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Crimson Batrep: Red vs Blue 1850


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I thought I'd throw up a very brief Batrep based on a game I had yesterday.

At 1850 Points I threw this list together:


(thanks for input on the list in short time.)

My opponent is someone I hadn't played in a longtime. He's a good player and never plays netlists, and is typically trying his own thing. Today he brought out an Ultramarine list where he tried to use as much 2+ armour saves as possible. Where my list was... fairly 'elite' in nature, his was probably just as much. Going from memory he had:

Ultramarines: 1850:

Chapter Master: Fists, lots of wargear, including Termie armour

5 Termies Cyclone

5 Termies Cyclone with Librarian w/2 charges taking Telepathy (he did not get Invis though.) (this unit was deep striking.)

10 Tacticals, Melta/Missile, Rhino

10 Tacticals, Las/plas.

Landraider with Sgt. Kronus

2 x Tech Priests with Thunderfire cannons (man I hate these - he always takes them as long as I can remember!)

Honour Guard (more 2+ armour!) Relic Blade, Fist? I think an Axe might have been in here too.

++++++++The Game Setup:++++++++

NOTE: I apologize for all the proxying on my part. Some of you may know I sold off a lot of my Chaos including my ancient Iron Warriors depleting my stock. I put together some stuff as fast as I could, and some of the stuff you'll see belongs to a bunch of chapters since I haven't committed to a chaos chapter yet! Maybe it wasn't worth taking pics, but for your amusement.... here we go...

Scenario: We always pretty much just play Maelstrom now. I love the strategic angle of it and I think it helps codexes with flexibility. We all seem to really enjoy it.

We got the scenario where you get 6 tactical objectives in turn one, and you go down by 1 card per turn until turn 5 you only have 2 cards in play at the most.

We got the corner deployments, I rolled to go first, I took it and set up.

The Early Game: (I'll be brief in explanations to keep things somewhat short)

I feel like playing aggressive. We draw our cards, I see some opportunity and as I usually do I went for an aggressive forward movement. We had spaced the objectives equally but there was no doubt the mid field would be key.


My early move takes me near mid field:

-Kranon and Possessed have Shroud (conferred to Landraider) in front.

- Right Rhino has 5 Possessed with 3+ invuln and rending this turn.

- Left Rhino has the Chosen and Sorc with Divination. I use the ability to swap out objective cards/re-roll reserves in hopes that I get the Baledrake out fast.

- Note 2 lonely Maulerfiends looking for friends in the Ruins. They advance to that point, and my opponent can't draw LOS to them at this point.

- Unseen: I have my Helbrute rushing towards an Eastern objective, and deep in my zone is also the Cultists sitting in ruins on an objective.

My Opponent's early turns:

- Ultra's retreat a bit? My opponent confesses he hasn't played a lot of Maelstrom and one of his objectives was a big one, if he had 3 units in his table edge he got D3 points. He moves 2 units back, and the third, a rhino, immoblizes as it tries to retreat. D'oh. (He would have to wait a turn to grab his D3 points.

- Ultra's fire a fair amount, where I have zero firing. His Landraider is having a Mexican Stand off with my Landraider. We can't see nor shoot each other. He elects to shoot my Possessed Rhino, I get a 5+ hull down and made it. My Landraider takes many shots, the Shroud kicks in and I save the Pen hit, but a glance goes through.

- I get a few points, and he realizes (actually says) he's getting out maneuvered. But like I said, he's new to Maelstrom.

Crimson Turn 2:

It's early but I decide I really want to see what MoK possessed and MoN Kranon can do! I decide to do an all or nothing maneuver. The Landraider moves 6", everyone gets out. The Possessed Rhino (with beasts) moves out of rhino, grabs mid field objective. I decide to expose both Maulerfiends at once... they lumber out of the Ruins and move 12" out towards the enemy. I'm hoping for a long shot assault.


+++Everybody out of the car+++ Kranon and MoK Possessed make a run for it. Kranon wants to wet the Relentless blade on some Throne suckers.

