lord Biker solo, how does that change things?


Since all the questions above are related, I'd appreciate opinions / advice that address all three in concert. Multiple options welcome. Thanks!




I'm thinking maybe either build:


i. A tanking Slaanesh Biker with Daemonheart, and let the other Bikers do the shooting, or;


ii. A combat Slaanesh Biker with Black Mace or Burning Brand, and let the other Bikers be ablative, or;


iii. If solo, build a Tzeentch Biker with Daemonheart, using Disc of Tzeentch (Jet Bike), with Lightning Claw and Power Fist


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Independent of the rest of your army, my general recommendation would be nurgle biker with the standard krannon kit (sigil, daemonheart, horns, blade of the relentless). Tough, killy, and as long as you get at least one round to power up by picking on enemy grunts, he's an absolute beast in challenges - immune to instant death by high strength, 2+/4++, T6, and swinging with a +strength AP2 weapon at init. CSM independent characters just don't come better than that.


But that makes a lot of assumptions - running crimson slaughter, running nurgle, etc.


Personally, I shy away from bike lords of other alignments. Even if you're using bikes as the retinue, I still think you're better off taking a steed.


So that leaves undivided. Which is arguably the wrong choice, but I can see making it for thematic reasons (heck, I make that choice myself often). For an undivided bike lord, krannon's set is still the best. Otherwise black mace, shivering sword, or ye olde power fist plus lightning claw are all options. Skull of Kernegar(sp?) is worth considering on a black legion lord... but after the nerf to smash I'm not sure how necessary it is if you're riding a bike for T5 already.



For the bikes, I'd run a pair of meltaguns, and consider combi meltas on the champ, and on the character as well, if your group allows you to trade out the bikes combi bolter. slag a transport with four melta shots, then charge the unit that falls out.



Alternatively, you could take a couple plasma, and a brand on the lord, and scoot around the outskirts of your firing range taking pot shots at enemy infantry. I prefer bikes up close, though, and the brand probably isn't worth it if you plan to be assaulting.

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