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throwing grenades


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just looking for some clarifications


plague marines have blight grenades, which count as defensive and assault grenades

they no longer grant stealth

defensive grenades, if i get charged the opponent doesn't get +1 attack bonus


however, i noticed that they can be thrown in the shooting phase by one model

so if within 8" is much better than popping off a bolt pistol

with the profile 8" s1 ap-, assault 1, blast, blind


so scatter 2d6 less the model's BS, but do you roll to wound? as it gives a strength value of 1, but the USR for blind states that any unit HIT must take an initiative test or be reduced to WS1 and BS1 until the end of their next turn



also, a krak grenade can be thrown 

8" s6 ap4 assault 1

as it's a shooting attack, do you just use the model's BS and roll to hit, wound as normal?

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In regards to the krak grenade question yes you just roll to hit with it - its an implosive grenade that will hit a specific area or spot, as opposed to an explosive grenade like frags that have a burst area. Hope that makes sense, this was my take on it anyway. As for nurgle blight grenades i'm not too sure but i think their rules of blind etc will override all others. Will check my dex and rulebook when i get in.
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Yes, you still roll to wound with defensive grenades as they can still cause wounds - however unlikely. The Blind special rule will still trigger, even if you fail to wound.


Yes, you still roll to hit with Krak grenades as for a normal shooting attack.


The easiest way to approach thrown grenades is to think of them as like any other weapon. The only difference is that only one model in the unt can throw one per turn, and the range is very short. They still roll to hit and to wound like any other weapon with the same Type.

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  • 3 months later...


Brb. Defensive grenades or assault grenades. Pick when you throw

Ok but why in their profile it's not stated.

The have the defensive grenades profile like BRB but without blind


Codex overrides Rulebook


Except where codex is old outdated profile.



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Brb. Defensive grenades or assault grenades. Pick when you throw

Ok but why in their profile it's not stated.

The have the defensive grenades profile like BRB but without blind


Codex overrides Rulebook


Except where codex is old outdated profile.





But entry has not been FAQed...

I think they simply forgot to do that

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ok, quote for me the rules in the codex fir throwing grenades, because the only rules that allow you to do that are in the BRB and include the BRB profile.


The game does not work if you take the rules to the literal extreme you are suggesting

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I didn't know Plague Marines had Blight Grenades, that's pretty sweet.


I also have a question about grenades. If you have a 2 HQs with Blight Grenades, could you throw their grenades and one from the unit (krak or frag), or is it only ever 1 from a unit (since they're joined to the unit)?

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Man so I actually looked and I'll put it this way.


THE RULES don't have a specified profile for blight grenades, they are both defensive and assault (see BRB)


The quick reference list however does have a thrown profile, but quick refernce sheets aren't the rules and are notoriously wrong



So use the profiles in the BRB people

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