- With the Re-roll, I get the Heldrake out of reserves. (out of view left side). It comes up about 18" and hits all of the Honour Guard in a ruin (hiding like cowards with the dual Thunderfire Cannons!) It is only now that I realize they are 2+ saves, and I just spent my best shot.

(side note: I measured 12" from the head, laid the template down and didn't have trouble getting 6 dudes under the template.)

- Key moment: Kranon makes the charge.... everyone has furious charge and rage, so this should be a good time for Kranon to get some kills....


+++Kranon's squad is merciless+++ Kranon beheads 2 marines (getting +1 strength). The rest of the squad kills all but 2 marines. Thankfully they are caught as they try to run like the cowards they are, and stay to play a bit longer, saving me from all the firepower around me. (Kranon gets Iron Will (+1 deny the witch))

+++++MId Game: Key Moments++++

Ultra Turn:

- My opponent was explained how the Relentless Blade works, I reminded him I was 1 kill away from going to AP2 (against a list of 2+ saves!). He knew he had to do something... he rushed in a termie squad seen above. I had so much trouble killing anything.. His Chapter Master issued a challenge.

- Kranon gets his attacks but with a 2+ save the Chapter Master is laughing his blue pants off. I can't be instakilled with MoN, but I take 4 wounds, and roll 3 ones, and a 2!! Kranon is pounded to pulp, the Ultras breath a sigh of relief.

- Several Thunderfire shots blow the crud out of my Cultists. At this point they are barely holding on.

- Both Maulerfiends are seen as a threat. The Ultra's unleash everything on them.... One is pen'd with a Melta and blows sky high. The other is spared, and one Daemon save keeps it humming.

- About turn 3 My opponent's squad of Termies drop in with Librarian. They deviate deep in my zone, and try to kill the Possessed Rhino and fail.


+++ A night out on the town +++ for the Maulerfiend (black one) goes badly. He blows big time. The grey Maulerfiend lumbers towards Ultra Chapter Master. In my turn the baledrake would Hover, and Flame 6 of the Tacticals in front of him (above) that just killed the Maulerfiend.

Crimson Turn:

- Hovering Baledrake gets revenge on 6 of the Tacticals that killed the Maulerfiend.

- My Sorcerer (who took a wound) Passes Prescience and the Possessed get out of their Rhino and pump 3 melta shots (re-rolling) into the Librarian Termie group. The Landraider kills two more. The Chosen decide to assault, killing the last Ultra hope of securing my deep field.


+++ Maulerfiend to the rescue?+++ Possessed (both squads) are widdled down. The Maulerfiend is missed by the Termie squad, and in return the Mauler saves the day, killing 3 honour guard, the Chapter Master (insta-kill) and 3 Termies over the last turns of the game.


+++Operation Hug the Rhino+++ The Chosen and Sorc finish killing terminators but now they run up to remaining Tacticals and wipe them in assault. This allows me an important objective deep in Smurf Land. Unfortunately this puts the squad in direct line with his Landraider. Consolidation after victory allows the Chosen to stay hidden behind the Rhino (which would get blown sky high next turn.)

+++End Game+++

- At turn 5 I realize the game could end. I run the few remaining cultists out for an objective.

- I have no more Possessed, and Kranon is a fuzzy memory of what could have been, but at least we exchanged Slay the Warlord.

- The Sorc and Chosen are still in fine form, right in front of the ruin that hides the cowardly Tech Priests.

- Ultra Termies are all dead. The Honour Guard are dead. All tacticals are dead. Lots of stuff is dead.

- My Helbrute safely did nothing but sit on an objective (at one point I thought the landraider was going to pop him so with one hullpoint left, I parked a rhino in front of the Helbrute for a 50% hulldown, just in case.

- The Baledrake stayed hovered, ended up Vector Striking a Termie dead, then sat on another objective.

- My opponent conceded. He knew I had a substantial lead on him and he had only the LR, and Tech priests left. We tallied the final: Crimson Slaughter 12 pts, Ultramarines 7 points.


+++ Cultists Save the day? +++ Not really, but I'll let them think that.

I hope you enjoyed the batrep. I have to run but would like to add some comments to my experience with this list.... If you made it this far, thanks for reading!

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you can't put a mon lord in to a mok unit of possessed.


also this

My Sorcerer (who took a wound) Passes Prescience and the Possessed get out of their Rhino and pump 3 melta shots (re-rolling) into the Librarian Termie group.


I think you ment chosen

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Apart from the proxy ( sick.gif ) biggrin.png Nice battle report Prot. How did you find your Crimson Slaughter army & anything that you would change beside MoN HQ with a MoK unit.
Like wise I hope you keep up the battle report as I rememeber a while back you done this with the Iron Warriors before going to Black legion just last year?

Seen the Fiend has made me want to use them a bit more in my own games, also I did enjoy useing the Mauler Fiend in my 7000pt game last month.


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Just one question: How are you running MoN in an MoK unit.

- Simple answer to that... illegally! ;) Good thing it never came into play. I've never actually tried that before and totally forgot about the rule entirely. (in the list building I kept taking, and dropping marks over and over to see where I wanted MoK to go.) It may stay where it was, or go to Chosen next game... not sure.

I think you ment chosen

- Yes.

Apart from the proxy ( sick.gif ) biggrin.png Nice battle report Prot. How did you find your Crimson Slaughter army & anything that you would change beside MoN HQ with a MoK unit.

Like wise I hope you keep up the battle report as I rememeber a while back you done this with the Iron Warriors before going to Black legion just last year?

Seen the Fiend has made me want to use them a bit more in my own games, also I did enjoy useing the Mauler Fiend in my 7000pt game last month.


- haha! You liked the proxies? Yea, I know, it was ugly. And for some reason my phone makes everything that's red look slightly... pink. Maybe a sign from Slaanesh?

Honestly I don't like proxying but I'm afraid to commit to a style of Chaos, only to regret it. Aside from Deathguard, and Iron Warriors, I've had trouble committing (as I'm sure you are painfully aware!)

- Lots could change. Divination/Prescience has so many uses... if you split up with a home base and an aggressive component, the 'homebase' could be re-rolling behind an Aegis (or on a Bastion as I do with my Dark Angels a lot). If you can keep Forgefiends alive, twin linking them -could- be fun (I haven't tried it). But so far my Crimson Slaughter lists are very aggressive in Maelstrom.

-Since I'm feeling out units, I don't expect any list to be totally what I want, so I can tolerate some fail units while I figure out what works. I took out units I almost always use: No Oblits, no Termicide, MoN Bikers. It felt good to free myself of units that just seem auto include in all my old (6th ed) lists. So while I know how those units work, and what to expect from them, I kind of enjoyed not using them.

- What to add?

+ First off, man I know it's been said before, but how beautiful would it be if Maulerfiends weren't heavies? In an aggressive list, I can't see using less than 2. Two is good, as long as I think you can spam some armour in there (super scoring rhino's, cheap helbrutes). I used to take them in 6th with Tendrils, but found the 2 x Magmacutters were Magnanficient! (Bad pun I know.) Question though. It says if I make a hit, then I get a Magma hit form them. Because it states he comes with 2 Magma cutters, does it mean I get two? (I was just taking one Magma hit per round.) Anyway, I wish I could take 3 but the Landraider is pretty key.

+ Possessed. I'm mixed about this. The Crimson Slaughter table is super fun. Unpredictable? Yes, but mark or leave them unmarked and they are pretty flexible and potentially survivable. But at their current expense, I am not sure if two squads is too many. 5 in a Rhino is two super scoring units though, and I know my opponent struggled with that (he wanted to park his Landraider to contest, but my Rhino trumped him.)

+ Chosen. I paid for Draznicht, and didn't need him with the Balestar Sorc (Prescience). Wow, that squad was fun. I can see why Black Legion would have a blast with these. Mine weren't super scoring, but if they were, it would have been even better. I have to think about this unit. Three Melta's, and a Power Axe seemed perfect though (no mark). Again super fun unit. Almost worth the price of Black Legion alone if you can support them properly.

+ Helbrute. I think it's better now. Yea it's still somewhat useless, but as a scoring unit in Maelstrom, I don't feel that pressure to stagger it out towards my opponent only to get obliterated. Now as a scoring unit I can force my opponent to come dig it out. (I kept it at least partially hidden most of the game at 105 pts it held ground nicely.)

++++ Helbrute Data Slate: I can see using this in Maelstrom nicely. My Cultists were shaky getting pounded by the cowardly Ultra Barrages... I was pinned once, almost broke twice. The champion was barrage sniped so I was rolling VERY lucky for them (they never got a cover save from the Thunderfire).

So what I'm thinking is the Helcult version? Take a cheap Helbrute (I might be keeping one fist arm though in case anyone tries to disrupt the plan:), give him an Autocannon, and two squads of Cultsists behind an Aegis. Since you deploy Fortifications after objectives, you could in theory make a defense line around the objective, have the Helbrute firing away at medium armour. Have the Cultists hold objective(s), while firing the Quad gun.) And even if the Helbrute dies, your cultists aren't going anywhere. (this could be a very Iron Warrior-ish design as well!)

This could be the best way of using two mediocre units aside from Plague Zombies? I dunno, just a thought on Helcult.

-Or- what I'm thinking is: The Mayhem version? Take 3 mid shooty Helbrutes. Dump the cultists and Aegis idea, and this unit replaces it entirely as a VERY aggressive unit to support an aggressive list. It doesn't have to be deep in your opponent's zone to grab 2- 3 objectives (As far as I can read it, they get to deep strike together, however they are 3 different units after they land). The Deep strike is key (no pod required!) and IWND is just a bonus. (One super shooty? Two shooty/hth capable?) Again just tossing ideas out.

- Sidenote: I never remembered that walkers have Hammer of Wrath once in that game. D'oh

- Baledrake. No it isn't the magnificent, fire farting, dragon of 6th, but I don't see why you can't get one perfect shot in on something dug in deep in your opponent's zone. It does help me because I suffer low model count and just don't have the ability to snipe really annoying units sitting in the background. Even if I only get one great shot off, hover + jink, back into position, if you live, you may get a second great shot off.... or even just become scoring? At 170 it's not mandatory though but if I replace it with anything, it has to have the same role or I'll get skinned by Dev/Loota type units.

- Kranon: is very fun with all his gear I had him up to about 185 pts I think. Honestly, if he gets 3 kills, he's going to have some great out put. I think MoN is important for him though because of the challenge stuff, and everyone wants to insta-gib this guy. Still when this guy gets into close combat your eyes start lighting up like a kid hopped up on sugar at a Chucky Cheese birthday party. You start licking your lips as he starts punching the life out of stuff.... Fun, but not mandatory.

- Spawn: Yea I know they're good... one day I'll break down and buy some of these flea bags.;)

- Raptors/Warp Talons : Loathed and hardly used? Yup. But in 5 man death squads, of flamers/meltas and/or plasma I think Raptors are really fun following a landraider, or Warp Talons backing up Possessed could be really fun. I'd love to try it, even though it competes with a popular force org slot from the codex.

Crimson Slaughter overall is like Chaos plus toys to me. I love Divination, and Kranon. The fact that charcters are made from Artefacts instead of units is great. That means you can do Kranon on bike, or with a jump pack.... lots of flexibility.

Still I am considering the other Legions. As stupid as it sounds Aesthetics come into play for me. I can't paint an army I can't stand the color of. Slaughter look cool, so do WE, and NL. Black Legion not as much but it could grow on me.

It was a really fun list to try out... and experiment with. Thanks for reading the Batrep. And yea I used to do a ton of them with IW, but I have done a lot with Dark Angels too, but I think I'm done with those. ;)

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Nice battle report Prot.



Still I am considering the other Legions. As stupid as it sounds Aesthetics come into play for me. I can't paint an army I can't stand the color of. Slaughter look cool, so do WE, and NL. Black Legion not as much but it could grow on me.


You don't neccesarily have to paint your Marines in the Crimson Slaughter colors to use their rules. I've seen people use them to represent their Night Lords or Word Bearers for example. I did the same initially to play my old Word Beares but then I decided on making up my own warband. Still I will continue to use their supplement rules.

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Nice battle report Prot.



Still I am considering the other Legions. As stupid as it sounds Aesthetics come into play for me. I can't paint an army I can't stand the color of. Slaughter look cool, so do WE, and NL. Black Legion not as much but it could grow on me.


You don't neccesarily have to paint your Marines in the Crimson Slaughter colors to use their rules. I've seen people use them to represent their Night Lords or Word Bearers for example. I did the same initially to play my old Word Beares but then I decided on making up my own warband. Still I will continue to use their supplement rules.



Absolutely; I use the CS supplement as the core for my Severed Angels, as the opportunities it provides (particularly with regards to Possessed HQs through the Prophet of the Voices) suit my warband's background. I also have an allied detachment of Slaaneshi Black Legion on loan from Abba-dabba-doo-da-don who use the Black Legion supplement.

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Did you forget to role on the Helbrute's table to see if he goes bonkers?


Edit: Nice bat rep & congrats on the victory!



He never took a hit! (he may be crazy but not that crazy)


Thanks for the compliment. It was a really fun game.



Nice battle report Prot.



Still I am considering the other Legions. As stupid as it sounds Aesthetics come into play for me. I can't paint an army I can't stand the color of. Slaughter look cool, so do WE, and NL. Black Legion not as much but it could grow on me.


You don't neccesarily have to paint your Marines in the Crimson Slaughter colors to use their rules. I've seen people use them to represent their Night Lords or Word Bearers for example. I did the same initially to play my old Word Beares but then I decided on making up my own warband. Still I will continue to use their supplement rules.



Absolutely; I use the CS supplement as the core for my Severed Angels, as the opportunities it provides (particularly with regards to Possessed HQs through the Prophet of the Voices) suit my warband's background. I also have an allied detachment of Slaaneshi Black Legion on loan from Abba-dabba-doo-da-don who use the Black Legion supplement.



- Yea I'm still considering this. I honestly like the Crimson Slaughter background, and color scheme. (I've been reading up on them again.) The more Night Lords stuff I read, the less inclined I am to go that way.


- Black Legion still sounds fun, but I agree, you can paint them whatever you want. I guess that's the decision I'm trying to make.


- I just made a shopping list of what I need to re-buy to do up this list properly. Yeeesh. 

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Great batrep, I demand more!


On a side note, for a quick and ready army without much of a fuss spray everything with Leadbelcher and then use the Glaze color (indifferent which) to give them a hue. They will look nice and metallic, with a bit of colour on them. Then simply name them as you wish. For the flesh parts simply use one of the base colours...



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Thank you very much for the suggestion Tenebris but honestly I couldn't do that. I am a slow painter, but I couldn't reduce my hobby enjoyment to washing an army. I really do enjoy painting. It's a great idea though, and a great example that works for a LOT of people. 


If I were to spray metallics... I would probably make them Iron Warriors and use whatever codex I want. However, even though I still am leaning Crimson Slaughter. I mentioned going back to the Iron Warriors and I heard quite a few moans from some people. 


- "You'll paint one squad- I guarantee you'll get super bored of them"


- "Don't be so boring"


- "Haven't you had enough of those guys?"


Those are some of the things I heard... haha. Which is fine. I do like the rich reds, but the cool thing about something like... Black Legion for instance, is the colour is a little simpler but still striking, and you can make it look nice without working the heck out of the base colour. 

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